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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by toaoaoad

  1. DJ Wholesome Family Values DJ Explosive Handsfree Orgasm
  2. DJ Stupid Question DJ Deepfake Sextape
  3. DJ Public Blowjob DJ Sex With An Ex
  4. Ah sorry. Lots of links don't work in Canada too lol. Yep it's the same Mike, it's "Belmoit" from Housewerk v6: https://mikeparadinas.bandcamp.com/track/belmoit And YES hasty boom alert
  5. I spent at least 2 months on this design
  6. I've probably raved about this track too many times already here, but fuck... so lush. Thanks Mike.
  7. DJ I Saw Your "Dancing" On Tiktok And Now I've Lost Interest
  8. Personally I'm a little disappointed that watmm isn't meme-ing the crap out of this, lol Times have changed I guess
  9. We live in the age of identity. Everyone seems to need to "identify as" this and that. This is where easy things to tag onto like mild neurodivergence, vague mental health self-diagnoses, various light shades of queerness and gender that otherwise ostensibly cis-het people can still attribute to themselves - all come in handy. Now I can "identify as" something! It's not enough just to have various qualities and attributes anymore, now we need labels; I guess this is a byproduct of "branding" and hashtagging and the constant pursuit of attention in a noisy world? It's as if people are afraid you won't take them seriously, take note of their special characteristics, unless they have a label for it. Yet in this way the labels eventually become meaningless background noise, and the people who legitimately fall into those categories suffer for it. I have a few friends who walk around waving the "neurodivergent" flag too, you kinda just have to go along with it though. I'm not an expert, but can't help but feel like it's just part of this bigger phenomenon I just described.
  10. 21 ... this test seems like a joke to me tho (I also think myers-briggs is bullshit, fwiw)
  11. Writeup is a bit pretentious yeah but the concept is interesting. Utility was a massive grower. Maybe he'll do hi hats next
  12. One of the most unsettling dreams I've ever had was about some kind of worms that had burrowed into my skin. The part that stuck in my memory was I looked down at my arm and I could see like a shadow of the things moving around under the skin, not bumps but just shadows of them moving. The most recurring dream I have is some variation of being in a hurry to try to get somewhere, usually I have to catch a plane or a ferry or something, and I spend the entire dream trying to get there. But I encounter all kinds of stressful obstacles along the way and never make it to the destination before I wake up. Or it's just a general sense of needing to get somewhere that always pervades whatever else is happening in a dream. I don't remember my dreams very often but they're usually stressful. I can't remember the last time I had a pleasant dream tbh
  13. With our two heads put together we can surely help Ian pull out of his crippling artist's block. How about green on black??
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