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dr lopez

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dr lopez

  1. sad... watched him my entire life. he will be missed
  2. yeah... still chasing that dragon of hong kong -> polygon cities. and from the sound of this one, bobby is too. not doing much for me after two listens.
  3. rotten tomatoes is literally retarded. unprecedented levels of groupthink
  4. actually that's not all. We all know carsten has done eno covers before. famously on summvs. well I think that xerrox calypsoid 2 is a protracted cover/remix/reference of a long way down from another day on earth (which is a criminally underrated eno record) please listen and let me know if im crazy or not
  5. one of the most memorable films i've seen in the last decade. incredible really, now thinking back on it. novel is also amazing. I highly recommend both to anyone with any sort of interest in film.
  6. most underhyped actress album is actually the best. shocker. enjoying this.
  7. the new episode of mandalorian. just like the last season, pretty boring, looks nice, i appreciate the bigatures and sets, all sorts of gay shit crammed in there for the fanboys (which i picked up on of course do to being a star wars tard in my youth) olyphant was ok i guess, one of those actors you can't hate even though they are objectively crap at saying lines. does that make him a bad actor? maybe? extremely stupid prequel reveal at the end.
  8. i have an original pressing of TEE and computer world and the remasters sound just as good. very good.
  9. it is my opinion that this collection of 9 tracks is better than sign
  10. nope, just the bros getting a paycheck for old hat
  11. very nice. das ist ein groovybeat is one of my fav mike p albums.. will listen to this and getting pumped for the new one too. second half of 2020 has been a belter
  12. american gangster (2007) is whats getting you to doubt ridley's abilities? have you seen anything he's done in the last 13 years?
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