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Everything posted by zero

  1. nothing ground breaking, but I like it. I like the inclusion of a few more beats in tracks, even if they are fairly straight forward. I'm mostly familiar with As the Crow Flies and From Out here, and don't remember many drum tracks on those. review: https://www.popmatters.com/advisory-circle-full-circle-review ^agree with the reviewer in that this one seems less "British" than some of the previous ones. um... ???
  2. just remember it could be a lot worse. like in the US. we weathered the craziest person that has ever held the title of president, turned roughly half the country (cuntry) into a mob of unintelligible narcissists. aaaaand he could very well come back for round 2. does your PM have the ability to form complete sentences at least? I'd raise a glass to that. the bar is low low low these days
  3. I do see the difference. I am voting dem because the R party is totally bat shit. the fact that the dems are not doing a better job of securing their position as the only viable option right now (and will more than likely lose ground in the mid terms) is what made me make the "don't have their shit together" comment. but I do get that they are fighting a largely losing battle trying to convince any R person to potentially switch sides, since most R team peeps have dug so far into the BS, they are not gonna budge. yes. most people can't see the big picture on a lot of stuff. foresight, planning for things long term, is unfortunately not a skill that comes naturally to people. it takes mental concentration, clear reasoning skills, empathy, experience, etc., and that is becoming less and less the norm, thanks to all the distractions one is faced with on a daily basis. smart phones are the ultimate tool to distract everyone from what's really going on. easy to stare at a screen and fill yourself with images and text that have been fed to you through marketing ploys and tactics to buy into whatever it is being offered/promoted. don't pay full attention to the environment around you. again, a generalization here, but I see it all the time out in the wild. agreed
  4. politics is mostly blowing smoke up constituents ass. say whatever the fuck to get elected, then make up excuses when the shit doesn't play out because of blockading from the other side. look what politics has been whittled down to in this country. we have one party that has drank the bat shit kool aid, and is no longer a viable option for any sane individual. so then we have the other party, the dems, which are now looked at as the harvey dent white knights of the land, and they don't seem to have their shit together. so there really isn't any option to truly vote for what most individuals want, like the peaceful harmonious shit most of us know is necessary to survive as a species. just fight one side vs. the other, and it goes nowhere. believe what you want, but humans truly suck at leading other humans. that's why its best just to tune it all out, and listen to only yourself. listening to these fuck nuts is what gets everyone all messed up to begin with.
  5. ^ fake news! I'd argue people "believed" in them. nowadays no one believes in anything political unless it is fed to them in an echo chamber. politics as a vessel for the truth has been eroding away rapidly over the years, has devolved into nothing more than tabloid fodder. it is hard to believe a word out of any fucking politicians mouth, since they are all cowards, hiding what they really think or feel. none of these assholes should be leading humanity anywhere. we (and I mean this modern day version of humanity) should all be following a path guided by scientific fact, not emotionally charged decision making...but a lot of humans are dumb, and just listen to whoever shouts the loudest in the simplest of terms. most scientists are too wordy, can't succinctly get their message across to the masses in confident sounding microphone soundbites the way politicians do. guys like Sagan had this ability, but he wasn't like a president or anything. how can we elect scientists to govern us? that is what humanity should be heading towards, instead of re-electing fucking con men like trump.
  6. do it man. as soon as I have enough savings and my kid is able to run his own life, then I'm outta here. living amongst these social media addicted phone junkies is the textbook definition of insanity. you wanna know how to go insane? live in this technology fueled bubble, where everyone lies, covers up the truth, can't accept the fact that we're all on a limited schedule here. best course of action is to get away from it all, but yeah...this requires $ unfortunately ?
  7. that new track ""potion" sounds like Human Nature by whacko jacko
  8. "the steven d jeffries album" has a nice ring to it...perhaps Richard should title his next one in tribute to Xtal's "true" creator ?
  9. which is too bad. instead of voting for 1 team or the other, can't we vote for an entire new way of doing this? the answer of course is no, because change is not possible due to the locked in nature of this system. dem, R, either way it's the same shit. like @ignatiussaid, best to vote for the lesser of the 2 evils. right now it appears the dem party is that, since the R's have gone morally awol, thanks to don the con man.
