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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by auxien

  1. We Are The Music Makers | Volume One by VariousWe Are The Music Makers | Volume One by VariousWe Are The Music Makers | Volume One by Various she's been dropping stuff on Bandcamp regularly if y'all ain't following her there, not all is for me but a lot of it is dope, may stock up on a few for tomorrow for Bandcamp Friday always varied, always a bit over the edge in the best of ways. i'm getting bits of S Olbricht & Rezzett vibes from these latest small releases, feels like her sound is 'maturing' as limiting as that term feels.
  2. yeah really soured on them with all their shit, they’re well up their own asses these days. i never check the site or buy anything through them…i still follow on insta and see a new ‘exclusive’ tape almost every fuckin day, it’s really boring. if everything is special/essential/whatever then none of it really is. ah man, so fire.
  3. https://www.cnn.com/middleeast/live-news/israel-hamas-war-gaza-news-02-29-24/h_c09b6821c90a21b059bc5baf5622b28c IDF opened fire on Palestinians trying to get food from an aid truck. https://www.cnn.com/middleeast/live-news/israel-hamas-war-gaza-news-02-29-24/h_212836734d72ca9b4d2604f208f928c4 Israeli citizens actively blocking aid trucks trying to get into Gaza. "Tsav 9" is the group, actively trying to starve out all 2+ mil left in Gaza to get the hostages back. massacres and active starvation attempts, all ongoing. fucking terrifying shit. and America keeps up with only the very lightest hints of any changes here from the Biden admin. good on that Aaron kid for standing up for something, but unfortunately (as i'm sure he knew) it was a 30 second blip on most news shows, has done nothing to sway anything in America. preaching to the choir sort of shit.
  4. goddamn this is might be the cringiest shit i've seen so far this year. fucking pathetic trash.
  5. https://daily.bandcamp.com/features/bandcamp-fridays-update this Friday another round
  6. convolution reverb pack when
  7. that’s what you’re reading but i imagine he’s on the way out entirely one way or the other. Pelosi did the same basic thing (last year i think?) and she’s still in but i’d be surprised if she lasts more than another term or two. Senate terms are 6 years tho so he’s likely going to bow out entirely once his term is up in 2027 i’d guess….his health problems have been obvious and worsening for years now. he ain’t gonna suddenly get younger/healthier over the next ~3 years.
  8. https://www.npr.org/2024/02/28/1163447619/mitch-mcconnell-steps-down?utm_medium=JSONFeed&utm_campaign=news&utm_source=press.coop good riddance fuckface. i assume his voice was cracking in sadness because he’s going to miss out on fucking over even more Americans.
  9. puffins are cool https://www.instagram.com/jc_wings?igsh=MXdlaHNxbHU0MTVxaw==
  10. probably been posted ITT already https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alex_(parrot)
  11. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/nazis-mingle-openly-cpac-spreading-antisemitic-conspiracy-theories-fin-rcna140335 https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2024/02/23/jack-posobiec-cpac-remarks-democracy-cnc-vpx.cnn all said with that 'ha ha we are definitely just joking ha ha, this is not the actual goal of course ha ha' tone that somehow counts as a dogwhistle these days
  12. https://www.theverge.com/2024/2/24/24082022/why-do-the-stupid-m-m-machines-have-facial-recognition
  13. ha i’m glad it’s some time off so now i can actually play the base game…lost my save file last year and got discouraged and never restarted. everything i had done was pretty fun tho, the world is pretty diverse & weird. much exploring ahead for me
  14. looks good m8. the small whipping swords lady looked like it’s gonna be a dope fight for the ~1 sec she’s on screen.
  15. good to know, i have less than 10 plugins that i use, just having them dropped in a single folder is fine for me. i’m sure it’s a help for the many plug in lovers out there. i’m more thinking about it for samples, i don’t have a horde of them but i’ve got a few folders worth collected (more like ‘samples i haven’t lost yet’) over the last ~20 years that i’d rather just access in their folders & search by text when necessary…for the crowds with hundreds of sample collections i’m sure the tagging/autosorting will be a help…as long as i can not use that and Ableton doesn’t try and restructure my files i’ll be fine. will probably be turning off auto-update before 12 drops tho, just so i can wait until any final release day bugs are sorted in those first few weeks. in the past they’ve had problems shipping a major updates with issues/bugs/incomplete implementation.
  16. ^i'm not sure about that tagging system, it looks like it can be ignored tho. in case any other existing users were curious, i've got Live 11 Suite, looks like the 20% discount applies to upgrades before the 12 release on March 5:
  17. stop y’all, you’re making NK sound really fuckin cool
  18. idk, maybe they also need a fifth movie about the group masturbation incident(s?).
  19. https://kellymoran.bandcamp.com/album/moves-in-the-field looking forward to this, the stuff she’s been posting on Insta for the last year or two has been really nice. a more stark piano sound should be good, but i’m gonna miss the more loopy electronic airiness on some of her earlier things, but i’m into the new track so this is definitely good stuff incoming. LP & CD up for preorder at Bleep/Bandcamp/etc.
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