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RoboCop Remake


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Maybe, I like to pretend there used to be producers and picture companies doing it for the love of the art, and that all these passionate people have been downsized, because they weren't making the cut financially but then again, this is all in my head.

Oh I agree there, I think there's definitely a shortage of people that treat this is an artform.

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Wow, so much negativity in here. I personally think this is quite amazing looking, at least compared to the original. Then again, comparing a movie from 2014 to something like the original is of course not really fair, considering that every movie from before the year 2000 is crap.

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I found this a while back which is a talk Peter Weller did when they showed the original Robocop after a Star Trek premier or something. It's a tad long but very insightful and I was glued all the way through as although Peter Weller who's normally quite an introverted actor is very animated when talking about the stuff he likes.


Great talk. I was almost shocked by how impassioned he was at first, but then all the 'GOT IT!?' et cetera started to make sense once I understood that he actually teaches art history (I had no idea).


It gets even better once they get off the subject of RoboCop, and he gets into the other stuff he really digs. I think I now want to see every movie he mentioned that I haven't seen already. The way he described Persona (one of the few titles he brought up that I have seen) at the very end; he absolutely nailed it.

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Looks ok for a popcorn movie. I was onboard with the trailer until the antagonist was introduced, those scenes looked tiresome, but i think the near future tech/think walkthrough part of the movie will be fine. Some of the battle scenes intresting but tiresome, stupid enemy perhaps pathetic. But isn't it always like this. Surely it would have to be better than the original which really wasn't much at all. Your childhood is lying to you, do you still play with your teddy bears ? Why hold this dross in your hearts?


No offence to teddies, they are awesome. ;-]



Please don't be mad at me.





(assumes robocop fans are dog ppl)

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I've always like trailers that are specially made extra bits. Like this -



wish trailers would go back to being like this. a proper, well-thought out teaser for a movie ought to be its own bit, not just a 2-minute remix of the film itself.

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Yesterday watched a documentary on TV called Made in Hollywood, which explored how blockbuster movies have started to dominate the movie industry and it's all about marketing rather than art. It's either the 35 million comedy or the 150 million blockbuster that gets made today by the big studios. Movies are entertainment, not art anymore.

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Yesterday watched a documentary on TV called Made in Hollywood, which explored how blockbuster movies have started to dominate the movie industry and it's all about marketing rather than art. It's either the 35 million comedy or the 150 million blockbuster that gets made today by the big studios. Movies are entertainment, not art anymore.

indeed, and there has always been this element to the movies. But there were gems like Robocop, which while entertaining, also were a commentary on society and where things were headed.


Maybe I'm being too harsh on this new one just from the trailers...if Padhilla is really trying to make a commentary on drones, I should give it a chance. But I must say, the trailers aren't really selling it to me, and my lack of confidence in movie studios is pretty justified in my opinion.

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i quite liked the recent dread movie. That was done quite well. Gritty future cop movies probably wont get much better unfortunately.


The Dredd movie was a glimmer of hope from the good ole days and it's tragic that it didn't make its budget at the box office even though people have slowly caught on to it and it's becoming a cult phenomenon with a big campaign for a sequel but are producers interested?

I remember seeing an interview with Jeff Bridges when he explained back in the 80's he mainly got work in the large market (probably down to VHS) of mid budget Hollywood films of which the classics we know and loved spawned from. Terminator was made on a budget of $6 million, Robocop - $13 million, Predator $15 million, Aliens $18+ after the success of Terminator. This was a field of new trusting entrepreneurs in the film industry who put a leap of faith in artistic credibility rather than ticking boxes for investors.

This growing audience then climaxed for Total Recall which was at that point the biggest budget movie ever (admittedly Arnie did had a huge influence in getting this film finished) but would Hollywood make a massive blockbuster sci-fi with a mind bending plot headlined by the biggest action star on an 18 cert today?

These days it's low budget indie films or blockbusters which I'm not sure is a sign of the times or a monopoly in Hollywood or maybe both.

I read somewhere that Ridley Scott originally wanted to make Prometheus an 18 cert but the producers said no as the calculated gain from the bigger net as a 15 cert was $80 million extra or something.

There was a time not too long back when you didn't get many Hollywood/cinema horror films over a 15cert but it seems it's nurtured a new audience and as a result big budget horror films are getting much better then they were so the audience is there somewhere.

Also the long term appeal of a film isn't considered anymore as these classics are still making money today but could you say the same thing about the new Total Recall remake in another 20yrs. (Rise of the Planet of the Apes was most excellent btw)


The sad fact is that most of us will pay to see the new Robocop anyway just out of curiosity alone.

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Looks ok for a popcorn movie. I was onboard with the trailer until the antagonist was introduced, those scenes looked tiresome, but i think the near future tech/think walkthrough part of the movie will be fine. Some of the battle scenes intresting but tiresome, stupid enemy perhaps pathetic. But isn't it always like this. Surely it would have to be better than the original which really wasn't much at all. Your childhood is lying to you, do you still play with your teddy bears ? Why hold this dross in your hearts?


No offence to teddies, they are awesome. ;-]



Please don't be mad at me.





(assumes robocop fans are dog ppl)


I'm looking at my 18inch Robocop figure on my right speaker right now :nacmat:

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what's everyone talking about ? relatively high budget, r rated, successful/cult scifi/action films are very few both in the 80's and in the 00's.

check this out for example:http://www.rottentomatoes.com/movie/browser.php?movietype=&genre=14&tomatometer=70&numreviews=&mpaa=R&letter=&decade=&year=&sort=year&desc=true&page=11


so in the 80's you have:

mad max 2

blade runner

the thing


the fly





28 days later

v for vendetta (yeah ok it's not idm but still)

children of men

the road

district 9

pan's labyrinth



people are imagining some golden era of idm-r-rated scifi that doesn't really exist.

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i think he means "production value". i kind of agree. i think the 80s lends itself to the lonely idm nerd's personal aesthetic and idea of "authenticity" a bit better than the following decades, but good genre movies have always been spread pretty thin.

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Hollywood, give me $20 million for a film, and I will make something better than your handful of boring exec fucks can even imagine, filmed with a cell phone, starring me and some sticks.

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