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Venetian Snares' best album?


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I feel that 1961 is better than the self titled album too.

I agree. Not by a whole lot, but I agree.


The only track that I actually like from the Last Step album (that I'll listen to as a stand alone song that is) is "You're a Nice Girl [Remix]".


Color TV and Baby Powder are cool too, I suppose.

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Guest Ultravisitor

huge chrome cylinder box unfolding

winter in the belly of a snake


find candace


and of course, winnipeg is a frozen shithole


edit: songs about my cats too

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As a quick aside: Do you think Aaron is a serious fucking psychopath? I mean.... I would not at all be surprised to learn that he ends his career by getting caught for the murder of hundreds of little girls or something. Do you think it's just tongue-in-cheek humor or does this guy have some SERIOUS fucking issues?


no I met him personally he is totally nice and normal

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For those of you who like songs about my cats..... teach me because I don't really get that one yet. I suppose I just need to listen a few times.



And o00o its good that he's not a total psychopath because he certainly comes off that way with the music. I suppose it was the Doll Doll Doll album that did it for me because I couldn't decide whether it was just a really sick joke or if there was some truth and conviction behind it.

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Luxemberg that is too true, thank god for you and your reassuring arm.(foyf reference). Please use the pic of luxemberg from the pulch for your av, I think it would be solid as fuck and I have a feeling that's where you got your name from.


edit: I did it for you because I'm such a nice guy, here's the link to the toon if you haven't seen it



Just wanted to list some songs that have really been melting my brain lately:


Mouth (printf) is fucking harsh as shit and is the most brutal assault on the senses I have ever heard. Fucking love this track


Befriend a Childkiller : same as above


Fuck Toronto Jungle (237 0894) is brilliant as well


Eurocore MVP is also fucking awesome, I don't get all the love for Flashforward, I mean it is a good track for sure but there are plenty of better ones on Detrimentalist

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For those of you who like songs about my cats..... teach me because I don't really get that one yet. I suppose I just need to listen a few times.


I just like it since I love cats. What could be better for a cat person than an album dedicated to cats that sounds like something cats would make with sounds of cats? The song that got me into this album was "Bobo", the songs that kept me in and made me listen to it all were "Chinaski" and "Poor Kakarookee."


When you're smiling and,

When you're not.


Good song.

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find candace

doll doll doll

a giant alien force




not really in that order except for the fact that meathole would be the last in that list no matter the order of the other 4.


but there are plenty of tracks on all his albums that are better than any full album




oh and how could i forget choco wheelchair.


again above meathole.

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i like huge chrome cylinder box unfolding


i can't seem to get into any of his other music. i suppose if i had been younger when i discovered him i would be more partial to it



for me electronic artists like meat beat manifesto are infinitely better - i feel that mouse on mars, meat beat and friends deserve much more discussion than venetian snares gets, but i very rarely ever see them being brought up. for instance, the album "actual sounds and voices" by meat beat manifesto is what i would call a masterpiece, and it is one that is widely ignored and forgotten while violently sub-par (in my opinion of course) albums like "rossz etc" (the classical venetian snares album) are constantly being discussed.


that said, venetian snares is probably just not for me, and i'm being cynical and an asshole by saying all of this. i've enjoyed some of his work very, very much (making orange things, surprisingly), and learned a lot about electronic music from him, but i needed to offer a different opinion than those that have been popping up in this thread / express my feelings on this matter

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I'm on the other side of that, Meat Beat Manifesto doesn't entirely do it for me. I'll listen to it and like it more than most things, but I never choose to listen to him.


Though I really really like the side project of Tino Corp...

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