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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Limo

  1. Next time you mortar and pestle mayonnaise, make a video. I’d love to see that ?
  2. Blenders: don’t buy them. They’re a really stupid design, with the potentially leaky thing at the bottom. Just get a food processor. They blend just fine and can do other things as well. *And* they have the leaky thing on top so it doesn’t matter if it leaks (I’ve never had leaks anyway).
  3. Hahaha And of course:
  4. Love this thread. Such a great source of wonderful new music. Thanks!
  5. In 1990 I came across this really impressive Scottish girl with long curly hair, lots of eye liner and black flowing robes who wore Cure t-shirts. She was intriguing enough to make me check out Disintegration. Didn’t think much of it at first because, hey, not enough loud guitars, but it grew on me. The other memorable moment was listening in on a friend’s Walkman and he had Jane’s Addiction’s “Of Course” on. I didn’t know rock music could be that weird. 1990 was the year I said goodbye to hair metal and Metallica and got into “alternative music”. I don’t listen to the Cure much anymore, though, and Jane’s only when it’s warm outside and my brain is starting to melt.
  6. TIL someone wrote a piece for trombone and piano.
  7. Limo

    Brexit :(

    Yes. All of the features artists’ albums will triple in price. ?
  8. Kernel header files, you mean? Aren’t those in [kernel]-devel anymore? that’s where they used to be back when I did his sort of stuff.
  9. Nice. Bet that was fun to make. ?
  10. Limo

    Brexit :(

    Nah, they have ASDA sandwiches to survive on.
  11. Like I said, I’m too weak to play trumpet. I do have a history, however, of competence on the tenor saxophone. If saxophones weren’t so crazy expensive, I’d have bought one already. Instead, I’m working my way through a jazz guitar book (Mickey Baker). My fingers hurt like crazy but it’s very satisfying. Much better than staring at a screen (laptop or Elektron) to make music. Must be a COVID thing.
  12. Limo

    Brexit :(

    Sandwiches. The hill the UK chooses to die on.
  13. Tempting. Already paid for the cd once but it was edited, so might just pay for it again. One of my favorite cds of all time. Only one I’ve kept a physical copy of, in fact.
  14. Limo

    Brexit :(

    Gotta love the spin on this. UK decides to seal itself off from the places it does half of its trade with. Newspapers: “oh my god truck drivers can’t eat ham sandwiches anymore”.
  15. Had to spend a voucher on something and came across this. Players are stuck in a mall (you know, one of those buildings with shops - places that sell stuff you can then take with you instead of waiting for the delivery service to bring it to your house) that is overrun with zombies. Every turn one of the players tries to work towards a goal that should lead to their winning the game and then the number of zombies increases. Then the next player takes a turn, more zombies appear, etc. Can be played coop, competetive and solo and if you want an extra player can be in charge of the zombies. The game just came in and I played a quick solo run this morning. It's a bit finicky to set up but once you're going the pace is quite good. I *almost* managed to escape the mall before it was overrun with zombies.
  16. Sorry to hear this. Hope you manage ok and that our famed social security safety net does what it needs to do for you.
  17. This. (without the trumpet, tbh, because I’m weak)
  18. Government is actually doing their best, but they're confronted with a a population that has a large and very loud contingent of whining entitled sissies that's making it very hard to get anything done. They've been telling people to work from home since March but because you can't actually have police in every office building to enforce this, people keep coming in to work at their seriously non-essential bullshit jobs. They've been telling people to limit their social interaction since September but because you can't very well have police checking behind every front door to enforce this, people keep hanging out with friends and family and spreading COVID-19 that way. They've been telling people to stop traveling to foreign countries since May but because you can't very well ground every civilian airplane without seriously disrupting international freight transport (which for a large part makes use of civilian airplanes) people decide to go on trips abroad anyway. Unlike China, the Netherlands - and other Western European countries, which are all going through the same thing now - is not a police state. This seriously limits what the government can do. Head of public health going public with his doubts about the efficacy of face masks the day their use was made mandatory is a big though. In that you're right.
  19. Tried to rent the new Zappa movie from one of the four streaming services I subscribe to. Turns out it won't be available here until February. Now I have to wait for the torrent to finish downloading.
  20. Limo

    Brexit :(

  21. Limo

    Brexit :(

    But with people that want to be British. We’ll see for how long, though.
  22. Limo

    Brexit :(

    There’s one thing that Spain likes even more than screwing with Catalan independence, though: screwing with the UK. Something to do with Gibraltar, I believe.
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