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Do people think you're a pretentious music asshole?

Guest esstevancarlos

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Guest esstevancarlos


i don't think people care about your musical tastes as much as you think they do. you should also possibly take this as a sign to stop evangelising your music to people who are indifferent at best. keep them as your own dirty little secret. IDM club.





I'm not sure if you understand me. I don't try to preach my music tastes _anymore_ but as a musician as well, eventually you reach a point where you want to share tastes, creations and musical philosophy with others. I generally assume that if someone likes Autechre (or similar), we're on the same page. I recommend spending several years in a place where no one understands anything you like. It's lonesome.

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I learned the lesson a long, long time ago (10 years) to shut my fuck up about music and just enjoy it myself.


Most people don't give a fuck what music you want to push into their ears, for the same reason you probably wouldn't give a fuck either if somebody did the same to you.


Music is a solitary pleasure, not a social one.


You were making sense up until this last line. Such a big generalization and, so wrong.



Well, in the end, whatever the number of people which the sound wave enter the ears, the only thing that counts is the way it enter *your* ears and how it affects you. Everything else is irrelevant. I still say that music is created for the individual living in a collectivity.

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I learned the lesson a long, long time ago (10 years) to shut my fuck up about music and just enjoy it myself.


Most people don't give a fuck what music you want to push into their ears, for the same reason you probably wouldn't give a fuck either if somebody did the same to you.


Music is a solitary pleasure, not a social one.


You were making sense up until this last line. Such a big generalization and, so wrong.



Well, in the end, whatever the number of people which the sound wave enter the ears, the only thing that counts is the way it enter *your* ears and how it affects you. Everything else is irrelevant. I still say that music is created for the individual living in a collectivity.


So how do you explain the enjoyment a DJ has?


Just because music is perceived by yourself you call it a solitary pleasure? This is so wrong. We are also affected by our environment and those around us at the same time. Music is simply complimentary.


Calling music a solitary pleasure and not a social pleasure is probably one of the dumbest things I've heard on this forum. No offense, but your view on music is :facepalm:

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Guest the anonymous forumite

I learned the lesson a long, long time ago (10 years) to shut my fuck up about music and just enjoy it myself.


Most people don't give a fuck what music you want to push into their ears, for the same reason you probably wouldn't give a fuck either if somebody did the same to you.


Music is a solitary pleasure, not a social one.


You were making sense up until this last line. Such a big generalization and, so wrong.



Well, in the end, whatever the number of people which the sound wave enter the ears, the only thing that counts is the way it enter *your* ears and how it affects you. Everything else is irrelevant. I still say that music is created for the individual living in a collectivity.


So how do you explain the enjoyment a DJ has?


Just because music is perceived by yourself you call it a solitary pleasure? This is so wrong. We are also affected by our environment and those around us at the same time. Music is simply complimentary.


Calling music a solitary pleasure and not a social pleasure is probably one of the dumbest things I've heard on this forum. No offense, but your view on music is :facepalm:



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Calling music a solitary pleasure and not a social pleasure is probably one of the dumbest things I've heard on this forum. No offense, but your view on music is :facepalm:



Like the name of this thread, I'm a pretentious music asshole. Musicians and DJ *create*, they exist to feed my ears. Enjoying the social aspect of a club is totally different from the visceral auditory experience that I have if I listen to music by myself.

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SPD said it best.


The problem is, I unequivocally listen (and in turn understand and know) more about music than ANY of my friends in real life. (not on WATMM of course, I am a total pansy) I have never seen an iPod with a larger collection and range of genres than mine. I wish that wasn't true, because I sound like a pretentious twat, but that is just the truth. I try really hard to enjoy all genres of music, and I'll meet people who of course know more about jazz or classical or IDM music than I do, but of course they no nothing of ABBA or Björk or Ae or vice versa. So when the inevitable, "WTF are you listening too? Farts on a backbeat?" comes up, and I try and present a reasoned explanation as to why I think Ae are amazing in musical terms that I think that person would understand... I come off like a pretentious asshole. I know I have more listening experience than they do, and obviously have a better perspective to make a however-misguided value judgement on the music, but I can't ever say that because then I'll come off like a pretentious asshole. It's a fucking lose-lose situation.


so just keep the music to yourself.

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idm nerds always think they have the best, most obscure taste in music. they also think that people are very interested to learn about IDM because they assume people are as curious about it as they are. can you imagine being the kind of person who sits in a quiet library or coffeeshop, blasting your stupid computer bleeps through your outrageously huge headphones just to try and elicit a response from someone? "OH MY GOD WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO? IT SOUNDS LIKE A MATRIX!" i think a lot of idm nerds fantasize about these kinds of scenarios.



Hahahaha, so true.


Woah. Was holy banned for this? Maybe he was Snares after all.


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Guest Coalbucket PI

I told my ex girlfriend to fuck off when she was excited about going to see DJ Tiesto. I felt bad about it instantly but I think the fact I'm a music snob is secondary to the fact that I can't just be happy for people having a good time because I'm a bitter cunt.

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pretty sure i'm 90% hidden on facebook bc of the tracks i've posted. or maybe just that i posted music at all. it asked what was on my mind.. music!

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

Instead of posting the youtube thumbnail & default description on facebook. X out the link info/thumbnail and just post the link and a short description of why you think its good relevant music or something. I love music but I don't like when people post 3 youtube videos on FB with relatively huge video thumbnails etc.

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Guest Mirezzi

People think I'm a pretentious music film, well, all-purpose asshole. People are generally fucking idiots, so it works out.

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Instead of posting the youtube thumbnail & default description on facebook. X out the link info/thumbnail and just post the link and a short description of why you think its good relevant music or something. I love music but I don't like when people post 3 youtube videos on FB with relatively huge video thumbnails etc.



so it really is just the 'your music and interests suck' mentality? that's cool, i'm like that too.

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so the consensus is that watmm users are either pretentious about music or pretentious in general?


I think people toss around the word "pretentious" too liberally.. save it for those who really deserve it. Liking autechre shouldnt equate to pretension but it seems like most non-autechre fans immediately label us that.


that said fuck Tiesto

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