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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. aight, it's impractical in the workplace and the concept of buying synths in general should be completely given up. mining in africa should have some more purpose than some fat australian's retard melody on a synth
  2. Dunno, I don't indulge much in such - imo - immoral activities as those people who you would expect to post on Gearslutz, so I dunno, really. Fuck them, I'd say. These idiots spend thousands of dollars on gear only to make substandard idiotcore fucktard music that's on da same level of dumb ass pop music? Fuck them. I make better music with a plastic bucket. Maybe I'm just young but both men and women I grew up with have been outgoing to similar degrees, the will to feel the other gender's genitals on your own genitals was always there. I don't really remember any gender based discrimination in my peer group (except all the slut shaming of course).
  3. Berlin is an interesting and incredibly entertaining city, infinite jest awaits you. I live a couple of hundred kilometres away from Berlin in a city that has only slightly more than a twentieth of Berlin's total population. Here it looks like in a lot of German cities: Many architecture styles from all sorts of eras are combined. I like that because there is a lot of variation and most buildings in the city centre look pretty. Berlin is just an exaggerated version of the average German city.
  4. It's not slut shaming, though. What slut exactly is shamed here, hm? It's more a self-ironic thing as in: Look, we like gear as much as a slut likes sex. It's sexualized but not shaming per se. The word "slut" isn't necessarily just a derogatory word for women, it refers to someone driven by their lust more than by their brain - kinda like nerds who habitually spend money on a bunch of machines they don't really need or are worthy of. The gear is no longer a tool but a self-purpose and fetishised. "Slut" is a good word to describe people who indulge in this behaviour. It's cringe in the workplace and generally slightly primitive humour, so it should probably be changed. Still a bit silly/thin-skinned. I bet whoever started the petition is from the same country that censors TV/radio speech using bleep sounds GearLibertines
  5. I also have mannequin hands as decoration. You obviously are a man of culture and good taste
  6. I think antivaxxers are just really scared of needles
  7. I think that the narrative about the left behind lower classes that are disappointed with the establishment being the true reason for the right-shift is false. It's more a luxury problem. People don't know how politics work and what they have to lose. Poor education and a mostly privately owned media landscape do the rest. Moreover, the subtle mood of epochal change that is in the air makes people act weird. I know it well ? It indeed is a problem when one side has absolutely idiotic core beliefs and the other one pretty reasonable ones.
  8. Dunno, all times are the right times to criticise the Dems whose foreign policies are roughly as murderous as those of the Republicans, all things considered. Your logic that you can't criticise one party because the other one is even worse escapes me.
  9. infinite love and bliss 2 you my friend we are headed towards greater and greater bliss, your future will be bright and beautiful ??
  10. ^Isn't that basically the concept of Gescom - Minidisk (though I think in this case poorly done)?
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