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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. won't be surprised if he sues them for using his name or demands a percentage.
  2. it was a crazy ending.. how they got married...
  3. wow. what a career. from das boot to never ending story. to mega block busters. wild.
  4. they're doing vinyl releases of the audio from the ama streams and apparently a graphic novel
  5. jfc. listened to exai a couple times the other day. how is this almost 10 yrs old? wtf. it's so damn good in so many ways. solid all throughout then the last few tracks just another level good. exai is like when i'm making a playlist of a bunch of stuff and i add one Ae track then next thing i know there's 11 more ae tracks in the playlist and i find myself just listening to a bunch of ae instead of the new playlist. exai, like many of their albums, is "i bet ya can't listen to just one" track from the album.
  6. one of the Ae interviews from exai era i think, Rob says something about how "it's weird to sometimes spend more time w/a drum machine than w/your family".. so, thanks for all the mpc bits, rob, and and all of it. hoping the work life balance is good these days.
  7. top comment: "I just still can’t get over the caucacity of this"
  8. just talked to my mom. she woke w/a sore throat on saturday. worse on sunday and today. head cold feeling, fever of 100ish and other covid symptoms. no breathing issues and it's not in her chest. she's done like 4 tests all negative. went to pharmacy to get PCR test to be sure. will know in 1 to 2 days. fingers crossed it's not covid. she's super cautious. only goes to grocery store. wears a mask. but has had some repair guy at her house fixing some things but she wasn't around him even when he was inside. weird.
  9. I think they all have kids so have another layer of “busy” to their lives.
  10. only physical copies? digitals are somewhere i guess. will have to check the regular places. sounds interesting to me.
  11. added to my wishlist for next bandcamp spending spree. sounds great. deep.
  12. wow. hit that goal in no time. also, she's been very graceful and decent about the whole thing. selfless. barely mentioned herself in any article i read about the accident.
  13. lol. missed this first go around. "pre piss"
  14. still fucking it pretty hard too in a lot of places. rain forest getting ripped up so cattle can graze and be made into big macs, or palm trees can be planted so palm oil can go in everything or whatever else they're fucking doing. i still get all forehead slappy when i think of how for a long time we've irrigated the fucking deserts in the west to grow cotton and corn and everything else.
  15. just yesterday read as tory about how mega floods are the next problem california will face since it's so dry everywhere. one good drenching rain storm and shit is gonna be really messy.
  16. yeah.. back in march. i hope they come out w/the "all the variants" vaccine sometime. still lot's of mask wearers in grocery stores and stuff but probably half as many as when it was mandated. still plenty of places requiring masks though.
  17. did they get married twice in this video? there's lot's of robes and kimono type things. unsurprisingly every frame of this video has something pretty weird and cringe in it. it's just all so terrible but some how it's less terrible than some of this other things. is his guitar made of cardboard?
  18. there's another ketamine doc on drugs inc i think where they have a long interview w/a guy who was a daily user for long time. eventually his bladder filled up with cysts.. hundreds of them.. and he had to urinate like 200 times a day or something because he had no room for urine in his bladder. long term heavy use is pretty bad for certain parts of the body and certain organs. entire urinary tract, kidneys bladder etc can get fucked
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