  10. I'm not the biggest Biden fan either, but senile "pedo?" wtf? remember the alternative to him was not even an option, therefore I had no choice but to vote for him. I agree that the role of a president is largely symbolic, that "real" decisions are made by other individuals/groups, and the president is the messenger. a president is essentially the same as a CEO. a CEO in a well functioning organization is not making decisions solely, but utilizes others in the company to provide accurate information and consultancy, in hopes that the right decisions can be made. but as we know, there are a lot of shit companies out there (and governments), that don't follow a model such as this, and the CEO/president is actually a tyrant (e.g., trump, putin) hell bent on controlling everything due to a massively oversized ego.
  11. that's it right there. if the purpose of this paper/discussion was to (again) point out that getting vaccinated during a pandemic (1) makes sense and (2) doesn't lead to an early death/growing a tail/producing green colored babies, then it succeeds in pointing this out IMO. but it will not do shit to convince anyone otherwise at this point, I'm afraid. you could throw all the scientific data you want at the maga crowd, and they'll come back with krakens and other fantasy land excuses for their lies and unintelligent behavior. and I do get your point about social media easily feeding either political group with evidence that backs up their arguments, using limited numbers of characters on twitter or what not. then this info gets used in forming an opinion on something from a skewed viewpoint. it takes looking at things from all sides to make a solid determination on something, not always looking at it from one side or the other. social media is super convenient for providing a convincing one-sided take on things, with not as much thought given to the alternative. but if a social media post DOES lead to someone going down the path of questioning or considering the other side, then more power to it. it's just that I'm honestly not sure how much of the time this happens. it seems to me there are a ton of people out there that take a twitter post as absolute gospel, which is wrong...
  12. one thing worth pointing out is that in the discussion section of the paper at the very end, the authors state: and: so it seems they were able to get individual level data on mortality rates + political affiliation, but they weren't able to get individual data as to whether the person was vaccinated or not. they did get vax data on a county wide level, but I'm wondering if maybe Hippa laws prevent handing over individual level vax data...I'm not sure. but yeah, the overall message being relayed is that registered republicans have higher death rates than dems in these states, and that dems have a higher vax rate than republicans. therefore safe to say that being vaccinated means you have a better chance at living longer, especially during the time period they assessed...but this shit is like a no brainer to most people that think logically on things. it still will do nothing to convince the "other half" of the population, that believes in the la-la land fox news version of reality, think that donnie is the savior, all that crap.
  13. seen you mention Bosch several times now in this thread... so it has the b wolf seal of approval then? I watched season 1 a long time ago and gave up. the guy who played Marlo in the Wire was horrifically bad, and the main bad guy in season 1 was a joke. I was actually mad for wasting my time on it. I do have a soft spot for L.A. cop shows, and may give it a whirl again if it's not a total miss?
  14. da, it is. I'm well aware there is no evil "bad" guy pulling the strings here. my true belief is even more depressing than trying to lay this 'merican shit show all on some malicious actor(s). we are at this point due to a degradation in human morals that has been happening for quite some time now. degradation that has been launched into overdrive, thanks to modern technology. and then there's the whole laws of karma, cause and effect...all that jazz. humans do enough bad shit to each other, the planet, then you reap what you sow. I'm not trying to sound doom and gloom, it is what it is. only thing I can do is try and live life according to principles/values based off of truth, not lies and/or social media.
  15. in hindsight, it was all planned so perfectly when you think about it. install a con man as leader of the US. let him shout as loudly as possible as much BS as he could muster. the message of political lies drenched in arrogance seep into a large swath of the US populace, who feed off of the lies. they can relate to them wholeheartedly as they themselves are full of nonsensical beliefs, thanks to social media perpetuating bullshit. eventually this goes on long enough, so that anyone speaking the truth is looked at with disbelief, and viewed as an antagonist. the truth speakers hide now and the lying idiots are in full command. this is where we are now in this story. now my question is who planned all this, i.e. who is pulling these strings? early on it was led to believe that perhaps Vlad had masterminded donald's rise to the top...that by installing a complete idiot as president, this house of cards would eventually crumble, and devolve into the shouting and madness we have today. but thanks to Vlad's idiotic war in Ukraine, it is looking more and more like he himself has lost the plot, and is more like the wizard of oz than the machiavellian schemer everyone thought he was...
