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Tell me about the USA


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:: insert parody here ::


What is the culture like? Uptight? Laid back?

Where would be the best place to stay for a prolonged period?

What is the electronic music scene like?

Is it difficult to find a job?

How is the night life?


I appreciate all the useful info you can share with me, watmm

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:: insert parody here ::


What is the culture like? Uptight? Laid back?

Where would be the best place to stay for a prolonged period?

What is the electronic music scene like?

Is it difficult to find a job?

How is the night life?


I appreciate all the useful info you can share with me, watmm






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The US is a very big place. You'll encounter radically different cultures even in the same state travelling from a major city hub into the suburbs just an hour away. Generalizing the entire country would just be horribly inaccurate and is best left to disgruntled Europeans.

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I have never been there but all the people are stupid and they can't make braindance.

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i know, i see it in movies all the time, so i know it's true.


here's a list of things that will most likely never happen to you unless you live in/visit the states.















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Baseless opinion


Don't know what I'm talking about




Opinion based on internet interactions


Anecdotal story that attempts to prove point but misses quite badly

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sarah palin

naked gritz

Obama is a muslim

homo/no homo

double down

derrp herrp

i heard u like mudkips.

y u mad tho?



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Guest AcrossCanyons




sarah palin

naked gritz

Obama is a muslim

homo/no homo

double down

derrp herrp

i heard u like mudkips.

y u mad tho?



Thought this was meant to be a reply to the "List Your Fears" thread for a second there.

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Keep in mind these are more or less observational generalizations


What is the culture like? Uptight? Laid back?


It definitely depends where you go....Id say given all the flak Southern states get, I think on the whole they are fairly polite, though not if you are openly babbling about politics...just keep it simple and about work/hobbies. Most people love to talk/bitch about how much work sucks, like most other people Im guessing, but a lot of Americans really do bust their ass at multiple jobs, given the economy/whatever.


From my experience, DC is full of self-important righetous assholes who view absolutely everything as politics/climbing the ladder. Be wary...though there are tons of neat places to visit/drink a beer.


Baltimore however, is rundown and very industry-esque, but most of the people Ive met there from a diverse array of social,financial strata, are you usually nice people...sometimes they just have a gruff exterior.


Where would be the best place to stay for a prolonged period?


no idea to be honest.


What is the electronic music scene like?


Very isolated, like someone said earlier, stick to cities, and even then its not guaranteed. The baltimore scene is really hoppin though, people LOVE to dance. Go to a club that plays Bmore club music, and you will have a great time.


Is it difficult to find a job?


Short answer, yes...but I think to some degree most if not all countries are like that lately?


How is the night life?


Again, depends where you go. Out in rural areas here people "roll the bowl", which means just driving around until there is something to do.


I appreciate all the useful info you can share with me, watmm

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