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RoboCop Remake


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people are imagining some golden era of idm-r-rated scifi that doesn't really exist.

you listed an extremely meager amount of movies that fall under R-rated Scifi from not just the 80s but the early 90s as well, Total Recall for one, Predator another obvious one. Videodrome?

About half of those R-rated movies you mentioned in the 00s are pretty honestly weak sauce Rs compared to what an R was in the 80s and early 90s. District 9 is the only one I would say comes even close to a Verhoven flavor of balls to wall R. Then you have lower budget movies like Trancers, the Sentinel, Dollman which almost have an R to make the movies watchable through gratuitous violence and a 'fuck' in every possible place they can shove it into the movie.


edit: more that come to mind: The Deadzone, Lawnmower man, The Beyond, Moontrap, Braindead (not the overseas Dead Alive variant) , Night of the Creeps, Critters 1 2 & 3, Killer Klowns from outer space, the Stuff


not saying these are all necessarily good movies, but there was a distinct shift in softer R movies at some point in the mid 90s, especially for anything remotely scifi. The only 2 i can think of are Event Horizon and Super Nova, and those are still mild Rs as far as some of those earlier movies are concerned.

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lol jesus you guys are willfully obtuse. i get that the whole board hates eugene because of his political views, but i'm not getting why his point is so hard to understand. there was no "golden era" of genre film. if there was, it wasn't the 80s, it was the late 60s and 70s. there are very few hollywood productions from any decade that really push the envelope in terms of violence, ideas, sex, etc. you can comb through any decade and find around the same number of movies that fall under that category, you guys, especially awepittance, are just horribly biased toward the 80s and its films. guess what though? they weren't that great.

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lol jesus you guys are willfully obtuse. i get that the whole board hates eugene because of his political views, but i'm not getting why his point is so hard to understand. there was no "golden era" of genre film. if there was, it wasn't the 80s, it was the late 60s and 70s. there are very few hollywood productions from any decade that really push the envelope in terms of violence, ideas, sex, etc. you can comb through any decade and find around the same number of movies that fall under that category, you guys, especially awepittance, are just horribly biased toward the 80s and its films. guess what though? they weren't that great.


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especially awepittance, are just horribly biased toward the 80s and its films. guess what though? they weren't that great.

cool story bro


for someone so into Aliens it seems like a strange statement, especially since no other decade had movies like that. And for clarification, I am biased towards hard R 80s and 90s scifi movies, which those eras were the golden age for. Within those parameters I don't really think this is up for dispute, name me any other era of science fiction where you see occasional tits, unnecessary profanity and gory deaths happening regularly through out. Its fine if you don't have an appreciation for those, but your idea of what a 'golden age' is is far different from mine obviously.

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Imagine if the RoboCop project was done on Axel Foley (cuz he died from laughing too much). He has to go back in time with his DeLorean, teaming up with Doc Brown and John McClane to destroy the Terminator, who's in cahoots with the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man to use the U.F.O. technology from E.T.'s craft to kill Roger Rabbit. All this whilst the Breakfast Club ponders on whether Freddy Krueger is really just one of them, during their mad race to get to Zoltar (who can grant the wish to build a baseball stadium for breakdancing to save the community center). But the Goonies are fast on the Breakfast Club's tail to meet with Kim Peek, who is the only one who knows the location of Tony Montoya's stashed millions. Whoever reaches their goal first would use what they gained to drive Miss Daisy to Vietnam, which is the only place willing to do the complicated chestburster-removal surgery. How do you imagine the ending? Whatever you imagine... YOU WERE WROOONG. BUT THIS TIME- YOUR WRONG IS FOR REAALLL!!!