  16. hey did you have any success with either of these - ninjam or sonobus? I'm looking to try this remote jam thing with someone. no midi though, will be all live playing instruments - guitar, bass, drums, type thing
  17. whatever happened to the idea of dropping a nuke into the eye of a hurricane to make it go away? was that a ronaldo f trump idea I'm mis-remembering? I mean we've hit rock bottom when it comes to thinking things through intelligently in geo-political merica land, can't believe this idea hasn't reared it's lovely head from the depths of the sludge in which its buried. maybe ken doll desantos will get that off idea the ground again after this one...I mean nothing could go wrong here. nothing... I kid. as a hurrican harvey s.u.r.v.i.v.o.r, I wish all those Floridians a speedy recovery. hurricanes suck
  18. zero


    can you send the rain my direction? we're in need of some about now... and rain is not pointless. it provides nourishment for all the living things on the planet. we require it as a species to survive. animals in the wild need it, so do plants and trees (i.e., flora and fauna). and where the hell did you go? you know where to find us. there are a select group of individuals that continue to monitor this forum for useful information, potential insight into matters not in our own jurisdictions. this all leads to knowledge of life being improved upon mentally, which is what humans crave. information. we are the information addicts.
  19. gotta love some religious inconsistency... pope says: Pope Francis said on Wednesday that God does not guide religions towards war head of the Russian Orthodox church says: The head of the Russian Orthodox Church has said that Russian soldiers who die in the war against Ukraine will be cleansed of all their sins so war is bad, but if you go to war because Vlad says so, then you are in the clear. phew. glad that's settled.
  20. I remember there was a special edition DVD back in the day that had it put together in chronological order. I opted for the cheaper DVD version, still have it. and yeah, haven't watched it in like 20 years or so. I remember watching it at the cinema back in 2000 with an ex-girlfriend, and there was like 1 other couple in the audience. they were old and when it was over, the old guy walked by me and said "do you have any idea what that movie was about?" lol
  21. they mentioned in that video there's a good chance trump will be "kicked out" of NY, and the empire continues operating out of Florida. and they asked does the US judicial system have the appetite to sentence trump to actual confinement, not just house arrest. IMO these are 2 massive issues with this whole NY attorney general case. I just can't see him actually serving real time after the shit show of a criminal case finally wraps up. that will take how many years? by then he'll be into his 80s, and very well could be back in some political office at that point. that's another one of his plays. get elected a 2nd time so he doesn't have to go to jail lol.
  22. what a weird turn of events. 1-2 year old youtube comments discussing an Xtal sample that has been known about for how long now? I read through some of those comments, and this Steve Jeffries guy says he didn't find out that Richard sampled this until 2016. and that it took 6 years to get co-writing credit for...and then I'm guessing some royalty payment. what the hell? if he's in the music industry, or publishing (as his youtube comments indicate), then how the hell didn't he know about this? Xtal is probably one of Aphex's most well known tunes...unless I just live in a vacuum. this seems to me to be all about money, not some right vs. wrong argument.
  23. because attention spans are getting shorter and shorter thanks to point and click immediate gratification. there's also the TV show overload factor at play. this has been mentioned for probably the past 15 years. the "golden age" of TV launched whenever HBO dropped the Sopranos on everyone. then came Showtime, then FX, and so forth. now we have everyone and their fucking uncle producing TV shows, and there is far more crap now than when it was just like HBO/Showtime producing shit. the "golden age" is over, and now it's just consumerism run amok. society demands more crap! more! feed the machine.
  24. BBC Micro from 1982. The vapor is strong in this one. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BBC_Micro
  25. maybe for donald's next act, he can convince the world he's a psychic. like this dude -
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