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The Road - Trailer


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It seems as if I've been waiting for this movie for forever. Finally, there's a trailer out and it looks brilliant.


I just hope that they haven't cut back on the darkness of the movie, because that was supposedly one of the main reasons it was pushed back so many times. At screenings people had said that it was way too dark and melancholy, but isn't that was you'd expect from a post apocalyptic movie?


By the way, if you've read the book then please don't spoil anything. Use spoiler tags.

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Guest Iain C

I saw this in Zaphod's thread earlier, but I'm not about to call jazzband because it deserves its own discussion really!


Forgive me for not being overly enthusiastic - this was always going to be difficult to wrangle a big-budget film out of. I just don't think it's a book that would translate well to the cinema. Obviously it's got a fantastic setting with a great aesthetic, but I just don't think it has the storyline to make some blockbuster out of, so it seems inevitable that they're going to rewrite it and mess with it, throw a love story in there somewhere, and perhaps a happy redemptive ending. It'd be a fucking travesty. Obviously it's impossible to tell from this trailer, but I've got this dark feeling that they're about to screw up a really wonderful book.

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Guest Gary C

Yeah, I'm not massively impressed either.


Looks as though they've given a definite reason as to why the world is fucked: global climate catastrophe of some kind. I've always had it in my head that there had been a nuclear holocaust.

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Guest zaphod

are you guys on crack?? "looks brilliant"? did we watch the same trailer? it's almost impossible to tell what this movie will be like but if i were to judge it solely on the trailer than it's going to be a fucking abomination. and i loved the book.

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the trailer looks like uber-cheese, i have no clue what you guys are talking about; my fond hope is that the marketing team decided to MARKET it as genre bullshit.


the esquire review was ridiculously positive, though ...

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Guest zaphod

well it said in that esquire article that weinstein basically chose a trailer at random and that the film isn't reflected at all in it, so i'm thinking this really is just bad marketing. i'm just trying to figure out how anyone who read the book could possibly think the trailer is brilliant looking. all that day after tomorrow bullshit at the beginning, lol. it's honestly one of the worst trailers i've seen for a major adaptation.

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my fond hope is that the marketing team decided to MARKET it as genre bullshit.


That was my exact thought after watching the trailer. I'd hoped they'd be able to convey some of the same atmosphere of the novel. I've been looking forward to this film for a while, but it looks like they've possibly put in more stuff with the wife (some of the weakest writing in the novel). Hopefully they don't spend too much screen time on the period before the catastrophe or on what caused the catastrophe itself. Does anyone know what they did to the film after those screenings last year where test audiences said it was, "too dark"?


Anyone else notice Garret Dillahunt (Deadwood, No Country) as the scavenger that the father kills? That's some great casting because while reading the novel he's exactly who I pictured the character to look like.
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I hate that they reveal the source of the apocalypse, the ambiguity is so much better. I also really hated the use of the word 'epic' in the trailer. Whilst the devotion he shows his son is certainly epic on the whole the journey is pathetic and useless, with two people scrambling around in the dirt for scraps in a dead world. Epic makes it sound like Lord of the Rings.


Positives - Viggo and Omar.


To be honest I've been sceptical ever since I saw that the guy responsibe for the travesty of adapting Enduring Love into a film was on board.

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Guest Iain C
I hate that they reveal the source of the apocalypse, the ambiguity is so much better. I also really hated the use of the word 'epic' in the trailer. Whilst the devotion he shows his son is certainly epic on the whole the journey is pathetic and useless, with two people scrambling around in the dirt for scraps in a dead world. Epic makes it sound like Lord of the Rings.


Positives - Viggo and Omar.


To be honest I've been sceptical ever since I saw that the guy responsibe for the travesty of adapting Enduring Love into a film was on board.


I agree with everything you said. Although I don't remember reading that the source of the apocalypse is revealed - the Esquire article says it's not. Anyway, I'll probably go and see this anyway, despite not having been to the cinema for two years.

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Uh the trailer is bullshit. There's an article in the Esquire or something that basically says the trailer is pure bullshit, half of it is not in the movie and everything with his wife is like in the same 5 minute scene. There's no reference to environmental bullshit. It's Weinstein who picked that trailer but everything else completely works in the final cut (music, actors, screenplay, cinematography, etc...)

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Huh, that esquire review does make it sound pretty good. I like this part:


My production designer, sitting in the countryside in Victoria, Australia, found eight miles of abandoned freeway in Pennsylvania on Google Earth, which gave us those dark tunnels. We deliberately used America's real apocalyptic zones. We went to New Orleans to shoot our interior shots in a ruined shopping mall in post-Katrina New Orleans. We used the strip mines in western Pennsylvania. Even billowing clouds in the background of one scene come from 9/11.

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

trailer got me excited for the film. i loved the book. want to read it again now infact. trailer looks how i imagined it, but maybe lighter. i guess the wife is in the trailer to add female interest? she won't last the opening 5 mins.


i thought it was nuclear too. burnt and buckled roads could be wildlifes maybe?

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was it really necessary to use 'billowing clouds from 9/11' that sounds a little bit of political art faggery right there. i mean there are plenty of billowing cloud shots they can use from other things.

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch
i thought it was nuclear too. burnt and buckled roads could be wildlifes maybe?


i meant wildfires of course


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was it really necessary to use 'billowing clouds from 9/11' that sounds a little bit of political art faggery right there. i mean there are plenty of billowing cloud shots they can use from other things.


Because it would cost a lot of money to fly a plane into a building to recreate that


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