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dr lopez

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dr lopez

  1. thank you for the concern. he is "stable" which means sedated and on a ventilator. The nurse said he is "not worse" than the last few days. they haven't had to increase the ventilator so we'll see. He's fighting it but they won't have a good sense of how he's doing until the end of this week.
  2. any1 else think this is a subtle nod to rephlex?
  3. motion to ban entorwellian and rubin from posting unimportant memes and such in this thread say aye
  4. get out wasnt even good. i dont begrudge this guy success but holy hell the hype machine around him is unbearable
  5. i only really liked the first one... :L edit: nvm they're good lol
  6. ladies and gentlemen... we got him
  7. i don't.. it's all happening in Hastings, UK where he lives. hard to get in touch atm... amazed my gran is still "not sick" but she's terribly upset and alone in all of this.
  8. grandpa in the ICU .. doctors giving him a 50/50 chance. oof. miserable.
  9. Ae does vaporwave and plunderphonics
  10. let's split these into rubin meme corona threads and news and watmm wellbeing threads
  11. hmm i just listened through all three and somehow found 2 lacking... weird? 1 is my fav. ok then *jarts*
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