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All these arbitrary flavor of the moment genres are fucking retarded.


it seems aided by the accelerated information flow on the internet, genres rise and fall in days instead of half decades.

Edited by Awepittance
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Basically please stop saying Chill Wave it's made up by idiots who don't know shit at Wire Magazine, it's not a self-label.


the genre name in and of itself does seem like it was invented by idiots, the music sounds nice but why does it have to have a genre name so fast? who comes up with this shit?

Edited by Awepittance
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Basically please stop saying Chill Wave it's made up by idiots who don't know shit at Wire Magazine, it's not a self-label.


the genre name in and of itself does seem like it was invented by idiots, the music sounds nice but why does it have to have a genre name so fast? who comes up with this shit?

Exactly, I would really just call it something more vague electronic pop music or something like that...

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Guest GrandPopPoplock


Yes, the name is extremely cheesy , BUT...I'm really, really lovin' the sounds. It's by far the best thing to happen to music in quite sometime .


I like a lot of it, but I can't say the same, because I was thinking the same thing with dubstep years ago and look what happend there: a made up 'scene' of similar music going from from very exciting to extremely predictable with a few exceptions (thank god for the steadfast experimental and independent-thinking artists).


Palomo (Neon Indian) said on pitchfork: "I really hope the medium by which someone writes a song isn't the only thing the song has going for it." Well fuck that, he took a formula, crapped some songs out, and it's likely a ton of copycats will do the same. And I'm sorry, if there is better production out there, I prefer it. It's not snobbery either, doing lo-fi shit on purpose is more pretentious than effort in making something sound good, it's not 1980 anymore.


Indeed, my son


I don't know if I could compare it to dubstep's current state . I'm able to differentiate between the artist in glo-fi little bit more . Each new glo-fi artist brings their own style to the genre , while most dubstep artist are slowly starting to sound the same . I like dubstep a lot and think within time...it will flush itself out and we'll get good shit ( it happen to dnb...hopefully the same will happen to dubstep )



As for scene kids ( or hipsters )...eh...they will be here till the end of time. They're like zombies ( if you hear one banging on your boarded up door...expect a horde to surround your home shortly )

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stop obsessing over genre names, they are ALL stupid, prime examples:










i think most people in here are expressing concern for the fact that a 'genre' that only has a handful of acts in it can even be named. All of the genres you mentioned were long established with a lot of artists all channeling the same sound before they were even named. Its not that the name 'chillwave' is a bad genre name, which of course it is, it's that how the hell does something so uncohesive and miniscule get a genre name this fast?

Edited by Awepittance
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Guest Glass Plate

I'm going to take a bunch of DEVO tracks, run them at 66.6% BPM and wash it in reverb. CAll it "DEVOL" and get huge in the chill-fi scene.

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Indeed, my sonI don't know if I could compare it to dubstep's current state . I'm able to differentiate between the artist in glo-fi little bit more . Each new glo-fi artist brings their own style to the genre , while most dubstep artist are slowly starting to sound the same . I like dubstep a lot and think within time...it will flush itself out and we'll get good shit ( it happen to dnb...hopefully the same will happen to dubstep )As for scene kids ( or hipsters )...eh...they will be here till the end of time. They're like zombies ( if you hear one banging on your boarded up door...expect a horde to surround your home shortly )


It's an apples n' oranges comparison for sure. And yeah, scene kids/hipsters will persist for all time, albeit in new forms. Like Dr. Who or that immortal IDM jellyfish.


I'm going to take a bunch of DEVO tracks, run them at 66.6% BPM and wash it in reverb. CAll it "DEVOL" and get huge in the chill-fi scene.


lolz, sadly you're probably on to something...

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Guest Z_B_Z

All these arbitrary flavor of the moment genres are fucking retarded.


it seems aided by the accelerated information flow on the internet, genres rise and fall in days instead of half decades.


while theres certainly a lot of truth to this, i think it speaks to peoples short attention spans as well. and also the need to be hip and current. that jon wozencroft quote comes to mind. the one about the great disease of contemporary culture being the constant need to have something new all the time.

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I've only really listened to Tori y Moi , Big Black, and Washed Out. All 3 are pretty great.


I plan on never listening to Neon Indian, fuck that.


Also, Chill Wave is just a shitty hacked up name by fucking Wired Magazine which I hate. it's just lo-fi indie synth-pop. lol.


Other bands that get lumped in like Ducktails etc. I feel are a totally different style and suck even more.

big black? :wtf: :wtf: :wtf:


beat me to it


the last.fm list says "small black," Big Black was different (read: way-the-fuck-better).

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stop obsessing over genre names, they are ALL stupid, prime examples:










i think most people in here are expressing concern for the fact that a 'genre' that only has a handful of acts in it can even be named. All of the genres you mentioned were long established with a lot of artists all channeling the same sound before they were even named. Its not that the name 'chillwave' is a bad genre name, which of course it is, it's that how the hell does something so uncohesive and miniscule get a genre name this fast?

Quickly generated genre names also help to pigeonhole bands/styles and create an immediate scene surrounding a specific sound, rather than letting the sound develop into something perhaps more meaningful. Instead we'll just end up with a bunch of copycats.

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Guest Glass Plate

I've only really listened to Tori y Moi , Big Black, and Washed Out. All 3 are pretty great.


I plan on never listening to Neon Indian, fuck that.


Also, Chill Wave is just a shitty hacked up name by fucking Wired Magazine which I hate. it's just lo-fi indie synth-pop. lol.


Other bands that get lumped in like Ducktails etc. I feel are a totally different style and suck even more.

big black? :wtf: :wtf: :wtf:


beat me to it


the last.fm list says "small black," Big Black was different (read: way-the-fuck-better).



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free dl's from each of the labels artists. Some good stuff, including neon indian, chromeo, solid gold, matt & kim, and more.

not sure if it's "chillwave" but some good tracks none the less, and FREEEEEE


is "chillwave" sort of like "IDM"

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Basically please stop saying Chill Wave it's made up by idiots who don't know shit at Wire Magazine, it's not a self-label.


i read wire every month and i don't think they've ever used that term

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Guest kelvanE

i dug memory tapes // delorean // neon indian // washed out // ducktails - landscapes // small black

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Guest Glass Plate

Basically please stop saying Chill Wave it's made up by idiots who don't know shit at Wire Magazine, it's not a self-label.


i read wire every month and i don't think they've ever used that term

That's because you're a noob at reading anything and suck at life.

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Yeah, someone needs to tell these genre naming assholes when to actually start naming things. Otherwise, we're just going to get a bunch of bands cloning an underdeveloped sound just to fit it with an imaginary scene.

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yes, it's a ridiculous name, but people like to be able to name things, and people like to feel like they're part of a movement, of a new thing.

people get sick of saying 'yeah it sounds a bit like ariel pink but with more synths' or 'yeah it sounds like boards of canada, with more of a psych-pop feel to it.'


this genre ridiculousness used to drive me insane, but music develops and you have to call it something rather than give reference points once it acquires a certain momentum. i've accepted that now. IDM is a ridiculous genre name. dubstep is a ridiculous genre name. dub - hell, say that enough times and it loses all meaning. dub dub dub dub dub dub dub dub dub dub dub dub dub dub dub dub dub dub dub dub dub dub dub


it's still a fucking stupid name for a type of music though.


disclaimer: i have not heard a note of this shit. i think i'll stick on some ariel pink.

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Guest Glass Plate

Please tell me you listen to R. Stevie Moore, because Ariel Pink is just a shoddy Moore wanna be.

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