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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. coincidentally china has routinely invaded taiwan's protected airspace lately.. a lot. something like 100+ planes have flown through tempting fate. japan has now placed (part time) their new F35 fighter planes on their ships which are being modified to support take off/landings etc. china is pissed that taiwan is making moves to get closer to the USA w/trade etc. i wonder if this 'leak' coming from a taiwan paper is them pushing back a little? also, a bunch of tweets in the article make good points.
  2. was losing it wondering why the image was moving. gif!
  3. i'm happy to be anyone's password manager for a fee. my rates are good. very affordable.
  4. this is all kinda hilarious. fb rolled out a system wide update that just went really badly and it took them all day to fix it. this means people who used "log in with facebook" on all kinds of sites and apps were often not allowed to enter those pages/apps. also, people with fb linked smart homes and smart devices weren't able to use those things and some people's homes were fucked. a bummer for some countries where FB is the primary way they access the internet and where lot's of businesses use fb as their only link to customers. what a stupid shit show. and FB's own internal communications were down.
  5. fb not helping that's for sure. zuckerberg isn't up to the task of handling the beast he created. they just want to suck in data and sell ads and exercise whatever power they can to suit their interests which will change w/thee times.
  6. "i won't put that experimental vaccine in my body. i don't know what's in it. they rushed it. if i get covid and go to the hospital i'll take the experimental antibody treatment and emergency auth'd pharmaceuticals!" i know a couple people who have decided not to get the vaccine because "i don't know what's in that and don't want to put it in my body" meanwhile they've both taken designer drugs so many times.. it's absurd. but there's no reasoning. the whole thing is nut.. the vaccine tells your body to make 1 protein or something.. if the virus gets in your body it's gonna make numerous proteins.. i guess the virus is safer than the vaccine to some people????
  7. also just released. RAG ORDER by SDEM
  8. https://m3ds.bandcamp.com/album/rag-order?from=fanpub_fnb
  9. tomorrow is bandcamp friday. digging this sort of techno lushness + ambient things a lot. it's kinda dreamy and escape feeling https://formthehead.bandcamp.com/album/the-future-is-not-human
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