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Guest boo

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posting pics of your GFs is a seriously bad idea dudes. nice that your obviously proud to like, actually have a girlfriend (*sigh*, IDM nerds) but like, use a bit of common sense for god sake. for one thing it's extremely likely that you see them through rose-tined spectacles and might get offended or saddened if someone else doesn't, plus this forum is seen by a lot of people who you don't know - some of them not even registered members. i would remove them with all due haste if i were you.

Well, I'm not honestly concerned a bit, but if you really think so I can break the image link or ask for the post(s) deleted. As it is I just don't see what real harm it could come out of it, but to be fair I don't really see what real good comes out of having it on the forums indefinitely either though. *shrug*

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posting pics of your GFs is a seriously bad idea dudes. nice that your obviously proud to like, actually have a girlfriend (*sigh*, IDM nerds) but like, use a bit of common sense for god sake. for one thing it's extremely likely that you see them through rose-tined spectacles and might get offended or saddened if someone else doesn't, plus this forum is seen by a lot of people who you don't know - some of them not even registered members. i would remove them with all due haste if i were you.




but also this.

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All of your girlfriends are nothing compared to my Finally Miley Superstar Series with Three Achey Love Holes

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braintree always out havin fun, meetin frenz, chattin up the hunnies - nominate for Least-WATMM Watmmer 2011



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Oh, I forgot to put this up. Here's a video of a performance a couple weeks ago. Awepittance hosted the night, which turned out great. Brian E played a set. I also got to meet Theocide.



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