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Herr Jan

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Everything posted by Herr Jan

  1. Our/my wish of a Rephlex subforum is Grant'ed so let's start off with this bit of info for the lurkers that would otherwise be overlooked by many, I think. Already posted it in the AP Musik thread but this won't hurt I guess. Anyway, for logic behind Rephlex' labelless albums, it's all in the barcode: 6669080 = rx barcode prefix 202 = cat number 2 = bpi format code (cd=2, 12"=6 etc) 1 = numerical check digit So the Rephlex cat. nr's are: 239: apmusik colundi sequence (?) 236-238: ? 235: bochum welt good programs 235 : d'arcangelo, audiovisual design 234: apmusik mu3 227-233: ? 226: edm b2 225: edm a2 223-224: ? 222: photodementia fig. 04 CD/LP 221: ultrademon seapunk 220 : eod's volume 2 219 : eod's volume 1 218: ultrademon step into liquid ep 217: photodementia fig. 03 lp 216 : monolith's welcome 215: pierre bastien machinations 214: zwischenwelt 213: mental union 2cd 212: steinvord etc.
  2. Might have been posted before, but these have been floating around today here: http://narrominded.bandcamp.com/album/fathomless http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LGVdsrO2bz4
  3. I love reading this topic and mentally high-fiving everyone of you that complain about the show. It's ridiculous, but as everyone here, I keep watching.
  4. Nice, something interesting should be coming up then I reckon. I can remember that Grant said there was a Steinvord full-length planned a while ago?
  5. Didn't know the man until Mira Calix tweeted this recording because of his passing. which I thought was wicked, but what are essentials works I have to check out?
  6. Wow, it's amazing that nobody thought to ask about that 'Ultra Rare Mix Tape' before. Man, did I play that one a lot during work, so so good. My last few questions: - Is there any possibility old Gescom records will be repressed? Would you agree to that? - Do you still have the itch for making radio sometimes? I listen a lot to Intergalactic.fm for example and I just imagined the idea of Autechre playing regular radio mixes or something. - Lastly, can you put me out of my misery by thinking those marble sounds on Krib was this: That was all, really enjoyed this week. Good luck with everything in the future and thanks for everything. Hope to see you in Amsterdam soon (missed it in 2008 because I had to play in a venue a few meters away from were you played... so bummed out). Cheers AE :)
  7. Were you aware of the fact that there was a whole course on a university in the US mainly about Autechre? Weekly homework consisted of studying a few albums at a time. It was posted on watmm a few years ago, but for the ones who haven't seen it yet, I attached the syllabus. MUS109Syllabus.pdf
  8. True, but I figured you maybe fell for Zappa's complex melodic and rhythmic composing style, like on Approximate. But yeah, those Mirror Man sessions are the shit. Definitely one of my fave mixes of it too, very cool to hear how it came to be. Sounds like some deeeeep ritual jams. There should be a Keynell rerelease with this one (and all keynells + remixes), preferably a longer edit (a man can dream). Do you still have an idea how long the original length of this 'part' of the jam was? While on the subject, will there ever be a chance of Gescom represses?
  9. I was so stoked when you played Mirror Man by Beefheart a few years ago on a marathon radio show (I think it was around Quaristice), my fave Beefheart track. I wonder, you dig Zappa as well? Any specific albums/periods? Lastly, I'd really like to know what happened to this track (any backstory, is it a Keynell remix actually, why wasn't it released?) Thanks again for this whole thing btw. You guys rule supreme!
  10. Wow, for years I thought Dual Purpose was AE... turns out to be not true. No involvement at all? That radiomix from 1997 has a tracklist, so that last track must be Skinny Puppy - Killing Game (AE mix), according to what I have. And related to that radiomix, the third track is an unreleased Keynell remix apparently, how on earth did that stay unreleased? Was it never intended for release? It's one of my fave tracks of all time.
  11. Was AE ever requested for a Red Bull Music Academy lecture? If not, would you consider it?
  12. ah man it's like just let people present things the way they feel comfortable rich was always hiding behind tables and things we didn't want to discuss exai on release at all we wanted to see what people could figure out i really like sleep terror, it's so flattened and designed, like hyper futurist i like the precision of the good technical stuff and really into the angles of it all, the geometry of it appeals to me that sounds ace is there a recording? ask someone who makes idm Thanks for answering, will def check out sleep terror. I got the recording of the broadcast somewhere, I'll pm it to you asap!
