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Everything posted by kichiguy

  1. so was there ever an audio recording of this set available?
  2. Zoviet France represses for Monomishe, Popular Soviet Songs & Youth Music, Low Land, Assault & Mirage, and Eostre.
  3. That's a shame about the rest of the pearls in their discog, but I'm not complaining! Just snapped up five standalone records from Boomkat. Cant wait to get my ears all over em.
  4. Binged all of Mindhunters S02 over the last couple of days. I was quite captivated by the Atlanta Child Murders storyline and have to say they got some brilliant performances out of their serial killer subjects (my fav part). Not as brilliant as S01 but still held up p. well in my book.
  5. If 15 year old me liked deftones, radiohead and mogwai, will 35 year old me like tool? Never heard em so wondering if I should give a shit.
  6. I heart Aube. https://irislightmusic.bandcamp.com/track/undercurrent-i-ii Btw does anyone know how to find the bandcamp wordpress album id?
  7. damn looks good edit: November, I mean!
  8. Cycle is off the hook! I have the CD lying around as well and remember playing it to death. Those interspersed field recordings on Cycle 2 were particularly transportive.
  9. Picked up a book memorialising Mika Vainio. Absolutely smashing Pan Sonic recording from their 2001 Round The World tour included on CD. http://www.blastfirstpetite.com/mika-vainio-psychopomp.html
  10. too good to die young was totally my cup of tea, quite possibly the best thing i've seen all year, warts & all. but i can see how it might not be so for others.
  11. Beyerdynamic DT-770 Pro or AKG K25K headphones?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Soloman Tump

      Soloman Tump

      Yep I love my Beyers. Comfy and goood

    3. aencre


      Happy with my 770s too.

  12. Nice one! Any other Old Captain recommendations? I never got that whole martial industrial aesthetic either, but maybe that's because I come preloaded with an erstwhile colony bias and find nothing entertaining about fascism, totalitarianism etc.
  13. BJNIlsen has rekindled his industrial tape music project, Tape Dekay, from the 90s. Defo worth checking out.
  14. Before Midsommar: New documentary to tell the history of folk-horror genre
  15. This seems to have been a pretty monumental undertaking on VOD's part, which from what I can tell is a one-man-army. This is well documented on their facebook. While there isn't any plan right now, I have a feeling this will be a pretty lucrative effort for the label and maybe they'll take up reissuing the rest of the discography in the not too distant future. There are some incredible gems from '88 onwards that could use 180gm treatment.
  16. Couldn't pull the trigger on the box set. That price tag with shipping and customs to the East was too much for life circumstances atm. I personally think I'll have to order Mohno, Eostre, Assault and Loh Land. Possibly Popular Songs...
  17. Think it was doxa sinistra, just caught the last bit. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vT6YCUSX930
  18. kichiguy


    asking all the right questions, sir
  19. Shane Meadows is back on Warp with The Virtues. Quite the gut punch as per usual. Also seems to have been a catharsis for Shane, exorcising his own demons via Stephan Graham's intense performance. Spoilery interview with Shane here where he bears quite a bit of his soul with us.
  20. Gotta agree with pops! Fantastic release, once again cementing plaid as the best in their little soundverse.
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