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  1. My theory is it’s all made with uhe Zebra
  2. Two years later this record hit the spot for me this morning in a way it hasn’t before. Cool stuff. Anyone been able to figure out what the speakers on the cover are? I’m curious.
  3. Digging the tracks. Excited to hear the legit digitals. The leak is *brutally harsh*. Listening now with soothe and tdr arbiter on. It’s also straight up mono. Im reminded of Lambeth i think? Available for years as a low res netradio rip then finally released legitimately. And the official release sounded exactly as bad as the radio rip bootleg.
  4. inneresting. I really aPpreciate the music on these radio Mshows
  5. very cool. digging it on lightly rainy dog walk. the processing and placement of the vocals giving a novel buzz on headphones. bon iver vibe tbh
  6. Great record but not really new or upcoming as it came out summer of ‘22 if i recall. Glad to hear from a fellow Pathway appreciator. It truly is the greatest achievement in vaporwave. Pathway surpasses other pillars of the genre and plays on a wider more expansive field somehow as a plain ol *great record* I really rate it. Diva’s Paradise is a worthy follow up to the perfection of Pathway. My enjoyment of it has grown and expanded over the past year. It’s a darker atmosphere than Pathway. My preschool aged son likes to listen to it with me while he doesn’t respond to Pathway much at all. A year later and I feel even more fondly that upon intial release, a good sign of good work. One complaint: THE EXTREME SHARP HIGH END. Diva’s Paradise lights up my tinnitus like wildfire. I have to be choosy about where and when and at what volume I listen to it. Heaphones, out of the question. I keep intending to make a custom rolled off personal remaster so I can jam it more and more casually. It lights my ears up like few other things do. Wackies tracks, Mark Fell’s work. The tambourine in Simon and Garfunkel singles. Still, a great record!!
  7. the NTS mix is very cool. better than the record
  8. Mostly I see “that bit at 26 minutes in Helsinki” etc. those would be legitimate made up names
  9. Really glad bits from the live sets are not referred to by made up fake names around here.
  10. great, excited to hear it. https://wetransfer.com works well and can handle up to 2gb for free so a flac or wav can fit as well.
  11. monoppus

    Melbourne 23

    The monitor placement fits a little too neatly into the overall visual presentation style to be purely about sound imo. I think the fact that it blocks view is also part of it. A convenient bonus perhaps, but big speakers directly in front of the performers who play in the dark without any visual andornment adds an extra layer of humor to me.
  12. monoppus

    AE_Live 2022

    Nice to see them all together in sequence. All of that art is cool and each one fits the music well. Good work.
  13. here you go, checksum created today with xACT for the wavs I downloaded from the AE_STORE in 2019 md5sum.md5
  14. monoppus

    AE_Live 2022

    The idea of the ‘22 set being more accessible than the previous two AE_LIVE sets is quite humorous to me. Huge chunks of ‘22, heck most of it, sound like three or more songs being played at the same time. It’s taken me *a lot* of listens to Helsinki to start to form solid shapes in my mind with this slab of tunes. None of the circulating tapes helped, it seemed like un-bootlegable music. The previous two live sets were virtually instantaneous comprehension on some level comparatively. For me. Of course everyone hears and experiences things differently. That said I am immensely enjoying these. All the work I put into Helsinki has paid off and everything is blooming with the added context of the other dates.
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