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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Scaramouche

  1. I forgot about preordering this, was a nice little present from my past self to receive the shipping confirmation this afternoon, should be tomorrow. Well done past me, I think future self will be enjoying this tomorrow. Fingers crossed for your confirmation.
  2. Awesome skater. I used to hunt down any parts or vids of him. I still give Gleaming the Cube a pass for the warehouse skate scene, with Mullen wearing a wig to look like Christian Skater. Will be a sad day when he skates no more.
  3. Nice post, will add these to my watch list. This thread is dangerous. It's been years since I stopped skating, though I did get a new freestyle board back in 2018. Every thread bump makes me think about getting out again. I do miss skating. Old fave, soundtrack is pretty wicked too.
  4. Had my first jab today. Impressed with the efficiency and general vibe. 4G is shit in my area, so happy to be on 5G now.
  5. The "reviews" have been pretty wank since they started, though the some of the shit that makes it to the site these days is sublime in its wankery. Good label though.
  6. I had this 180 with elseq last year. Time and place wasn't right for me when it first came out, it never received much play, then boom.
  7. Finally arrived. This will be taking up a lot of playtime over a lot of other recent purchases. Awesome collection of tracks.
  8. I deleted facebook 10 years ago. I was never a big user anyway, all felt rather vulgar. I did sign up to Insta recently to follow some bands/small companies. I wouldn't have been able to snag some contact mics from LOM if I'd relied on their newsletter. Don't use it to post, or engage with friends. LinkedIn is probably the closest I get, but I only use that as a contact book for work, never post anything. I do use Slack to keep up to date with friends, arrange meet ups or video calls while in lockdown. A curated space, rather than using a social media site. Keep numbers small, and only to close friends. It certainly helped some mates that struggled while in lockdown.
  9. Cacocallia (kak o KAL ee uh) The state of being ugly but sexy. Will be bring this one back, Lobcock (LOB cock) A stupid clumsy person
  10. Album dropped today. Just downloaded and will be taking a listen, been looking forward to this.
  11. Only one thing can protect you 100% of the time from a charge
  12. There's some great music in this thread, but gotta say Camille is amazing. And Le Fil is a great album. I didn't know there was a bonus tracks/reissue. She's awesome live too.
  13. Ordered from Boomkat, so digitals made available today. Was hoping vinyl would arrive today, looks like tomorrow ?
  14. Only on track 4 at the moment (Don't Know How) and I'm really enjoying it, this track in particular. If the album continues to be this good, I can see this being one of his best for me.
  15. There's a Xerrox Vol. 4 streaming event on the 17th and 25th of this Month. Info/tickets in the description of the video.
  16. The UK has lost one of its best "gaffers" We only have Boris representing us now on the world stage. https://www.irishexaminer.com/world/arid-40262198.html
  17. Picked this up yesterday after checking the thread. Really enjoyed my first listen, will spend more time with it. Nice flow too, and I loved the inspirals and r-process section.
  18. Late 1996. A friend told me he'd picked up this wicked album, and he said I'd love it. Was transfixed as soon as Dael came on. I picked up Incunabula and Amber shortly after, and slowly got the EPs I could find. I bought my first copy of the Wire with the interview around the Chiastic Slide release, and thus began 23 years of constantly begin on the alert for news of new releases.
  19. WTAF. And despite the continued unsavory press around conditions, and this battle in Alabama, their share price climbs and climbs. I wonder if Bezos had a shit in a bag when he was working out in the shed.
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