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fuck screens

Guest Helper ET

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Guest Helper ET

fuck screens. im done with them. they are nothing but a digital representation of reality. i dont care about anything to do with screens anymore. i havent had TV in years, and every time i go over to someones house who has it, i cringe at how low it has become, and how pathetically lost the viewers of TV really are. i dont care about video games at all, and havent since i was about 10 years old. all you adult video game connoisseurs need to get a life and wake up for once in your life. fuck your faux sense of artistic value in it, and fuck all your wasted time making some digital person run around with a gun. yes, i want to make my ufo game, but that actually is an art of mine, so fuck your call of duty and all of your other bullshit games. fuck music making software having to be represented on a screen. im going to start using only hardware, and im going to invent some kind of "LED board" which will enable me to do everything i do in ableton, but it will all be controlled by buttons and small LEDs all constructed on some kind of flat surface. dont even get me started on media propaganda. seriously, im not even going to get into it. and last but not least, if not most, is how the screen encapsulates an individual into some kind of digitally induced, psychological trance, where the individual is literally mind controlled into some kind of lackadaisical numb state, on several levels, none of which he/she is aware of. there is real, hardcore, scientific data available, which explains how the very flicker rate of modern television screens places the individual into trance like states. and now theyre going to install thousands of telescreens in walmarts, targets, and other shopping centers across america at the checkout counters, so the department of homeland security (seriously), will send messages into your mind telling you the year is 1984. my god, from typing this small paragraph, its become obvious to me that i will soon write an entire book about why TV / screens should be avoided and eventually done away with, regardless of the fact that they will never go away, as they are a powerful tool used to control society. theres lots more too, that im not going to get into

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Guest Dirty Protest

I watch a program about the Black Sabbath album Parnoid last night, I enjoyed it. Im now watching Harry Hill, im enjoying it too. Whats the point of no return? Should I be scared?

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Guest hahathhat

fuck screens. im done with them. they are nothing but a digital representation of reality. i dont care about anything to do with screens anymore. i havent had TV in years, and every time i go over to someones house who has it, i cringe at how low it has become, and how pathetically lost the viewers of TV really are. i dont care about video games at all, and havent since i was about 10 years old. all you adult video game connoisseurs need to get a life and wake up for once in your life. fuck your faux sense of artistic value in it, and fuck all your wasted time making some digital person run around with a gun. yes, i want to make my ufo game, but that actually is an art of mine, so fuck your call of duty and all of your other bullshit games. fuck music making software having to be represented on a screen. im going to start using only hardware, and im going to invent some kind of "LED board" which will enable me to do everything i do in ableton, but it will all be controlled by buttons and small LEDs all constructed on some kind of flat surface. dont even get me started on media propaganda. seriously, im not even going to get into it. and last but not least, if not most, is how the screen encapsulates an individual into some kind of digitally induced, psychological trance, where the individual is literally mind controlled into some kind of lackadaisical numb state, on several levels, none of which he/she is aware of. there is real, hardcore, scientific data available, which explains how the very flicker rate of modern television screens places the individual into trance like states. and now theyre going to install thousands of telescreens in walmarts, targets, and other shopping centers across america at the checkout counters, so the department of homeland security (seriously), will send messages into your mind telling you the year is 1984. my god, from typing this small paragraph, its become obvious to me that i will soon write an entire book about why TV / screens should be avoided and eventually done away with, regardless of the fact that they will never go away, as they are a powerful tool used to control society. theres lots more too, that im not going to get into


so you are saying, projector technology has come waaay down in price and you're switching over to one?

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i dont care about video games at all, and havent since i was about 10 years old. all you adult video game connoisseurs need to get a life and wake up for once in your life.






Also, shut up.

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The battle for the mind of North America will be fought in the video arena: the Videodrome. The television screen is the retina of the mind's eye. Therefore, the television screen is part of the physical structure of the brain. Therefore, whatever appears on the television screen emerges as raw experience for those who watch it. Therefore, television is reality, and reality is less than television.





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fuck screens. im done with them. they are nothing but a digital representation of reality. i dont care about anything to do with screens anymore. i havent had TV in years, and every time i go over to someones house who has it, i cringe at how low it has become, and how pathetically lost the viewers of TV really are. i dont care about video games at all, and havent since i was about 10 years old. all you adult video game connoisseurs need to get a life and wake up for once in your life. fuck your faux sense of artistic value in it, and fuck all your wasted time making some digital person run around with a gun. yes, i want to make my ufo game, but that actually is an art of mine, so fuck your call of duty and all of your other bullshit games. fuck music making software having to be represented on a screen. im going to start using only hardware, and im going to invent some kind of "LED board" which will enable me to do everything i do in ableton, but it will all be controlled by buttons and small LEDs all constructed on some kind of flat surface. dont even get me started on media propaganda. seriously, im not even going to get into it. and last but not least, if not most, is how the screen encapsulates an individual into some kind of digitally induced, psychological trance, where the individual is literally mind controlled into some kind of lackadaisical numb state, on several levels, none of which he/she is aware of. there is real, hardcore, scientific data available, which explains how the very flicker rate of modern television screens places the individual into trance like states. and now theyre going to install thousands of telescreens in walmarts, targets, and other shopping centers across america at the checkout counters, so the department of homeland security (seriously), will send messages into your mind telling you the year is 1984. my god, from typing this small paragraph, its become obvious to me that i will soon write an entire book about why TV / screens should be avoided and eventually done away with, regardless of the fact that they will never go away, as they are a powerful tool used to control society. theres lots more too, that im not going to get into


Give up watching TV

Stay on the Internet though, internets are cool because you choose what to look at rather than having it transmitted to you

DVDs are OK too, in moderation.


I havent had a TV for 11 years or so, and when I go to a friends house and they have the TV on and there are adverts, its amazing to see how crass they are. You get used to it when you see them all the time, but when you only see them occasionally, its really weird.

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