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The Walking Dead - AMC TV Series (spoilers everywhere)

Rubin Farr

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Granted, there are many moans and groans I've been having over this new season, but it's still infinitely better than the new season of American Horror Story. Not to mention a ton of other shows.


If he kills Michone, I may have to consider giving up on the show tho. Srysly.

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Guest Pennywise

Nothing has happened


-people we didnt know have all died from flu


-Boring character has left group


-The fence is unstable and keeps breaking.


-Daryl has gayer hair.


Also, why are there so many fucking zombies by the fences.How many zombies can there be in that area, jeez.

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you forgot the jarring 'character development' of Carrol turning super cold blooded with no explanation of how she got that way (because we only saw the knife class, if that's supposed to be a hint she was getting tough it was a major fail) and being kicked out of the prison. This season is an absolute mess compared to the previous 3.

you also forgot the plot-thread that went absolutely nowhere about the black guy from the wire 'losing it' over the course of a few episodes which we absolutely never saw resolved in any way

Edited by John Ehrlichman
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Guest Pennywise

It's funny... if you remove the zombies from the show... it would still be the same show.

Maybe they should just replace the zombies with something stupid so we can have a laugh. Loads of little cats would be nice.

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Guest Pennywise

you forgot the jarring 'character development' of Carrol turning super cold blooded with no explanation of how she got that way (because we only saw the knife class, if that's supposed to be a hint she was getting tough it was a major fail) and being kicked out of the prison. This season is an absolute mess compared to the previous 3.


you also forgot the plot-thread that went absolutely nowhere about the black guy from the wire 'losing it' over the course of a few episodes which we absolutely never saw resolved in any way


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I also love how much The Governor fell in love with that random woman instantly and now swears on his life that he'll keep her and her family safe. That came out of fucking nowhere.


not really, she gave him a plate of Spaghetti O's. Nothing makes you fall more madly in love during a zombie apocalypse than a plate of Spaghetti O's.

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I bet if they were hotdog spaghetti o's he'd have put a ring on it immediately.









(a cock ring)













(also the cock ring would be on his cock)

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I like how in this weeks, Pliskin took his eye patch off, it stayed off for that no name bird, then the kid had a run in with a zom...walker, but he had time to put on his patch before going to her aid

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I like how in this weeks, Pliskin took his eye patch off, it stayed off for that no name bird, then the kid had a run in with a zom...walker, but he had time to put on his patch before going to her aid


It's a sex scene they cut out. They were both like "danger! Our little bird can die in tortures! You can feel it too? Let's fuck first!" kind of like in Trier's Antichrist.

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Guest RadarJammer

they finally have a good story but they watered it down with a bunch of insufferable extras pretending to be semi regulars. why don't AMC just give the walking dead budget to christopher walking to guest appear on an episode of mad men

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wow that last episode was pretty intense. is the governor really dead? will he come back? the shot fired could have been from someone shooting the woman that was about to shoot him, i was thinking, but i hope he's gone. and when the young girl shot the dude right between the eyes i cheered. that was good tv!

Edited by yek
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