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Watched the new trailer, god this film looks like a bag of shit *commences dead horse flogging* it disappoints me that Michael Keaton and Gary Oldman are in it, but fuck it I don't suppose it really matters, they're probably having loads of money thrown at them anyway, I would criticize Sam Jackson but he's clearly not too fussed about artistic integrity whatever the fuck that is anyway, it's not like many actors have that, actually I'm laughing at myself for even using a term like artistic integrity, what a fucking joke right, anyway aside from the fact that this is a completely unnecessary remake, it just looks fucking bland and tonally it doesn't make any sense, why does he walk all robo-style (torso turning before legs) but also is extremely agile, with his fucking motorbike jumps and three point landings, fuck me cinema goers are fucking retarded, kids too, and teenagers, all going and seeing this shit pile of fuck, most of you will probably go to see it in the cinema as well, but you'll be watching it "ironically" because you wanted to see how much of a fucking car crash it'll be, well let me help paint a picture for you: it's going to be a humongous pileup in the middle of the freeway/motorway because there's NO way that it can be good, even that car bomb looked like a pile of shit, "OH NO THE CAR EXPLODED" *cut back to a shot from high up in the air* because god forbid we see some up close violence, no no please don't show the teenage audience a man dying in a horrible car bomb, we have to tone violence down so the PG-13 audience can come in and see it, that's okay, that's where the money is, they all watched Man of Steel earlier this year, they watched hundreds of thousands of people die in collapsing sky scrapers while two alien cunts punch each other around but it's all right because there's no blood so what's the problem!? Anyway, you're going to go watch it in your shit cinema in your shit town/city that you live in then invariably you'll complain on this thread that films are dumbed down and shit even though you're helping fund them, fuck you whoever is still reading this, you're a horrible human being, fuck off.

Also I made a graph describing the shitness levels of this trailer:


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people are imagining some golden era of idm-r-rated scifi that doesn't really exist.

you listed an extremely meager amount of movies that fall under R-rated Scifi from not just the 80s but the early 90s as well, Total Recall for one, Predator another obvious one. Videodrome?

About half of those R-rated movies you mentioned in the 00s are pretty honestly weak sauce Rs compared to what an R was in the 80s and early 90s. District 9 is the only one I would say comes even close to a Verhoven flavor of balls to wall R. Then you have lower budget movies like Trancers, the Sentinel, Dollman which almost have an R to make the movies watchable through gratuitous violence and a 'fuck' in every possible place they can shove it into the movie.


edit: more that come to mind: The Deadzone, Lawnmower man, The Beyond, Moontrap, Braindead (not the overseas Dead Alive variant) , Night of the Creeps, Critters 1 2 & 3, Killer Klowns from outer space, the Stuff


not saying these are all necessarily good movies, but there was a distinct shift in softer R movies at some point in the mid 90s, especially for anything remotely scifi. The only 2 i can think of are Event Horizon and Super Nova, and those are still mild Rs as far as some of those earlier movies are concerned.


what i listed was was relatively mainstream stuff as a response to the notion that hollywood doesn't invest in r-rated scifi/action anymore and i only compared 80's to 00's.


district 9 was simply emulating verhoeven, but this gleeful style of violence is his trademark and you can still see it in his hollow man and black book (not sci fi though), both from 00's.


if you move the goalposts to include b-movies than there just no comparison how much gore porn and similar stuff is released in the 00's, just check out the torrents. the difference is that cronenberg and jackson made it to the mainstream i guess.

r rating allows this kind of stuff, it's probably that everyone is just bored of it.

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Watched the new trailer, god this film looks like a bag of shit *commences dead horse flogging* it disappoints me that Michael Keaton and Gary Oldman are in it, but fuck it I don't suppose it really matters, they're probably having loads of money thrown at them anyway, I would criticize Sam Jackson but he's clearly not too fussed about artistic integrity whatever the fuck that is anyway, it's not like many actors have that, actually I'm laughing at myself for even using a term like artistic integrity, what a fucking joke right, anyway aside from the fact that this is a completely unnecessary remake, it just looks fucking bland and tonally it doesn't make any sense, why does he walk all robo-style (torso turning before legs) but also is extremely agile, with his fucking motorbike jumps and three point landings, fuck me cinema goers are fucking retarded, kids too, and teenagers, all going and seeing this shit pile of fuck, most of you will probably go to see it in the cinema as well, but you'll be watching it "ironically" because you wanted to see how much of a fucking car crash it'll be, well let me help paint a picture for you: it's going to be a humongous pileup in the middle of the freeway/motorway because there's NO way that it can be good, even that car bomb looked like a pile of shit, "OH NO THE CAR EXPLODED" *cut back to a shot from high up in the air* because god forbid we see some up close violence, no no please don't show the teenage audience a man dying in a horrible car bomb, we have to tone violence down so the PG-13 audience can come in and see it, that's okay, that's where the money is, they all watched Man of Steel earlier this year, they watched hundreds of thousands of people die in collapsing sky scrapers while two alien cunts punch each other around but it's all right because there's no blood so what's the problem!? Anyway, you're going to go watch it in your shit cinema in your shit town/city that you live in then invariably you'll complain on this thread that films are dumbed down and shit even though you're helping fund them, fuck you whoever is still reading this, you're a horrible human being, fuck off.

