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The Dark Knight Rises

Rubin Farr

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does that make sense though? she looks completely asexual to me like i imagine my sister would.

i guess i just don't find her attractive and everyone else does so problem is mine

Totally agree with you. She doesn't do anything for me at all. She's like the female version of that guy from American Pie.


Although I'm much more attracted to Maggie Gyllenhaal than Katie Holmes and I don't give enough of a shit about Batman or its characters to make a judgment about casting.

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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard


Although I'm much more attracted to Maggie Gyllenhaal than Katie Holmes



other way round for me. but mostly i was shocked by how bad Gyllenhaal was. "i know these briefs backwards" and many other offenses. not sure if its bad dialogue or bad acting though.

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Fair point.. But I just don't get it. Some recent examples for me is like Mass Effect 3 (video game) and Prometheus. I enjoyed both those (Prometheus wasn't the greatest movie, but still). I've heard people who had those experiences ruined because of small details. It's like people can't enjoy anything anymore without they have to pick everything apart for minor flaws.


Internetz, I guess...

Well, Prometheus was a whole movie comprised of way too many little things that made it a bad movie. Literally everywhere you looked in the plot made you realize how utterly bad the writing was. I'll let a few minor flaws slide but it was just getting ridiculous with Promethues.

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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard

Marrion Coltard death scene was terrible too. the old last words and then head drop. oh gawd.


also her character was barely fleshed out.


the batman love interests were done with no build up. so now he shags her and then he runs away with her forever because they spent 10 minutes together so they should be together forever. if you need 4 hours to make sense then please use 4 hours

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the prison climb escape scene - when he missed he flung himself and still missed but when he made the jump he was barely trying. didnt make any sense.


if you an actress in leather and stick her ass in the air riding a bat bike and it's not sexy then you doen bad casting. anne hathaway looks like my sister and I don't have a sister.



prison climb scene - he's not constrained by the rope.

If you didn't think Hathaway's ass on the batcycle was hot, your penis needs checking. Even I thought it was hot, and I don't even like white girls.

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just watched Dark Knight again, i can say unequivocally this film is superior. And yes Catwoman in rises is better than Returns. Gary Oldman faking his own death part in Dark Knight makes no fucking sense at all.


Nolan also totally fucks up the Harvey Dent fundriaser scene. We see the Joker for the first time taking hostage an entire party full of high society gothamites. He pushes Batman's girlfriend out a window, batman goes down to save her... END SCENE. what the fucking fuck? What a strange scene to leave completely unresolved, how did the joker escape and what happened to the people at the party? I just can';t imagine being a fillmaker and ending a crazy scene that way, its beyond resson

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Fair point.. But I just don't get it. Some recent examples for me is like Mass Effect 3 (video game) and Prometheus. I enjoyed both those (Prometheus wasn't the greatest movie, but still). I've heard people who had those experiences ruined because of small details. It's like people can't enjoy anything anymore without they have to pick everything apart for minor flaws.


Internetz, I guess...

Well, Prometheus was a whole movie comprised of way too many little things that made it a bad movie. Literally everywhere you looked in the plot made you realize how utterly bad the writing was. I'll let a few minor flaws slide but it was just getting ridiculous with Promethues.


Okay.. Maybe Prometheus wasn't the best example. Because I agree, that movie has some major flaws (but I still enjoyed it).

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Guest Araungzeb

just curious, what was taken from the Dark Knight Returns besides the concept of batman coming out of retirement?


The plot arc between Batman and the Mutant Leader feels very similar to the arc with Batman/Bane in the new movie, as Mutant Leader is in charge of a dangerous army that the city doesn't take seriously enough, defeats Batman by being far younger and more purpose-driven, then is eventually defeated after Batman mentally and physically trains himself. Aside from that, Bruce's motives for coming out of retirement and inability to move on from the past are echoed in Dark Knight Rises, and the character of Peter Foley plays more or less the same role as Ellen Yindel from Dark Knight Returns. Also, the ending to both feel very similar in that Batman/Bruce Wayne fakes his death so that he can finally become free from his past.

