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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. every dept of government has to pass a general audit every year as per GAO regulations.. it's not a deep audit. it's just a basic balance sheet of money coming in vs money going out. i think in the 80s the pentagon stopped doing that and their reason was "we just don't know" so the GAO gave the pentagon a pass. so for 30 or 40 years there's been no one even even looking at the purse strings.. let alone holding them. every now and then some large program gets looked at.. like a new submarine or air craft carrier or new plane.. but overall.. no one is giving them a hard look.
  2. "Can I ask you a question about Israel?" "no you cannot.. only if you step in front of the car as I step on it"
  3. Trichome is a SoCal legend in some circles as a DJ. I'm glad he's making and releasing tunes. if you can find his DJ mixes around for like.. the last 20+ years you'll find some amazing sets. he was big in the 'moontribe' crew. played big sets at burning man long long ago. sort of legendary shit. he lived in portland for a while and is good friends w/Ben Milstein and Bot23 (Beau Crouch who's starting the Patterned Media label). the 3 of those dudes were a wrecking crew of awesome electro and experimental sounds and would sometimes play on the same bill or throw parties together. i heard Trichome play in LA opening for the Phonecia, Richard Devine tour and his set that night was super memorable.. dropping squarepusher into electro mixes blowing up the place. truly old school DJ pulling tracks from different genres etc and making it all a dance party. had no idea who he was. i have tons of respect for all these dudes and so glad our paths crossed.
  4. regarding the speed the vaccine was made.. this is technology at work. in the near future medical advances will happen rapidly and this will become normal. the only problem is people will have to learn that it is normal and the technology works. i think the fear that we're all going to get "Cronenberg'd" is a bit ridiculous.
  5. actually.. not really. the cost for health insurance in the USA is about that give or take a few $$$ depending on the actual plan a person buys. a family of 4 can expect to pay around $1500-$2000 a month for a private insurance plan in the USA. there are subsidies so if a person falls within a certain income bracket they get reduced cost. My insurance plan w/o subsidies would be around $585 a month. and that doesn't mean i don't encounter other expenses. I pay $10-$20 per prescription, $20 copay for doctor visits and when i have tests and other things i get a bill in the mail for a fraction of the cost. If i'd picked a less expensive plan then my out of pocket costs would be higher. worth mentioning that prior to the affordable care act, commonly referred to as Obamacare, i was denied insurance by EVERY major provider because i have 'pre-existing conditions'. they could deny coverage to anyone they wanted. the ACA made that illegal. pre-existing conditions cannot be considered when applying for insurance. so, this way i could pick from any number of providers. a lot of people get insurance through their employer so cost is lower because everyone who works for that company is in an insurance pool which helps average costs for the insurance provider. but this varies widely. small businesses often can't afford to do this and the size of the pool matters.
  6. i don't associate gates w/the vaccines. just because he says vaccines are good or whatever it is he says.. doesn't make.. you know.. doctor's and infectious disease expert's opinions or advocacy work less valuable for some reason. there are doctors in the world who are self serving assholes but many are virtuous and interested in helping people and being public servants and i have no trouble taking them at face value and TRUSTING THE SCIENCE. but if you just do the opposite of what billionaire computer nerd bill gates suggests is a good idea then i'm sure thing'll be fine for you. or maybe open yourself up to nuance and shades of gray instead of just black and white. vaccines existed long before bill gates and will exist long after bill gates has turned to dust. also, worth mentioning that someone can be an asshole and still be right.
  7. deserved or not.. the negative media attention bill gates is getting might have something to do w/his divorce and maneuvers being made for whatever reason. big time divorce can get that way. i'm surprised he's not been raked over the coals more for being so ruthless w/microsoft back in the day. shutting out competition.. buying people out.. dragging people to court.. he did all that shit and it was the MO of the company. he's cultivated a "gentle nerd" persona for a long time now but like a lot of big business people he was shrewd and cut throat. i don't know if knowing epstein is an automatic pedo label for anyone. it's not like he has 30+ sexual harassment allegations against him.. does he? maybe he does and we've never heard about them.. anyway.. i tend to think his wife wants something from him and this is a tactic. perhaps it's all true or perhaps it's just talk. not sure what it has to do w/the covid vaccines???? or COVID in any way.
  8. it's funny that the USA version of Utopia came out at the start of the pandemic and had to have disclaimers about it being a fiction etc. british version is better imo. USA version is different and sort of gives up the game early on. tells it a bit different. music in the british version is far superior as are several of the key characters.
  9. omg. wasn't sure which of the threads to post this in.. america, Qanon or 2020 election but.. fucking hilarious.
