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Everything posted by thumbass

  1. thumbass


    I feel like it should have been paced more like body riddle. That had 2 beat tracks or something and than an ambient track to come after. That way it felt pretty well balanced. I like this release a lot but I agree with you on the pacing.
  2. Amon Tobin - Permutation/ Out From Out Where, Actress - Karma & Desire, St. Germain - Tourist, Skalpel - ST, Whiplash OST, Buddy Rich - The Roar Of '74, Floating Points - Elaenia/ Crush, Ceephax - Camelot Arcade/ Cro Magnox/ Exidy Tours/ Volume One, Oneohtrix Point Never - Magic OPN/ Garden Of Delete/ Replica, Clipping. - Visions Of Body's Being Burned/ There Existed An Addiction To Blood/ Clppng., Kruder & Dorfmeister - K&D, Anything BoC, Clark - Body Riddle/ Clarence Park, Seefeel - ST Probably more stuff to come too
  3. I didnt really listen to a whole lot of albums that actually came out this year. I dont really have a favorite album yet, maybe its Hudmo's Cry Sugar but idk, its not that ive listened to it that much. EP of the year is definetly Overmonos Cash Romantic. That shit has been in regular rotation for almost the entire year.
  4. Im not a native speaker either. But yea the titles are a bit much
  5. I completely disagree, the track titles are ridiculous and not in a good way. Hes trying way too hard to be unique with them.
  6. thumbass


    Very nice comp. Even iv'e heard almost every track on here before it's cool to have it on CD.
  7. Out november 4th. Pre-order: https://mountkimbie.bandcamp.com/album/mk-35-die-cuts-city-planning Really exited for this. The Die Cuts part isn't catching my ears as well as City Planning since I'm not really feeling the features but we'll see. Zone 1 is really nice.
  8. Been to London three times now. The Brits love to shit on their own capital but it's genuinely a great place imo. A great blend of new and old, I find that there is always something new to do or discover whenever I go.
  9. Id say Seinfeld. The first few curb seasons are great but as to the last couple of seasons, id agree with J3FF.
  10. Haven't seen anything about this on here yet but the three singles he's released so far this year are pretty crackin'. https://floatingpoints.bandcamp.com/album/vocoder https://floatingpoints.bandcamp.com/album/grammar https://floatingpoints.bandcamp.com/album/problems Especially liking the last one atm
  11. Original upload is still up, so that's something.
  12. thumbass

    µ-Ziq - Hello

    Pre-order: https://mikeparadinas.bandcamp.com/album/hello Out november 4th. "2022 with his 3rd release of new material this year. ‘Hello’ is the mirror image of the ‘Goodbye EP’. The intensity is heightened, the breaks more manic and melodies inhabit every corner. The material is the final chapter of the ‘Magic Pony Ride’ material and even includes a third version of that track. 'Iggy’s Song’ has a slowed down sample of Mike’s son screaming, ‘Ávila’ is an ode to his father’s hometown in Spain and ‘Green Chaos’ even includes a nod to RP Boo. On Side B things get more interesting. ‘Pyramidal Mind Dispersion’ slows things down while amping up the tension, Modulating Angel is at drum & bass tempo but with a choir of angels from hell in the background, while the final two tracks recall the experimentation and melodies of Lunatic Harness."
  13. Hope this album sounds cold since it comes out in Nov. Polymer was great but Plaid's sound is on the more summery side overall. It would be nice if this album sounded more alien, it would be a very nice development/ continuation of the Plaid moniker that way. Because I really Iike them but sometimes I feel like they stick to their formula a bit much.
  14. Great news, cover looks cool and the track is nice as hell
  15. I thought i was having a stroke when I read the title, but that's what it's actually called.
  16. I wonder if it'll ever release, I'm kinda doubtful tbh. Skam really comes across as a dead label.
  17. Still cranking this. Its such a great album. I wish it had gained more traction on here.
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