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dr lopez

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dr lopez

  1. do you ever learn?? Im just as positive as I am negative... you must never go into the positive threads wuv uu
  2. i like it. but i love the first track. some of the others feel like roads we've been down before, not that it's a bad thing but that first track really feels new
  3. havent said much in here but listening now and ha ha ha! it's very good!
  4. enjoyed this as well but not as much as i had hoped if that makes sense
  5. united are a complete shambles honestly.
  6. great games this week chen i luv u
  7. yeah sorry I was drunk. I got the normal version
  8. yes its very smart. he will now "recover" and be strong and win easily. very smart actually
  9. hgnnnnnhhhghghhghgh ok well i had two (or three) glasses of wine and ordered the bleep exclusives so i'll try really hard to wait for when it arrives on my doorstep. i'm sure it will be a fucking banger. 2020 has sprung to life
  10. this says releases october 5th?? how has everyone heard it?
  11. well its not, its just what we deserve. the robber barons run the country. the dems have just as much disdain for poor people as republicans, they just are dumber so decided to not try and get their votes. idiots.
  12. tim is a very funny man and in retrospect very influential in comedy but his pivot to earnest folk singer is not for me. because its not funny
  13. not when its a guy who's been weird to fans for about 7 years
  14. uhhh.... obviously not. it's her fault for not quitting the first time she had cancer under obama. but she was a girlboss who slays is the thing
  15. one of my biggest problems with him is that he is heralded as a crackerjack impressionist. when in fact he's very bad at impressions. even at rob brydon level where the impression is a caricature. he;s even bad at that. and it's certainly not funny
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