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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_films_considered_the_worst
  2. 'This is mass rape': China slammed over programme that 'appoints' men to sleep with Uighur women
  3. Just entered a night bus that's full of people taking up at least 2 seats for sleeping. I woke up a couple taking up a 4er seat. Now they have two seats and so do I. ?
  4. Trefpunt was alright. Weed was above average, a bit pricey like everywhere in Rotterdam. And they offer coffee for but a euro and free sandwiches, at least they did when I was there ?
  5. don't listen to this bloke, he is bonkers. always grab a döner when you have the chance: it's a reliable and 100% good way of getting all the valuable nutrition, proteins, vitamins and so on and so on. Don't hesitate, don't be afraid
  6. Not if you masturbate furiously while listening to it
  7. You think making lyrics for a song is a first world problem? You think people in the third world can't make lyrics or write songs? pretty racist tbh
  8. Yes. It makes him authentic and believable. Agree. But Warren's Republican past isn't exactly speaking for her. I wouldn't make anyone president who has been in a far right party now claiming they're socialists. I wish for a change in American foreign policy. Ya know, more of the good stuff they do in other countries and less of da bad stuff. And granting Americans access to services that are standard in Europe and Canada and elsewhere would be a good addition. I like most things Warren says but I do not trust her Sorry for election interference
  9. 2 waffles as a burger bun? ? Wasn't aware that it's a thing. So American
  10. It's not wishful thinking to say that Sanders has the best chances of all candidates including Trump at the moment.
  11. intoxicating wash of sounds and melodies, retrofuturistic, easy to enjoy "Your hands rest calmly on your knees or your lap." or maybe on my swollen dork
  12. ^Thank god that poor girl could leave this school. Innit funny how we are bullied into obedience from the beginning on?
  13. Whoever makes ASMR should be vivisected publicly but with a soccer-like commentator commenting the event
  14. By the end of this century, over 90% of all languages will have become extinct, and with them the worldviews associated with them. Only a tiny part of human perspective and thought will manage to survive through the centuries in the form of language and culture without becoming invisible.
  15. If Bernie becomes the candidate, the Democrats will win this time, at least everything points into that direction. Imagine all the crazy shit a Sanders administration could implement. It would improve the life of a lot of people and possibly prevent deaths. A lot is at stake here
  16. Do you sometimes feel as if everything is connected and carries meaning? As if there is a secret mystic logic beneath the surface?
  17. Bernie Sanders has the best chances to win against Trump. The other candidates lack the substance to achieve that. I hope we can trust the American electorate this time
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