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Anyone voting Tea Party?

Guest chunky

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From Britain, Obama looks like a bit of a bad joke right now. If I were American I would definitely vote against politician correctness, high taxes, "gay" marriage (fucking sick and stupid, yuck, sick, gross), and a high deficit. And I wouldn't fall for the left wing media bullshit and spin campaigns either. I wouldn't vote for any RINOs though. It's a shame that people like David Frum and other RINOs are traitors from the inside to your wonderful Republican party. Patrick Buchanan for President :-)

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Back in the day, I used to get in arguments with my dad, defending the US' good ol' down to earth common sense and generous spirit against what I perceived to be his wishy-washy, man-with-no-homeland internationalism. Now though, from the vantage point of China, I see the US is well fucked.

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I say we let the right-wing nut jobs have the country and run it into the ground so they won't have anyone but themselves to blame for the state of things.


I would be all for that, but I am afraid they will start some other pointless war and thousands of innocent lives will be lost due to these idiots.

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I say we let the right-wing nut jobs have the country and run it into the ground so they won't have anyone but themselves to blame for the state of things.



We did for 8 years under bush, and they're so fucking stupid they already forgot and are blaming Obama for all of it...

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That is true. Here's the scenario as I see it playing out: just let the Republicans run everything. Eventually the Tea Party will successfully "take back america" from whoever it is that has it currently (I have no idea who they are talking about). Glen Beck becomes a hero and is elected president, with Sarah Palin as Vice President. All of the reasoning, smart people leave the country and move either to China to set up shop or to Europe. This will include most of Hollywood and basically the entire science/arts/literary/intellectual community. The United States will become the cultural wasteland that it always wanted to be. It will become like one giant vatican only with more cheeseburgers and much less art. The UN holds a meeting and decides that the US is too dangerous so they are booted out of the world community and walled off.

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That is true. Here's the scenario as I see it playing out: just let the Republicans run everything. Eventually the Tea Party will successfully "take back america" from whoever it is that has it currently (I have no idea who they are talking about). Glen Beck becomes a hero and is elected president, with Sarah Palin as Vice President. All of the reasoning, smart people leave the country and move either to China to set up shop or to Europe. This will include most of Hollywood and basically the entire science/arts/literary/intellectual community. The United States will become the cultural wasteland that it always wanted to be. It will become like one giant vatican only with more cheeseburgers and much less art. The UN holds a meeting and decides that the US is too dangerous so they are booted out of the world community and walled off.

ummmmmm, your a FAG!



I jest but I agree with you Pattern, let them break it so that humans with actual intelligence and compassion can either fix it or create a new government, in which actual freedom flourishes and not this side order of freedom, wrapped in a flag drowned in Velveeta, smelling of bigotry, and covered in slavery sauce...






edit: p.s...I don't vote anymore, fuck politics, the lesser of two evils can suck my giant cock!

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That is true. Here's the scenario as I see it playing out: just let the Republicans run everything. Eventually the Tea Party will successfully "take back america" from whoever it is that has it currently (I have no idea who they are talking about). Glen Beck becomes a hero and is elected president, with Sarah Palin as Vice President. All of the reasoning, smart people leave the country and move either to China to set up shop or to Europe. This will include most of Hollywood and basically the entire science/arts/literary/intellectual community. The United States will become the cultural wasteland that it always wanted to be. It will become like one giant vatican only with more cheeseburgers and much less art. The UN holds a meeting and decides that the US is too dangerous so they are booted out of the world community and walled off.

ummmmmm, your a FAG!



I jest but I agree with you Pattern, let them break it so that humans with actual intelligence and compassion can either fix it or create a new government, in which actual freedom flourishes and not this side order of freedom, wrapped in a flag drowned in Velveeta, smelling of bigotry, and covered in slavery sauce...






edit: p.s...I don't vote anymore, fuck politics, the lesser of two evils can suck my giant cock!



Ya, funny we were just talking about this. I don't understand everyone's problem with Obama... The economy was more fucked at the end of Bush's terms, he started an (illegal) war, cut taxes for the richest people, and now people are angry??? About what exactly? Giving the poor healthcare/not fixing the economy fast enough?? He can't magically wish the countries problems, which have taken years and years to create, away.


Sadly in America only the loudest voices are heard, and right now those voices are the right wing jesus freaks.


Fuck you America, I'm out when I finish Uni. The only thing that I would even miss is my family/friends.



BANDERA 11-11-11

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I don't understand everyone's problem with Obama... The economy was more fucked at the end of Bush's terms, he started an (illegal) war, cut taxes for the richest people, and now people are angry??? About what exactly? Giving the poor healthcare/not fixing the economy fast enough?? He can't magically wish the countries problems, which have taken years and years to create, away.


my problems with Obama are far different from the tea party or republican criticisms of him.

Obama has effectively established a new 'normal' for the US carrying out insane policy like premptive wars, torture, rendition, holding people in prison indefinitely without trial. Under Bush most rational people understood these policies were clearly insane and immoral. However now that Obama has continued (with no end in sight) what i just described, people, especially his supporters now defend these policies. Under bush they would have never done this. SO i think it's actually very dangerous to the country, for a president who's perceived as 'pragmatic' 'intelligent' 'reasonable' to be continuing policies that ridiculous. He has done positive things, i won't deny that but he's also made some insanely bad political moves too. The fact that the justice department is defending DADT and DOMA in court under his administration will not help him win points in his base. Also i'm dumbfounded by how anybody can say the Iraq war is over, i was watching Bill Maher's show the other week and he said 'stop whining, obama got our ass out of iraq' when? last time i checked 50,000 troops were there.

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