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late 90's keyboards


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what the fuck happened to keyboards during the late 90's / early 00's?
















such a design nightmare, i get naceous just by looking at these. are they supposed to look futuristic? are they actually ergonomic? who let this happen and why?


do you type on one of these? :sad:


(im looking to buy a new keyboard btw)

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I always wanted to use one of these...


Something about this thread has me miss having a desktop computer, laptops really aren't the same. :unsure:

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it's cheap, it's cheerful, and it does me right at work and at home - the dell sk-8115:




love these things, even if the space bar sucks. real workhorse.

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Guest Coalbucket PI

I'm rocking that dell one right now, hate it. At home I have one of the old apple bluetooth ones, it has a clear plastic base which allows me to display all the pubes, eyelashes, biscuit crumbs, dead skin and such that I've accidentally collected over the years and have no way of removing. GOOD ONE

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Guest hahathhat

are they actually ergonomic? who let this happen and why?


if you're the sort that has carpal from typing nine hours a day, they help.


but you have to get used to them -- feels weird at first. i never got into them, but i know people who were batty over them. i just use wristrests....

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im not cool enough to prefer 80s keyboards


edit: except the IBM model 1


i believe you mean the ibm model m.

i would love one. they fetch crazy prices on ebay.

they are basically indestructible.

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Guest ansgaria


A minimalistic keyboard? Not bad. Not bad at all. And in German. Certainly not bad at all.


Edit: It needs more Helvetica. Lower-case. With a very limited spacing. Yeah.

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Guest hahathhat


i was going to get one of these, but i went to their web site and it said "preorder" with a date a couple days in the future. wat? suspicious, i waited until that day and checked the site again. it said "preorder" still, with a different date, again a couple days in the future.


put me off enough to not risk sending them money.

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