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Tonight, I went for a walk down to Williamsburg (the hipster epicenter of the universe and traditional Hasidic stronghold of America) and saw an ambulance next to a car with three teenage girls (from what I could tell, they WERE NOT Hasidic) stopped in the middle of the intersection.

The ambulance was one of the Hasidic volunteer ambulances. I had seen them driving around before but never saw one in action before tonight. I guess someone was in the back but I couldn't tell what happened. It didn't look like there was an accident but there were a bunch of onlookers.

I couple of Hasids were wearing reflective vests and directing traffic. Pretty soon, a second volunteer ambulance showed up, for some unknown reason. It was then followed by 3 black SUVs with sirens and police lights, sort of like a presidential motorcade. The SUVs stopped and a few more Hasids got out. There was another black SUV with police lights across the intersection with a little Hasid kid in the back, looking out the window.

The whole thing was so surreal.

At some point, a few real cops showed up and the Hasids seemed like they were still in charge but were sharing duties with the cops. As far as I'm aware, there aren't really any actual Hasidic cops (I read a news headline saying that the NYPD hired one and it was a bit of a big deal).

Maybe it's me but I think it is fucking crazy that these guys drive around in black SUVs with rollers and sirens.

It's obvious that these dudes are above the law, in some respect and I just can't figure it out.

Anyone have any insights?

These dudes are so mysterious.

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Guest spike

yeah man, i used to live in south of the williamsburg meat scene but on my adventures through south williamsburg from bedstuy to hipsterclusterfuckwilliamsburg, i saw this type of scene all the time. It didn't really freak me out too much, but there is a whole legit bus system that is exclusive to them and it is big time stuff,. it was kind of weird with the cops though. Another neat thing i saw was the school buses full of Hasid Children , all of which stand up on the bus seats while travelling. strange that they would let them do something so reckless.



so,, about the scene you saw,,,, did it look like the 3 teenagers were being questioned for something suspicious or was it an accident that Hasidic Medics were helping out with?



I miss that Hasid vibe .

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. Another neat thing i saw was the school buses full of Hasid Children , all of which stand up on the bus seats while travelling. strange that they would let them do something so reckless.


so,, about the scene you saw,,,, did it look like the 3 teenagers were being questioned for something suspicious or was it an accident that Hasidic Medics were helping out with?



I couldn't really tell. There was definitely someone in one ambulance but only one vehicle. My best guess is the girlies hit someone with their car. I'm curious as to why the first responder was a hasid volunteer ambulance. Maybe they hit a hasid.

If so, their goy asses are motzah.

Those hasids hold it down, for sure.


Btw, the hasid kids always creep me out. I have a friend that lives in the thick orthodox neighborhood and whenever I come visit, they all drop what they're doing, gather around me and stare, like I'm E.T. or something.

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oooh lets get ezk in here with some semi racist yet still amusing hasid jokes


That's not funny, my great grandmother died in one of the 1905 Russian pogroms.





She slipped and banged her head while trying to throw a wheelie bin through the store window of R. Schmuck & Sons.




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i remember hearing that the orthodox jews in Williamsburg were strappin' up for a long time, even some of them carrying automatic weapons to protect themselves from 'hate crimes' or so they claimed. the cops for the most part didn't really care about it and let them do it .


i get lols out of all the New York specific jewish orthodox rules, such as microscopic crustaceans being in the water supply so therefore it is not kosher

and there is an exception for using elevators on the day of rest because well if you're an old jewish person you're not going to want to walk up a flight of stairs

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i get lols out of all the New York specific jewish orthodox rules, such as microscopic crustaceans being in the water supply so therefore it is not kosher


and there is an exception for using elevators on the day of rest because well if you're an old jewish person you're not going to want to walk up a flight of stairs



Well, they could learn a thing or two from the Antwerp orthodox jews over here. (Antwerp has one of the biggest Hassid communities in europe)



On the day of rest (sabbath), they make sure their elevators are constantly working. Meaning, the elevator doors are open, and the elevator is continously going from floor to floor, all day long. This is because they are not allowed to set things in motion during sabbath, but somehow it's allowed to use a thing that's already in motion, just as long as you don't start it...


A friend of mine confirmed this. He had to do a paper route, and in some jewish appartments he just had to wait for the elevator and throw the newspapers in there, so they could pick it up when it passed their floor.



I've never had contact with the Antwerp Hassid community, but I know people who did. And I've heard some very :facepalm: things.



So yeah, I get lols from their silly batshit ridiculous rules as well. (except when they cause deaths.. fucking hell)



If anyone wants to hear some just give me a holla :emotawesomepm9:

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i remember hearing on the news about 5 years ago that in L.A. they were going to make the traffic lights automatically turn green when a jew is waiting to cross the street because apparently, they are not supposed to push the button either!


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