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Last.fm shuts down loved tracks and tag radio tomorrow


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Station Changes at Last.fm


Starting November 17th, 2010, Last.fm is discontinuing a few subscriber-only radio stations.


Why is this happening?


Licensing music is a complex and labour intensive process. By discontinuing a few stations, we're able to focus our energy on improving our most popular features, developing new and innovative stations, and offering the best music discovery service to our global audience.


So What's Changing at Last.fm?


The following subscriber-only radio stations will no longer be available:


Loved Tracks Radio: streaming your list of loved tracks

Playlists: streaming a list of tracks you've chosen for a playlist

Personal Tag Radio: streaming a list of artists, albums or tracks that you have tagged

What will NOT change?


Access to your list of loved tracks

Access to your playlists and the list of tracks within them

Access to your personal tags and the list of tracks within each

Your ability to listen to global tag stations

AND we're going to offer you the ability to export your lists of tracks to help you maintain control of your music experience.


Will you be adding new stations?


We'll be announcing new features and even better ways for you to enjoy listening to Last.fm very soon, including a brand new station that we know you'll love.


Even so, we understand that some of you might miss the stations listed above. If you'd like to find out what your options are, please click here.




"a brand new station that we know you'll love."


thank you last.fm :cisfor:

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"a brand new station that we know you'll love."


thank you last.fm :cisfor:


If a business declares you will like it, it's automatically shit.




they also have a pretty long list of making the service worse by updating. So it would not surprise me if this happens again :facepalm:

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I hope they didn't fix the glitch that ends your subscription a few months following the expiration date.

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i just use last.fm to compile charts of my most listened music, it seems ping doesn't even do that (or even show recently played tracks)? what's the point of ping then?

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Haven't used the radio stations in ages. I'll just keep scrobbling I guess. It's pretty cool to have statistics about everything I've listened on my PC since 2006.


If you're looking for an alternative scrobbler. Libre.fm can track your plays as well, has better privacy policies and is built on open software. The website is a bit shit though, and you probably wont find as many apps to output cool graphs.

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i don't see the point in this site AT ALL


who gives a shit whats currently trending among peoples listening habits


the fuck?

i don't care about strangers, but it's nice to see what my friends are listening to. also really good for seeing who listens to your music.

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I like last.fm, it sometimes gives me nice recs. Don't use it too much though, unfortunately it doesn't scrobble my cds :wtf: I've got a lot of hipster bullshit scrobbled though, hell yeah. Never subsbcribed or bothered with tagging/loving tracks.

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