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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by exitonly

  1. Myriad is a batch sample processor that, among other things, has an "Extract at thresholds" action. With Myriad you can set up workflows of processing so if you wanted to extract all of these files and then normalize them, conver sample rate, and then rename them based on the detect base pitch of the sound then you can. https://zynaptiq.com/myriad/ AI isnt going to be needed for simple transient detection. I could see someday hopefully being able to pull out drum or other instruments (i.e. have AI generate a simulated extraction) from a complex sound would be amazing. For day to day drum slicing, transient detection is often fine.
  2. faster symptom onset would be a good thing imo. part of the initial problem was people spreading it around for days before they knew they were sick
  3. also disappointed in watmm that confield is not winning here. didnt ae themselves somewhat disown the album as not a proper followup to tri reptae? confield came out when i was in high school. I had been exposed to a good amount of electronic music before but had not encountered anything that challenging yet. it was definitely one where i had to listen to it over and over to even start wrapping my head around it. that moment where the album clicked for me was unlike most any other. learning that i could go through that kind of process with a piece of music (or any other kind of art) was so fundamental to the rest of my life. meanwhile chiastic has some nice beats yeh
  4. kicking off 2023 https://www.koin.com/entertainment-news/modest-mouse-drummer-jeremiah-green-dies-of-cancer/
  5. gonna be in bed by 11. do not give a fuk about new years at all anymore
  6. it’s weird that this guy is/was? the richest man in the world but i’m also really glad i’m not him
  7. next up in “i can’t believe this isn’t an onion headline”
  8. ugh this looks like the one mastadon server i'd want to be on but its not taking users ?
  9. fair point. seems like the number one real purpose of NFTs is money laundering
  10. 3D walkthrough of the original art in this promo page. pretty dope https://warp.net/us/artificial-intelligence
  11. i love how this thing is like a year late to the nft bullshit and coming up right after all the ftx meltdown stuff and the midterms failure… only the dumbest of the dumb is going to put money into this thing and it’s still probably a lot
  12. some downright goofy bits in this album tho
  13. that kick drum is pretty dope though, i would listen to it in a different track
  14. if you ever need any help, advice etc hit me up
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