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boards of canada ripoff

Guest jim

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Guest oxiactionmax

veeeery slightly revamped but not really because the influences are way too obvious, i just still kinda like the sound of it.


just wanted to share it with yall.


and it's mp3 this time.



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That's a whole lot of boc! See it's funny, since I'd say mine was lazier than yours but whatever..


The line that comes in on 0:54 is awesome, I like the touch and the actual sound, but there is room for improvement and maybe more purpose could be added to the melody?


1:35 love the piano, obviosuly the clipping could get sorted out but that isn't a music thing... I would say definately go with an extra layer of beat here... but I like the atmospheric chirpings around 2:22...


2:30 I like that the two parts have come together here...nicely rounded the section with the reversi beat...


Overall I really like this track and might actually have to sit it alongside some authentic boc in some chilling playlists... Nice one! Btw, what did you use for this tune?

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Ha ha this is nice man. Now this is more like BOC (sorry JJ). Mmm nice keys. Fuck this is nice man. Lovely chords. Yeah I agree with JJ a 2nd layer of beats would be interesting. You've got a really good ear for strong ass harmony. Yeah a few more layers would have really made this tune stella but nevertheless very impressive. Next time create something which is more you though :P

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this is really good, i don't think it sounds über-boc really, the sinebells aren't very bocy and the beat is way too stuttery. the chords are pretty classic but they're not exactly restricted to boards. good stuff! sort out the distortion and you'll have a great track.

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Guest oxiactionmax

wow guys, didn't expect that positive a reaction, but thanks a lot.


yeah this tune is fucking ancient, i did the original in like 2001 on my roland jx-305 keyboard and i basically just sampled the beat and stuck it in recycle, and re made the rest with a bunch of freeware synths in cubase, the exported file didn't sound like it did in cubase (wtf is up with that? anyone?) so i went ridiculously lofi and recorded the cubase playback with a webcast catcher, hence the low bitrate. Might well add some more beats, good idea.

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jim: this is a pretty sweet litl track...not so like boc that'd id say it was a rip off

maybe for the first minute or so until the "chimes" start

it just ended -- i liked it



impakt: very boc / this will make a lush litl addition to my segues library

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  • 3 years later...

This is the longest of long shots but i wonder if anybody still has that little track buried somewhere on their hard drive... i've been asked to send off a piece of my music and, as i only really write classical stuff nowadays, this is the only one i can think of that fits the bill. The laptop i had with the file on it has long since died so if anyone from this thread can be bothered to have a little root around it would really make my week. Thanks!

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