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Game of Thrones


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who did the queen have naked in here bed? just a random guy?? or was it the gay guy who beat the guy who killed the big guy who chopped his horse??? or the page who is her coisin and always give the king his wine :mellow:

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Guest Ranky Redlof

i liked this series in the beginning

last 3 episodes were not that good imo

all this war buildup and now blueballs for a year


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Guest Mirezzi

its a high budget tv series, the fuck do you expect, a new ep every week of the entire year?



Overall, despite early misgivings, I have no complaints with Game of Thrones. I think I've gotten more bang for my viewing buck than I did with Boardwalk Empire, that's for sure...and it's 1,000 X more interesting than Walking Dead.

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Guest Ranky Redlof

its a high budget tv series, the fuck do you expect, a new ep every week of the entire year?

i usually watch series years after they have come out so i can watch them in a big marathon

so yea kinda like that



and fu kaini, your the joffrey of watmm

turning every thread you post in into your pretentious assburger fest


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who did the queen have naked in here bed? just a random guy?? or was it the gay guy who beat the guy who killed the big guy who chopped his horse??? or the page who is her coisin and always give the king his wine :mellow:


It was the queen's cousin, Lancel Lannister, who was the king's squire.

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its a high budget tv series, the fuck do you expect, a new ep every week of the entire year?

i usually watch series years after they have come out so i can watch them in a big marathon

fuck off and come back in a few years then yeah? :flower:

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

who did the queen have naked in here bed? just a random guy?? or was it the gay guy who beat the guy who killed the big guy who chopped his horse??? or the page who is her coisin and always give the king his wine :mellow:


It was the queen's cousin, Lancel Lannister, who was the king's squire.


yah that was fucked up. when will she bang joffrey?

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  • 2 weeks later...

last 3 episodes were not that good imo


sorry to hear that, that's what I've been afraid of...haven't seen them yet...


ok, so I'm almost at the end of the season, one more ep to go...I do think quite apart from the plot twists that things have gone slightly weird...seems the direction is less sure-footed and the nudity more gratuitous...no problem with that, just feels a bit more like a run-of-the-mill HBO show. Still really liking Tyrion and the kid who plays Joffrey is surprisingly good too...sad that Khal Drogo got cut short before his arc even began, kind of lame but I guess "the show is unpredictable, just like real life!" is going to to be the constant refrain...hmmm

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hehe, that could be. Certainly don't want to get into an argument about it, as these sorts of judgments are subtle and pretty subjective. I did mention earlier in the thread that my criteria is neither bowing to cliche, nor shock for shock's sake. Art needs to appeal to the emotions and brain. And regardless of how "realistic" it is, the writer will always be picking and choosing scenes, pacing, juxtaposition, etc for maximum impact. Ultimately it's still about crafting a powerful narrative, otherwise it would just be a laundry list. I'm not saying the series jumped the shark, just that it seems a bit more wobbly.


The one thing that gives me hope is that the show is still at its best in the small moments. Like when the old meister at the wall (a Targaryen?) is talking about his missed opportunity for revenge to Jon Snow. Really liked that, my friend and I both turned to look at each other and went "wow!" So far my favorite scene in the series was the dinner between Cersei and Robert Baratheon where they were reminiscing about how they turned into jaded people.

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