  10. "Before you kiss your mother w/that mouth..."
  11. japan in the middle of another bad surge of infections as olympics approach.
  12. what i'm hearing is they're not only trying to tell you you're selfish but are also saying people who don't get the vaccine are a tinfoil hat wearing paranoid person w/delusions of grandeur. you're probably right though.. you're better off taking your chances with the COVID virus. there's no proven cases of anyone having long lasting effects from the virus other than, no boner, penis smaller, lung scarring, brain fog, multi system failure, black mold in the lungs, organ inflammation, heart problems, persistent fatigue, low blood pressure, muscle pain, blood clots leading to strokes, diminished lung capacity, storming the capital, joining a Q cult...
  13. most of my family is still in south florida. people are wearing masks everywhere even after the recent changes to guidelines. a lot of people in florida are vaccinated. they rolled out the vaccines quickly.. not always equitably but they got them out there. my mom is in the broward county sub burbs.. like west as fuck near I-75 and everyone is masked in the grocery stores etc.. so FL isn't all idiots but it can be an aggro place and bizarre at times. but it's very diverse which is a big plus. the best gift i ever got was growing up around a lot of people who didn't look like me. @Thu Zaw is right about a lot of america. the majority of americans don't travel even if they are able to and see america as the center of the world and don't understand how people from other countries don't see it that way. but plenty of americans don't have their heads up their asses and have a much more wide open world view either because their parents saw to it, they traveled, or whatever experiences they've had to get them to that place. all the stereotypes are perfectly true and false at the same time.. about everything.
  14. it looks good for vax'd people. though some vax'd people have been infected w/covid. not sure if any of them were hospitalized as a result. previously, i understood herd immunity to be the only thing that will protect everyone. since the vaccines are 95% effective i guess that means that 95% of the people will be protected 100% of the time but that remaining 5% could still get infected.. the only way to protect that 5% of people is to have nearly everyone get vaccinated. perhaps these mrna vaccines will work better? idk. i think 95% wasn't entirely accurate when i read that article.. some while back. i think it's 98% for pfizer right? so even less of a chance of being infected and less than that of being infected and having serious illness. i've been to 2 outdoor unmasked events where everyone had at least their 1st shot and many people were full vaccinated. looking forward to more of that. vaccine rates dropped at the mass vaccinations sites a while back in portland but have picked back up since they opened them up to younger people and no appointment needed.
  15. sometimes all her attention seeking, affirmation seeking insecurities would emerge and i'd have to duck out of the room sometimes.. to escape... until whatever wave had passed.. then it'd be all good. my ex picked up some of those qualities i guess from competing for attention amongst 5 million cousins and a big circle of family friends. idk. could be.. it's amazing how saying "yes, thank you for showing me about tying a knot in the corner of the garbage bag after i put it in the bin. you've changed my life.. i'm sure you invented that and deserve a nobel prize. stop being your mother." could lead to tears and a fight. maybe i'm just cruel. if i had a nickel for the number of times i heard "good thing that I ________, or else _________ might've happened" from her mom.. jesus. [rolls eyes. goes outside and shakes fist at sky] irish catholic family dynamics.. her parents each had 10+ siblings.
  16. i read that the media building they blew up was where one of the internet hubs the area was located.. so.. basically taking out communications.. puts people in the dark even more.
  17. none of the security guards in my jr high/high school were armed. just big dudes who knew how to handle themselves and i assumed had some kind of training. we didn't have gun violence but in 7th grade, so about 12 yrs old, there some kind of redneck vs black kid fight that turned into a week or two of tension between rednecks (not from my school) and black kids (from my school). in phys-ed a friend of mine, who was black, had talked to me a few times about all the drama and shit he was experiencing. one day he called me over to his locker and said something like "i'm feeling safer from those crackers now" and showed me a little gun that he said was a PPK (james bond gun) w/full clip. it was silver and small. he was my size and it looked small in his hand. no less crazy even to bring to school or have access to. i didn't think to say anything to anyone about it and never mentioned it to anyone ever until i was in my 20s i think. that's the only time i saw a gun as a kid other than at a friend's house who's stepdad had some guns. but i'm guessing depending on what circle of friends one had and what kind of shit people got into there were guns probably. i was aa easy going howdy dudy looking L7 white kid who's biggest problem was trying to hide the involuntary boners throughout the day so fight drama wasn't part of my daily.
  18. yeah.. my highschool was closer to 2100 students. my graduating class was 800. kids fight sometimes. sometimes more than one fight at a time. america yo.
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