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Silent Member

Knob Twiddlers
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Silent Member last won the day on November 3 2022

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About Silent Member

  • Birthday September 11

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    Korea - North
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    Dude is into synths and posts on here
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    I guess it's some sort of charity concert for gaming consoles
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    It's basically water vapour

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Community Answers

  1. I'd like a Freud reaction icon for posts that are full of sexual innuendos, tension, horniness, weird posts, dreams, or just as a dumb that's what she said joke. It is very important to fix this as soon as possible. I promise I will use at least a couple of times. This will make me a very happy man, and I'll finally have done my part in changing the world for the better. Thanks in advance. Let me know when it is ready. I know this will bring in a lot of younger hip people that will take vattern into the future, I can almost guarantee it. Boob butt vagina penis
  2. I tried rewatching that not too long ago, just couldn't get through it. Big poo poo.
  3. I fucking hate that shit. What if we gave creative humans the ability to live off their art and gave all the mundane routine shit to automation instead? Anyways, looks like there's more and more bots talking amongst themselves on social media. The whole process seems fully automated and utilizing AI for all their content. I found this bunch of twitter users pretty randomly today, and even though I can't prove they're not real people, something seems a bit off. These are just a select few, there are a ton of these. Good thing Elon got rid of all the bots. Facebook also seems to be overflowing with AI engagement farmers/images that all the boomers think are real and interact with. I guess the dead internet theory is becoming reality.
  4. I'm liking the new Shogun, despite our main guy chewing the scenery like there's no tomorrow.
  5. Looks like they're turning it into a by the numbers horror film series from now on. https://youtu.be/GTNMt84KT0k?si=LNCDQ-LacTSr5JSJ
  6. Silent Member


    I just remembered wanting this as a kid. What were they thinking? https://archive.org/details/dune-coloring-book/mode/1up?view=theater
  7. Watched Poor Things, because I felt like it. Didn't really hate it, didn't really like it. I was bored. Thinks it's sooo fucking clever, but you see right through it. If you really love long form perfume commercials, this will be right up your alley.
  8. I hope they make the migration as convenient as possible. I'm lazy, and not particularly interested in configuring my "studio" setup again.
  9. The only way for these movies to be interesting is if they present all the crazy Beatles conspiracies as factual events.
  10. Weapons and ammo for Russia too, I think?
  11. Things are looking bleak, but I don't think we're that close to the breaking point. Have some hope, for your kid. Humanity can do better. Just look at apple vision pro and the Cybertruck. If those two alone aren't going to save the planet I don't know what is. Stupendous stuff. Just amazing.
  12. Poop things Peekeeper Wanka (Yes, it looks like I did the change one letter in a movie title thing as well)
  13. I kind of respect that baggy suit thing they've got going, the neckline is a bit shit though. Fashion.
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