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Guest The Vidiot

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Will read Delillo this year, I'm looking forward to it.


Finished Midnight's Children, super good book. Also finished a short story by Sam Delany called the Star Pit (at Spiral's urging) and it's also super good. Will have to check out some of his novels (need to top up my sci-fi reserves).

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Give Libra a shot if you're still curious about Delillo.

Found WHite Noise to be really bleak and depressing, how does Libra and the rest of his work compare in that aspect?


Speaking of, afte White Noise left me in a sour mood I thought of reading something more lighthearted but grabbed Saramago's "Blindness" instead, which is shaping up to be another 300 pages of despair

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Give Libra a shot if you're still curious about Delillo.

Found WHite Noise to be really bleak and depressing, how does Libra and the rest of his work compare in that aspect?


Speaking of, afte White Noise left me in a sour mood I thought of reading something more lighthearted but grabbed Saramago's "Blindness" instead, which is shaping up to be another 300 pages of despair




Libra is maybe slightly less depressing than White Noise, and definitely has less of the 'essay' feel than most of his novels. It's one of the few with a real plot, and has easily the most memorable characters. I'd even say it reads like a psychological crime/espionage thriller in places. 


I kind of think of his career as having 3 phases: the PoMo-ish (darkly) comedic stuff up to and including White Noise, a couple of huge (and mostly successful) cuts at writing the Great American Novel in Libra and Underworld, and his late career super spare, elliptical stuff like Point Omega and Zero K. His recent work is good, but facking soul crushing tbqh. Duder is easily my favorite American writer. 


edit:  Am I wrong in thinking that Blindness is ~50% rape scenes? It's been ages since I read it, but that's what I think of when ever it comes up. 

Edited by doublename
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I enjoyed reading Underworld, but didn't quite know what to make of it when it was finished. Libra was really good though, only other thing of his I've read.

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Reading The Epigenetics Revolution  by Nessa Carey as research, pretty good so far and exactly what I need. Recommendations on other good books relating to epigenetics, normal genetics and similar material are welcome.

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The Sellout by Paul Beatty - it's hilarious, but it seems too 'inside baseball' to have won a Booker.


Infomocracy by Malka Older - Risking all credibility and saying I like this more than Pattern Recognition.


Dark Money by Jane Mayer

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Been occasionally reading through Ligotti's Songs of a Dead Dreamer & Grimscribe combo via Kindle for the past 6 months, but have made barely a dent (haven't been in a reading mood at all until quite recently)...though I just bought and started John Langan's The Fisherman, which seems like it should be a solid/easy enough read to get me back in the groove of reading fiction.

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Been occasionally reading through Ligotti's Songs of a Dead Dreamer & Grimscribe combo via Kindle for the past 6 months, but have made barely a dent (haven't been in a reading mood at all until quite recently)...though I just bought and started John Langan's The Fisherman, which seems like it should be a solid/easy enough read to get me back in the groove of reading fiction.


I work in a bookshop and had been planning for a couple of weeks to order in The Fisherman when I got paid, then the day before I went in a charity shop and found a mint copy of it for 3 quid, it was insane. 


Not read it yet.

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