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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Brisbot

  1. OMG GUYS Elon Musk accidentally created an AI that's going to kill us all! IDK, like I said I think it's a big question mark and could go a million different ways. Yeah, I know about the paperclip maximizer thing. To me there are so many inherent problems with us primates trying to control AI that I honestly think it's unwise/unethical to let it get to the point of consciousness - however that would emerge. Once the AI is created, then it will be with us humans for good. So the first 1000 years can be great only for the next 1000 to turn to shit. I do agree that at first it might not have a consciousness, but eventually surely if humans still control the AI there will be AI WITH a programmed in ego or ego analog. There will probably many many different AI's with different strengths and weaknesses. If AI does end up killing us, it will probably be in a way we never imagined.
  2. Wake me if something actually happens to him.
  3. His dad had full blown dementia about 5 years before the age Donald is at right now. I've seen a few psychologists who were interviewed about this online say he's showing clear signs of pre-dementia, NOT dementia. However pre-dementia can also be confused with long term drug use according to one of the doctors. Thing is his behavior is very inconsistent so it's hard to really verify fully what is going on with him. Though dementia and I'm sure pre-dementia is known for its inconsistency day to day. Oh and, it's possible to have pre-dementia and never develop full blown dementia. There's also the fact that the habits you are talking about contribute to dementia. Elderly who have bad lifestyle habits are far more likely to develop it, since dementia is in your brain decades before the symptoms show, and the bad habits will just speed up the process. Oh yeah and this is just anecdotal on my part, but my aunt who works with dementia and alzheimers patients and who is a trump supporter brought up about half a year ago during thanksgiving that she thinks he has some neurological disorder, and that some of the things he has said over the past year or two point to it and reminds her of her patients. She said there has to be something going on, if it isn't dementia, then maybe it's severe depression, or something that can slow down cognition, because he isn't the same as he was during his campaign. For example, he repeats himself much more than he did just a few years ago. He will say the same thing 5 times during a rally. He did not do this nearly as often during 2015/2016. He has more trouble completing thoughts than he used to and if he loses track of what he's talking about he'll choose some very odd words to complete a thought. etc. etc. She pays much more attention to him than I do since I'm just a fan of his gaffes.
  4. Well of course. Lol. It would be a really strange movie if they shot it as if it were a video game, with the main characters constantly stopping the plot to do side quests or grind for higher levels. Actually I'd probably still watch that if only for the novelty.
  5. I hope they quit having death star type "small moons" in these movies. I'd rather just watch lightsaber battles. Oh, and in KOTOR 1 there is a darth vader type character and a chewbacca type character so no issue on that front.
  6. I just want a Knights of the Old Republic trilogy. Exploring that part of the SW universe alone could be for the best Star Wars movies since the original trilogy.
  7. If anything it's worth it to play the ps3 version first, then get the remake a few years down the road when you go to play it again. It works in the game due to the 'feeling' of the colossus and game in general. It's hard to explain.
  8. Oh no it has high replay value. But it's not the the type you usually go thru twice in a short time period, unless you're playing a higher difficulty. It's a game you pull out every 2-5 years and play through it. It is as the other peeps say, definitely a must play. I honestly suggest you go buy it like right now. If you have a PS3, you can get the original version but better looking than the ps2 version. And somewhat recently the whole game was remade from scratch to update it more for ps4, and plays like the original, with better controlling and graphics. Though imho there's a charm to the original due to the hazy graphics. The ps3 version would be cheaper as well. You should look up both versions. It isn't a long game so you have no excuse. ?
  9. I'm impressed by these wall to wall posts. Every time I go to read them I just can't make it through the whole thing. I blame social media and youtube videos for lowering my attention span. I read Don Quixote in middle school which has around 850 pages, and I can't read thru some of these posts.
  10. I guess another way to ask it is asking what game you'd bring with you to a desert island. Assuming you could play it. Though I suppose that's a slightly different question as you'd probably want to bring some crazy huge RPG. Oh yeah Strider is great. Way before my time but thankfully I have an uncle to showed me all those goodies. If only I could erase the experience of playing the game to play it again.
  11. Lol I read it as 40 pages. No clue why.
  12. To everyone - if you had to recommend a single game that you think every gamer must play, what is it?
  13. Definitely one of the best tracks in a video game ever. Pure inspiration. The Tristram theme in Diablo 3 felt like a cheap knockoff from what I remember. Trying to hard to emulate and not quite getting there. nostalgia... for the first few seconds anyway, until it's ruined in it's entirety.... this just ruined my childhood. My life doesn't matter anymore, thx Bitroast.
  14. There has to be a list somewhere where some guy has been compiling every stupid thing Donald has said since he started his presidential campaign. I wanna relive the classics. gotta rake the floors of the forest.
  15. Speaking of hollywood, you can (almost) always count on Quentin Tarantino to do the original idea thing, or at least an original synthesis of old ideas. His new movie looks great. And yeah I'm not counting on it. Even if I wanna blame hollywood, remakes rake in a ton of cash naturally and Hollywood is just following that trend.
  16. So where should I start if I want to get into this debate? which season... er page.
  17. I kinda want to hear their idea of what more straightforward music is to them. Like an EP of just "normal" music.
  18. So I just played the 1958 version of pong Well yesterday anyway.
  19. Woah this debate. So which of you are INTJ or INTP? Got goDel pegged as an INTP. Well it's my guess anyway. And no, I don't have a point. Took the test a few hours ago and it's just on my mind.
  20. I'm in that same boat. I liked split and have mental note to watch glass at some point, regardless of knowing it's probably going to be the worst in the 'trilogy'. I'll probably ask myself why I watched it after I eventually do as well.
  21. yeah I saw that yesterday and not knowing who Bill Hader really looks my brain took a bit to realize it was a deepfake (didn't read the whole title I guess) don't ask me why I clicked on it if I didn't know who bill hader was. He just looks like Arnold. lol
  22. Lol, well that is probably the only response I'd ever expect from one of their spokespeople. True or false that is what Allan Jeffers was always destined to say and probably the best possible response from them regarding this. I just have trouble trusting the research of a huge company who have nothing to gain from climate change being a legit issue. From googling it they denied it for a long time too, though it seems they changed their tune. But I still don't care for their opinion when they have everything to lose. I'd rather defer to third parties. Generally scientists not associated with oil corps are more impartial. There for sure are reasons for them to be biased toward climate change being a thing, but 97% is a huge bias. '
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