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Everything posted by thumbass

  1. Love kiln, this sounds amazing!
  2. Oh you didn't come across as dismissive, don't sorry. My tinnitus must be genetic since i really try to make sure if don't listen to anything too loud!
  3. I do of course but still, i have been growing quite afraid of loud noise since i already have ear ringing. I really dont know what the cause is though, i always watch the volume of my music and make sure it isnt too high. Also i havent really been to many concerts before.
  4. Was supposed to go to amsterdam this may. Also I had a trip to tokyo planned in the same month. They both got canned
  5. I don't go to concerts, for my ears sake Wanted to see squarepusher but maybe I am glad I am not going to (It hasn't been rescheduled)
  6. Ik love kill sound before sound kills you so much
  7. Just got finished playing miles morales. Fucking love the game, the length wasnt a problem since long games tend to lose my attention after a while. I am now replaying spiderman shattered dimensions wich is underrated AF
  8. Anyone check out the M. Geddes Gengras record (Time makes nothing happen)? It's great. Another addition to the list
  9. Haven't listened to it with that mindset, I'll do that later then. I always find that mu-ziqs music has a lot of cheese but it doesn't always sound intentional.
  10. Nothing will ever top spanners Just received my CD, great packaging!
  11. All of their albums are an 8/10 or higher
  12. The last two albums were fucking amazing but this is like a neutral clipping album without a certain theme that indk t have to be in a specific mood for. And tracks like Summertime and taking of are just incredible
  13. The design and materials are great
  14. Mine got dispatched on october 28th
  15. K&D - 1995 new addition to the list
  16. Ik cant believe these mfs never released a studio album like this before
  17. Havent actually returned to this since it's digital release. Idk why...
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