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the prison climb escape scene - when he missed he flung himself and still missed but when he made the jump he was barely trying. didnt make any sense.


if you an actress in leather and stick her ass in the air riding a bat bike and it's not sexy then you doen bad casting. anne hathaway looks like my sister and I don't have a sister.


my ass went numb too


batman begins worked because it was fresh

dark knight worked because of the joker

this doesn't have anything to say except wrapping up





but i did like some stuff. i was just disappointed/underwhelmed but like most fanboys i'll probably pay to see it again so obv didnt hate it.


i liked bane. he was badass. i liked......nope thats all I got. they tried to cram too much in and everything suffered for it including bane.


edit: i liked the opening scene but it wasn't really related to anything else. so they got the scientist... and the one guy agreed to stay in the plane without any argument?


that still bugs me too...i love the opening scene but i don't get what happened? a blood transfusion? with....who? for what purpose? the scientist is in there somewhere, i got that part...but what was the deal with the blood?



edit: ohhhhhh, to make it look like the dr. died in the crash i get it ok.

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Maggie Gyllenhaal looks like she is melting and Katie Holmes is stroketastic. Speak out of the left side of your mouth more, why don't you.



"Actually, I'm looking for Alfred Pennyworth. And a bee stung my lower lip."





I'm going to milk that once-aired MST3K line for all it's worth, watmm. And it's worth two posts, so I guess I'm done.

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goddamn fucking opinions, none of them are true, they are all personal.


I enjoyed this film. I think Prometheus is better as well because I love space films more than films set on earth.


This film was filled with flaws as well.


Everything is.


Perception is so fucking powerful.


We will never be on the same page.


Your neighbors are watching you with hate filled minds and paranoid drenched hearts.


No they are not.


we think too much


listen to more ambient music


your 303 annoys me




last post

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Guest glasse

It makes sense that it was based on No Man's Land, I haven't read it but looked it up and it crosses into JLA territory. The batman in this movie seemed more like how he is in the more mature JLA stuff and less like how he is in normal batman titles, sort of in a different context. Less lurking in the shadows of crime alley and more mech-tech large scale broad daylight conflicts. JLA is kind of the Avengers of DC so they've always had cosmic or alien villains, and since Batman can't really silent takedown an interdimensional being he shows up with the technology contribution. So I like the film more now realizing Nolan might have wanted to explore that aspect of Batman a little, taking him out of the noir theme and replacing it with sci-tech dystopian terror war, like for instance the sequences with that Bat ship felt like Perfect Dark or Robocop, but that is a theme I'd expect from a broader story arc crossing into multiple titles that I might not from regular Batman..

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He pushes Batman's girlfriend out a window, batman goes down to save her... END SCENE. what the fucking fuck? What a strange scene to leave completely unresolved, how did the joker escape and what happened to the people at the party?


This almost ruined the film for me the first time I saw it. Now I just let it pass a total fuck up that I have to live with. I agree with TDKR being a better film than TDK.

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i mean maybe that was going to be some kind of pick up scene to be filmed but Ledger died. It's the only way i explain some of the just odd as hell moments in the film besides a series of inept decisions on Nolan's part.

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It makes sense that it was based on No Man's Land, I haven't read it but looked it up and it crosses into JLA territory. The batman in this movie seemed more like how he is in the more mature JLA stuff and less like how he is in normal batman titles, sort of in a different context. Less lurking in the shadows of crime alley and more mech-tech large scale broad daylight conflicts. JLA is kind of the Avengers of DC so they've always had cosmic or alien villains, and since Batman can't really silent takedown an interdimensional being he shows up with the technology contribution. So I like the film more now realizing Nolan might have wanted to explore that aspect of Batman a little, taking him out of the noir theme and replacing it with sci-tech dystopian terror war, like for instance the sequences with that Bat ship felt like Perfect Dark or Robocop, but that is a theme I'd expect from a broader story arc crossing into multiple titles that I might not from regular Batman..


great observation. For some reason the whole daylight aspect of batman this time around really appealed to me, and you've nailed right here why. Even though an actual movie version of JLA could potentially be horrible, in a strange way it was almost like Nolan was opening up to that particular universe for batman. He's said early on during begins that we're supposed to imagine Batman in a super hero less world, no superman, no DC universe. Maybe after producing the new superman he had a change of heart?

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I haven't seen it yet (waiting for the fervor to die down a bit), but this past weekend I watched Batman Forever and Batman & Robin, followed by a healthy dose of Spiderman 3 - let me tell you, after seeing those movies you really can appreciate how much better these reboots are.


I've seen the new Spiderman, and thought it was fantastic and everything the Toby Macguire franchise should have been (read: not cheesy). I think Nolan's Batman franchise works the same way - putting a realistic slant on frankly comic-book material.

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