  13. Btw, Sean or Rob, are you aware of a radio broadcast in the Netherlands back in 2008 where your music was played for 30 minutes (listeners have a chance of 'reserving' 30 minutes to show and tell their fave music) which pissed off the host beyond belief? He only allowed it because it was the basic rule of the whole program, but he was really bummed out by it and said that this would lose a lot of his listeners. Also, they continuously tried to pronounce AE track names and he literally warned listeners about how long the tracks would last before playing them.
  14. Just want to give a massive thanks to AE for all the music over the years. Very cool to do this! Sean, in reply to your comment about Grant / Rephlex, what do you make of Rephlex' recent output and the strategy behind it (or: do you like or follow any of the recent Rephlex artists/releases)? How secretive does a label/artist need to get to let it be just about the music? Is there a point behind it that you can identify with on the theme of it being ´just about the music´ and how do you act on that idea (for example, around Exai and L-Event there was only 1 or maybe 2 interview, a lot less then with previous releases I think?) And because you put a Necrophagist track years ago in a mix: black metal or death metal? Any faves? What do you prefer about it, the complexity, atmosphere/feel or melodic side of metal?
  15. Yup, same here too. I think the 12" will be sent apart from the CD release, because I got 2 P+P prices. Don't know how efficient that is, but whatevs. Really can't wait for it!
  16. Man, you are on a roll! Digging all these tunes massively. Keep going please if you find more, I love this thread!
  17. "Reserve your copies now! Send an email to sales.apmusik at gmail.com - please mention your shipping country for an accurate quote. Coming very soon!" http://www.ovuca.com/
  18. Ehm, I'm just having that stream mentioned above open, and suddenly it changes from the warp site to TMZ.com with the music still playing?! Lol autechre. edit: I wasn't even close to the pc, upon return I just see the TMZ site all glitched up AE style.
  19. Warp saying it as well, a 24-hour stream? At the last track now, the second track completely floored me. Great, great stuff.
  20. Meanwhile: "Cutting AP006 – dual speed 12" with 17 min Autechre remix." https://twitter.com/ObermanKnocks/status/388620045494280192
  21. Check http://ovuca.com/ for full preview tracks on youtube! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NU-WGepOSp0
  22. I never watched TV-series, except for X-files years back occassionally. When I started with The Walking Dead I loved it so much, I thought all 3 seasons were great, but because of this huge gap between shows I started watching Breaking Bad 2 weeks ago, and watched all 5 seasons pretty much in a row. Looking back to the Walking Dead suddenly it isn't that great anymore, actually, looking the trailer, I don't know if I can be arsed to pick it up again. I don't remember a thing that happened last season, except for the Lori ghost farce, which isn't that great of a memory.
  23. And in context in what this is all about, reread Grant's facebook post when he announced Mental Union 3. It's obvious from both these statements that these "colundi sequence" albums will be more abstract sound experiments (see above, the first 2 albums are hinted as .wav data, the other 2 as audio cd's...) Grant´s post: "Following up from one of the most underrated albums of 2012 (i.m.o.), this is the first of 3 scheduled albums from new imprint AP Musik that begin to explore a phenomenon known as “The Colundi Sequence”; a series of mathematically-related and non-related and specifically resonant microtones that, in experiments, appear to conjure magical physical & psychological phenomena, synchronicity, unity. As the series progresses, proof and effects of the results should become apparent but for this volume, we are offered a carefully crafted introduction, to use as positive personal therapy and communal entertainment. The music is both natural and electrical, with an emphasis on sine waves of different frequencies, amplitudes and phase to demonstrate Colundi Level 1 to the listener, whatever the shape of one’s ear and one’s ability to hear may be. To give much more description of the meaning of sequence might be counterproductive at this stage; just have a listen! The very personal nature of the music is evident throughout. It is deep soundscape that draws you in to a different world; an intriguing symmetry of other dimensions. It is the result of systematic hertz experiments, a listening experience that is a coherent image from an unusual world that we momentarily enter. It is full of ingenuity and distinctly inspirational. AP Musik is manufacturing APMU4 now for release as soon as possible for those who will share our addiction to the theory; which employs elements and findings from a variety of scientific/philosophical sources. N.B. This ‘Ap’ is currently unavailable from iTunes, although it has been partially developed via Apple. A totally lush album, available very soon."
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