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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by toaoaoad

  1. I've become obsessed with arugula in the past couple weeks. Always thought of it as kind of a specialty thing but it's been dirt cheap lately, in those clamshell containers of mixed salad greens. Just straight arugula at the same price point. Whatever particular nutrients are in this stuff, my body is just like fuck yeah gimme It has so much intense flavour, I just eat it right out of the container. I'm dieting right now and trying (mostly successfully) to completely cut sugar and processed foods for awhile, so that could have something to do with it. Things start to taste better with that shit out of your system.
  2. You're probably right, and I had misremembered the AE_LIVE release timeline indeed... they came out in batches, but not starting until late 2015 after the tour was done. I guess I can wait for soundboards but starting to crave some new ae in any form That helsinki set really is a doozy. I've had such contrasted listening experiences with it. Found it irritating as all hell as background music for menial tasks, not bad on walks, and most enjoyable as a focused listening experience/while drawing. Really kinda demands your attention or else it just sounds like a mess. To my simple ape brain at least
  3. Talkin bout soundboard release timeline tho But if they're touring more then would they wait and put out all the sb at once? They did it in batches for 14/15 AE_LIVE ... Taking a break from my annual early-spring oversteps obsession for a minute and giving helsinki another solid listen, in the meantime
  4. 2020-2024 would be an unusually long gap for them, so any kind of new release would be nice
  5. pt.2 Just realized I might have been coming at the question wrong, though. If the issue is simply that you've lost the passion then that might be more of a "spiritual journey" you need to go on lol. I think there's still good stuff in Werner's book that helps with that particular problem, but the rest of the stuff I said might be irrelevant (until you're actually feeling passionate about music again). Losing passion for stuff happens cyclically for me as well. Pandemic life killed my passion for just about everything for awhile including music. To be honest I still struggle a lot with music love/hate. It doesn't have to be a painful relationship but some of us can't really help it because of the way our brains are wired to be analytical about music and have strong values about quality and integrity etc. Can't really undo that. So when the musical anhedonia hits hard I pretty much just take a break from music entirely. You can't force passion. But if a passion for music is innately inside you (I suspect it probably is or you wouldn't care enough to write this post) then it will come back when you give it time and space and feed it inspiring things. Inspiration and re-sparking passion can come from unexpected places and notably across mediums. Reading a good book or poetry or looking at artwork might reignite musical ideas. You never know.
  6. Check out Effortless Mastery, by Kenny Werner This helped me loads after becoming creatively blocked after four years doing music academically. Playing music that's totally different from what I would normally do has helped me improve on the instrument more than I would have expected (playing accomp for vocal groups and stuff like that), plus it's fun because there's no emotional attachment to it like there might be if it was "my music". Later on I found that some technical aspects of my playing that had been underdeveloped improved with this type of work, whereas if I had focused on "I need to get better at this" and forced some kind of exercise it might not have integrated as deeply(?). It also ended up being really fun and I feel a lot more comfortable playing different kinds of material than I did when I was overthinking everything. And I guess my point is that by broadening my practice this way, and improving on a technical level, I also loosened up creatively. As for tedious and mechanical practice sessions, some good advice that was given to me: Always end your practice session (especially the gruelling ones) with something fun that you're really good at. This way your last memory of the session will be more positive, vs walking away in frustration or whatever.
  7. toaoaoad

    draft 7.30

    Once again making a case for another AMA where Sean pronounces all their track titles for us
  8. That palm skin productions remix is probably my favourite of all their remixes, so fucking smooth
  9. toaoaoad

    draft 7.30

    I think they're done telling us this stuff now. "Sometimes having half the info is worse than having none at all" or Sean said something to that effect. I do recall him saying it was two tracks stitched together tho.
  10. toaoaoad

    draft 7.30

    "Ow-tecker soory perry". And nearly 20 years late. Why would anyone watch this lol
  11. No I'm referring to my earlier question about the ignore function. You were waiting to hear back from the developer and didn't follow up from there.
  12. Easily one of my favourite jazz musicians (and composers) of all time. Absolute legend. This article has a bit more of a bio in it. https://www.theguardian.com/music/2023/mar/02/wayne-shorter-icon-of-jazz-saxophone-dies-aged-89
  13. Hi @Joyrex I'm hoping you can follow-up on my previous questions, it's been awhile. Thanks
  14. Best thing anyone who is struggling to understand the whole gender/pronouns/etc thing can do is just to try to meet more trans/nonbinary people irl. If you don't have any non-binary or trans folks in your life then of course you're not going to understand it just reading discourse on the internet, where everything about it seems really jargon-y and serious (and heated). It makes a lot more sense coming from a friendly acquaintance talking about their lived experience vs just reading stuff online and imagining that many of these folks are militant and angry and will bite your head off for using the wrong pronoun lol. I've never actually met anyone irl who was like that. Just go and meet some people. If you live in an isolated place/small community I guess that's easier said than done. But over the years, the more trans and nonbinary people I've met and befriended the better I understand it and far less mystifying it all seems (not that it's actually that mystifying to begin with but ymmv). This is true with any kind of people who are different from you (duh). Diversify your social circle. I probably have a slight advantage, being gay (cis-male) myself and therefore a member of the broader queer community: naturally in my social circles/community I encounter all sorts of different people, not to mention the work I do and some niche music scenes I've been able to dip my toe in as well. But there are probably trans and enby folks all around you, especially now that more and more people are speaking up and expressing it.
  15. Generally I wouldn't expect watmm to be the place to seek enlightenment about modern gender theory but hey prove me wrong guys
  16. Btw I wasn't trying to do an "acktchyuyually" there, it was an honest question, because as far as I know the idea of "gender" has ballooned into a huge field of theory that I personally haven't delved into all that much, so I figured there was something here for me to learn. I still don't see how asexuality is both an orientation and a gender, as you can be any gender and be asexual; i.e. they are two distinct aspects of an identity. For example, being non-binary and being asexual are two different things (obviously). But I might just not be aware of everything that the term "gender" covers now.
  17. Ace/aro would be considered a sexual orientation rather than a gender, wouldn't it?
  18. My thoughts exactly and this is exactly what I predicted when I heard the news of them disbanding. Disbanding is just another career/marketing move. Who the f does a ten year anniversary edition? Cringe all around
  19. Somehow this has become the most enduring tune on The Bends for me
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