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Why are so many WARP artists having a release on other labels


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Aphex and Squarepusher will only release their BEST OF THE BEST on Warp, because I think they actually do take their reputations really seriously from what I read in a Luke Vibert interview.


I heard that Warp is waiting for the most profitable time to release the BOC album, according to their oh so genius marketing research. Fags.


I don't know what the fuck is up with Scintilli. Shit's inexcusable. Release Scintilli, Warp, you douche canoes.


WARP (from what I understand) are NOT behind any delays in the album's release, at least not directly in the sense something they did caused the delays. LOL @ "waiting for the most profitable time" - you actually think there's NOT a profitable time to release a BoC album?


"I heard". I don't have the answers, dude. Apparently, MDG said that the new album has not yet been released for reasons beyond the band's control. Also, it's not a laughable idea, since movie releases are delayed for the exact same reasons. Don't they need to release albums in such a way so that each gets a certain amount of attention and promotional work done in time for its release?

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It's more likely that they got bored of their sounds and decided to make a rap album.


maybe boc are just out of ideas


Doesnt stop Autechre. In fact the put out more material.

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If it's done, then Warp is holding on to it for a specific release date, obviously. Since it's niche music for a small audience in a dying industry, you think they just pick a release date at random? Think of this as Warp's "blockbuster" now do you get what I mean?

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