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Guest disparaissant

you know what's really sad? this thread is like, the most logical discourse i've seen on this subject anywhere at all. even including all the precious bodily fluids stuff. so good going, wattem even if it's not really saying a whole lot.

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Guest Helper ET

i read it all too, three times now, and ive come to the conclusion that most of the people on this board are misinformed and totally confused. no fucking clue whats actually going on. that explains why hardly anyone on this board replies to my meaningful topics with any kind of substance. run along children!


im misinformed and totally confused as well, but at least im honest and dont pretend im jesus


btw, im jesus

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Guest nene multiple assgasms

hey guys remember that slap sound after the guy said the mosque would be a slap in the face? :music:

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Guest Gary C

I believe Troon is equating the man-made chemicals ingested by most humans with making most people imbalanced mentally, thus making us argue about things like whether a place as harmless as a community center should be built next to a site few humans consider to be sacred. Which is rather insane when worded like I just did


insane indeed. troon is right. theyve been fluoridating our water and using brain annihilating additives in the food for all of our lives. troopn basically nailed it, were all fucking retarded now because a few globalists decided along time ago that everyone should be made dumbed down and unable to think clearly


we are rats in cage. the lab technician has injected us with deadly mind fucking chemicals, and were trapped inside, running around wondering whats happening to us and why


its actually incredibly disturbing and horrible. do you feel a little off? youve felt a bit weird for a few years now, but you dont really know how exactly, or why? your not sure if youve been like this the entire time, and if your now more conscious of it. you dont feel the way you used to? do you sometimes think that its just part of growing up, and you experience different things and it changes who you are? doesnt still seem right though does it? no, it isnt.since your conception, your mother had been feeding you fucked up substances while in the womb. then, right after your born, they inject a bunch of vaccines into you, which swells the brain, and causes irrevocable brain damage. then they start feeding you the poisoned food and fluoridated water right from the get go (you dont even have teeth yet...)and then you start the first few years of your life dealing with average to shitty parenting, which fucks you up psychologically. and they stick you in front of that tv all day, and that rapes your creativity, in the most crucial time of your life. then at age 5, they stick you in school, and you are treated like some kind of retarded slave animal. and you do this until your 18, all the while drinking and eating all the deadly softkill weapons, and most kids try alcohol and marijuana a few times in high school, and that has been scientifically proven time and time again to hinder your brain growth in its final developmental stages. so your, 20-30 now. you have no money, the world is imploding on itself, you have had no real education, you have zero sense of spirituality, in fact youve been lied to regarding spirituality, and theyve turned you into a decadent, intellectually and physically lazy, cow. and everyday your still drinking that fucking fluoride and frying your brain on a daily basis, and now youve probably got into a little drinking havent you?


so what do we have now? a population of impotent, corrupt, idiotic, dishonest sad bastards. human beings are amazing, they are the most incredible thing in the universe that we know of. that is why its so terrible what has been done to us. this is why no one can have a decent discussion, or why no one cares about anything important, even their own life. were so fucking retarded now that we might as well just beat our own heads in with baseball bats and roll around the floor moaning and shitting our pants


the fucking bastards - i cant believe this is happening


Funniest post of the year.

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try responding directly to the points made instead of tangential distractions. if you want to defend people who are racist, explain why


edit: maybe it's hard for you to understand how segregation could actually be successful because you live in a country that still practices it?


i should have responded to this earlier. the point of my posting was not to defend those people but to stir shit, to undermine things a bit, to defend the democratic values ( :crazy: ), otherwise this thread would end up with this 2-3 page circle-jerk and a bunch youtubes starring moronic republicans (which are probably a libertarian conspiracy anyway). conformity on the internet forums is probably the most useless and the most boring thing to practice.


i don't have an actual opinion on this matter, not enough info. maybe defending those holy freedoms of stuff would be the right thing to do in the long run and maybe not pissing off those dimwits is actually a better idea considering the consequences..


last post i guess.

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conformity on the internet forums is probably the most useless and the most boring thing to practice.


Is that really important ?

Does it mean something to you ?

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i think so, you're given the freedom to express the wildest ideas and provoke any kind discussion without any serious repercussions or risks, might as well exploit this freedom. beats going "- oh man, those racist white trash republicans grrrr. - yeah, uh uh, totally dude *posts a youtube*", its a useless, its like making "i love aphex twin" thread in an aphex twin subforum.

do you really believe that ET would be able to make 4552 posts in real life without getting beaten up ? i doubt it.

i don't know about meanings..i find it is always difficult to answer such questions. i just think it's beneficial.

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well, let me tell you that



there is nothing special about you



and yet, like everyone, you have your own special je ne sais quoi



(pedantism ?)


jk :flower:


as we speak, i'm in the process of quitting my studies.










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