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Soloman Tump

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Everything posted by Soloman Tump

  1. As I said in the main thread, I wish All End had been split across the A side of 3 different records so that with a DJ setup of 2 turntables you could seamlessly play the entire track. Not possible in the current configuration unless you have 2 copies of the record!
  2. <===== ISSUE 6 INCOMING =====> Exciting times. Kind of accidentally a Bristol special, featuring: An Interview with Nick Edwards (Ekoplekz) LOOOONNNNNGGGG SSSSOOONNNGGGGSSSSSS Machina Bristronica: Geeking out with modular synths for the day An interview with WORM MONOLITH DSMVWLMNT: FNL R.I.P Keith Flint Pub Quiz Stone Tapes Art by Betty Heredia: Visualising Music Poetry and Art Music reviews Available soon from the new online shop at www.snarerush.limitedrun.com where you can also find remaining copies of issues 4 and 5. Thanks for the support.... Trades welcome if you have things to offer..... PEACE
  3. http://www.merzcast.com/ not sure how i feel about this: they're selling cassette tapes of each episode https://merzcast.bandcamp.com/merch Found the latest episode quite interesting, it was a guy from Editions Mego talking about a Japanese tour in 1999 with Russell Haswell. Not sure I need to own it on tape though!
  4. Terminator: Salvia starring Edward Furlong, as himself.
  5. Been quite nice having other stuff in the news for a week. Climate change protests etc... Hope the MPs are having a wonderful Easter break XxX
  6. Anyone ever used a "Music from outer space" Noise Toast? I think a semi-modular standalone synth like this would be the next evolution in my setup. (when my GAS ban is lifted in June :D) Seems a very reasonable price at £145.00 plus carriage from Italy (currently on Reverb)
  7. New ALBERICH is collosal Not necessarily noise, more industrial to be fair.
  8. The latest issue of Electronic Sound magazine has an interview with him, and describes it as a new kind of musique concrete where he tries to focus on one type of sound production rather than a dance record of various ideas.
  9. http://n4records.bandcamp.com/album/n4-records-001-pete-cannon-make-the-dance-nice Still a few copies of this left on bandcamp but don't sleep
  10. I'm so bored of Brexshit. *sticks on Making Orange Things 12" and rocks the fuck out*
  11. Voter apathy / protest for the imposed european elections could be fun. If the REMAIN camp use it to voice their strength, we could have massive turnouts. Conversely if anti-EU candidates stand as MEPs then there could be a strong turnout for them too, basically a referendum v2.0 Or everybody has given up on politics and its a flop, nobody gives a shite and nobody stands.
  12. yeah, I get funkier mark fell rave vibe, nice tunes for sure
  13. Welcome to Britain, post Brexit 6 months on
  14. Binging game of thrones from the start. Not watched season1 since it first aired, had forgotten how enjoyable it is
  15. DJ Colonel Sanders DJ Ronald McDonald DJ Big Mac DJ Taco Bell DJ Cheese String DJ Pepperami
  16. Yes, I am a sucker for books. Trying to save money right now though
  17. Wasn't this the reason why we had an empire in the first place?
  18. We have become accustomed to eating stuff all year round. If we learn to eat seasonal again it might not be too bad. As long as someone still sends us Bananas its all good
  19. Norway is loaded because Oil! But also they are good at spreading the wealth. And they charge monster taxes.
  20. I recently got a guitar pedal from Norway and had to pay VAT plus the customs duties before Parcelforce would release it from the depot to ship it to my house, so I guess this is what would happen from every other EU country in the event of a no-deal.
  21. Hope my WCN order from Germany turns up pretty sharpish then
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