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FDA about to ban alcoholic energy drinks in US

Rubin Farr

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The only blackout I've ever had was after drinking 0.7 liters vodka + red bull (not the ones that come ready made, the ones you mix yourself). The next morning I couldn't remember anything of the previous night from midnight. I couldn't figure out how I got home and what I had done. So obviously I started making phone calls to my friends, and they tell me that

I behaved "weirdly": I tried to start a few fights, went body to body with random girls before even saying hi and pissed on some bikes parked in front of the club. When they got me home, they left me in front of the building, and I started running the opposite direction. To this day, no one knows what happened afterwards. Pretty scary, anything could have happened. The only thing I'm pretty sure of is that I haven't been buttfucked by some random street homo, since my butt wasn't hurting upon waking up.


But fuck it, vodka red bull is so good. Just limit yourself to 3 or 4.


almost the same exact story

had about 1 litre vodka and 1 litre red bull


good memories!

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i blame caffeine for all the stupid shit i've done drunk :flower:

yep, same here. actually i had some pretty wild pseudoephedrine+caffeine+alcohol episodes in '07/'08, oh boy am i glad i stopped doing that. pseudoephedrine+codeine cold tablets cause some ridiculous autopilot action when combined with alcohol.


i'm glad most pubs here have stopped serving jagerbombs, those things are fucked. whenever i'm out with xf (i think he posts here as xfesty?) he insists on buying them, aargh!

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Guest the anonymous forumite

LOL @ the anonymous forumite being so shocked about having a drunk blackout.


You realize that your comment says a lot about you, right ? Seriously, aren't blackouts worrying ?

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Come to think of it I've gotten into a local coffee beer lately and I'm pretty sure it has some serious caffeine content in it. It's also about 10%, super thick, tasty, and blacker than black.


A few of those is completely mind-altering in a way that draft beer isn't.

Fuck yeah -- you talkin bout Surly Darkness?


It's some local french beer called Peche Mortel.. (mortal sin). A friend introduced me to it a month ago.. Dayamn is it good.

*jots that shit down* yo!

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Guest morphis2525

i am glad to see this shit go. no booze should be 1. fruity flavored. 2. in neon aluminum cans. This shit is pure garbage. something i would have drank when i was 15 and had a really bad time on. now the kids can get on with the good shit bourbon, scotch and beer+trucker speed. a real drinker knows that taste for liqueur should be savored, not covered up with a couple oz.s of soda pop syrup. just the thought of drinking that garbage gives me a hangover.

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Guest morphis2525

it seems drinking this shit you would get way to much caffeine. I am a pretty heavy drinker but not to heavy on the coffee or caffeine pills. maybe 1 cup or one pill and i'm good. getting drugs premixed is never a good idea. it is best that one be in control of the ratios, not some corporation more interested in marketing than quality product.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

LOL @ the anonymous forumite being so shocked about having a drunk blackout.


You realize that your comment says a lot about you, right ? Seriously, aren't blackouts worrying ?


lol yeah they are worrying if you are a dumb drunk. I have blacked out at least 200 times and I have never done anything ridiculously stupid (as far as I know from the accounts of the people I was with during those periods)((haven't blacked more than a few times were I wasn't with people that weren't also blackout drunk)


I am a pretty chill binge drinker. I don't make horrible horrible decisions even when I am completely inebriated. I am kind of surprised I have never once fucked up any of my many 50+ hour recording projects that I spent 2 3rds of time working on completely fucking knackered on malt liquor.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

............. LOL oh yeah but... There is this one time. LOL or two times...


1) I was getting crazy drunk with one of my friends whom I have known since I was 4 whom was a drug dealer and is back in prison again. We went to a few parties and got to his wigger rapper friends house and they force me to take like 14 lines of Oxycontin or something fucking stupid after lots of hard alcohol. I had drank a lot more shots than everyone else and would otherwise be fine but that Tony Montana wannabe Oxycontin nostril session did me fugin in.... I vaguely remember bullshitting with them and them trying to joke with me and I'm just like fuck all you wiggers in the brown out. After the full blown black out. My old friend comes back an hour or two later and while he is carrying me out he is describing to me how I spitefully pissed in the wiggers fridge right in front of them. LOL they were hella pissed (pun intended) at me for a while until the last couple of months one of the wiggers has been repetitively trying to smooth talk me into making beats for him and says its all good now dawg.


2) I was camping blah blah blah drunk as fuck with a bunch of dudes and dudettes. Black out pass out in a big huge tent and the next day I am told that I got up and pulled out my dick over this girl in her sleeping bag mumbling insanity and proceed to start pissing on all over her sleeping bag just milliseconds after she escaped the wrath of my urine tsunami


Those are the only times I know of where I have done something ridiculous while black out drunk.. besides getting in a fight with a douche that offended my girlfriend when I was waaay too drunk to be defending her honor. (yes he really was a douche though and he was way out of line so it really wasn't that stupid I just had no chance of winning that fight that drunk)

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Guest the anonymous forumite

he is describing to me how I spitefully pissed in the wiggers fridge right in front of them. LOL they were hella pissed (pun intended) at me for a while


oh lol.

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dude 200 black outs? you need to stop drinking. I've blacked out a few times, but that's after drinking ridiculous amounts of shitty soju. Once on Lemon Gin and a couple of times on vodka/red bulls. I'd say maybe total 6 times in my 20 years of drinking.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

I have witnessed a few people who do fucking horribly dumb shit when they are blacked out I am not one of them (some people also blackout much much easier than others)((I am one of those people who can black out and still be a completely rational functioning drunk)). I am fine, YOU DON'T KNOW ME


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I've only blacked out from bezos. Too much of anything else could result in a brownout tho... The only time I ever had the liquor + caffeine combo was at a Luke Vibert show in Chicago.... with morphis2525 up there... Brownout due to vodka-redbulls/xanax/mushrooms. Luke Vibert is a saint for putting up with me bothering him.


In retrospect the caffeine probably prevented me from blacking out completely.

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bahaha lol ^


first time i ever got "drunk" (or at least felt gross) was a red bull/vodka 50/50 mixture when i was 14. someone said it was just red bull and that i should chug it. "Ooo I love red bull!!" down the hatch in about 30 seconds. "That tasted kinda funny, was that just redbull." "lol fag it was vodka too." :trashbear:

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

We should all drink a handle of Bacardi 151 and ride copious amounts of PCP. Just to see how many people we are told we had supposedly brutally murdered in the process, ya know?

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Come to think of it I've gotten into a local coffee beer lately and I'm pretty sure it has some serious caffeine content in it. It's also about 10%, super thick, tasty, and blacker than black.


A few of those is completely mind-altering in a way that draft beer isn't.

Fuck yeah -- you talkin bout Surly Darkness?


It's some local french beer called Peche Mortel.. (mortal sin). A friend introduced me to it a month ago.. Dayamn is it good.

damn, i want one. i am in love with coffee beers. the lagunitas cappuccino stout was a long time favorite of mine, especially when i could get $3 pints of it. do you know if peche mortel is available in the us/california?


i'm with you on the irish coffee too, in fact i think i'm gonna go make one right now. dark flavors are always the finest!

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