Also I made a graph describing the shitness levels of this trailer:





*fucks off*

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I've always like trailers that are specially made extra bits. Like this -



wish trailers would go back to being like this. a proper, well-thought out teaser for a movie ought to be its own bit, not just a 2-minute remix of the film itself.




You know what, I would like to agree with you there, but the truth is I think trailers have always been shit. At the weekend me and a couple friends were watching old film trailers for stuff like Predator, Ghost, Steel Magnolia's (lol) and they're all super spoilerific, overly long shit. The Ghost trailer especially gives away basically every part of the plot, including the end scene where he goes into the light [spoiler alert <<<]. Even the last T2 trailer spoiled the twist that Arnie's not the bad guy in the film, a fact that growing up I never realized was supposed to be a twist.


I'm not actually sure where the fondness for the good old days of trailers comes from, because I've heard this said before. All I know is that a lot of 80's and 90's movie trailers are really rubbish and make some films looks worse than they are, the conclusion I came to is that some guy made a well put together, exciting trailer one day.. One that had all the usual tropes you see in trailers now, with the fast cutting, Inception horn scored actions scenes that stop with the bassy drop at the end, and other production houses saw that and just thought it was quite good so keep making more of them.


The lesson here is don't watch trailers.

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ehh *shrugs* at least we can agree that older trailers are better than the remixed-by-Inception stuff we've got now.


anyway yeah, I definitely avoid trailers now. I think it helps to even not read too much about a film's premise in advance, because it sets you up with expectations. but then you might walk into a shit film, so I dunno. there's a tradeoff there.

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Speaking of pointlessly subjecting yourself to spoilers. A friend of mine came over the other evening and he had just read the first of the the new sandman comics, and was all abuzz wanting to talk about it. I told him not to spoiler it, but he was so overflowing with sandman that he started talking about how it related to the original series and what happens in that end of that. I was gonna go back and read them as it's been nearly 20 years, so everything would be super fresh again, but he basically pwned part of that experience now. It's not his fault (yes it is), spoilers are everywhere, be nice if you could have a computer pre-listen to conversations around you and make silent anything that might spoiler something that you've been meaning to get around to seeing after everyone else already has.



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Speaking of pointlessly subjecting yourself to spoilers. A friend of mine came over the other evening and he had just read the first of the the new sandman comics, and was all abuzz wanting to talk about it. I told him not to spoiler it, but he was so overflowing with sandman that he started talking about how it related to the original series and what happens in that end of that. I was gonna go back and read them as it's been nearly 20 years, so everything would be super fresh again, but he basically pwned part of that experience now. It's not his fault (yes it is), spoilers are everywhere, be nice if you could have a computer pre-listen to conversations around you and make silent anything that might spoiler something that you've been meaning to get around to seeing after everyone else already has.



talking of spoilers, I was surprised that I:


1. Managed to not see Fight Club for about 6 years after release and not have the twist spoiled for me.


2. Managed to wait until the last two months to watch Breaking Bad, and not have anything spoiled for me.


I think that's quite a feat, but yeah...trailers do tend to suck.

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i don't understand, is terminator considered an indie, art house, auteur classic or something ? it's basically a german robot from the future killing shit.


i just wanted to say that this is a fucking awesome quote. and i mean that genuinely. eugene can I use this for my sig?

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i don't understand, is terminator considered an indie, art house, auteur classic or something ? it's basically a german robot from the future killing shit.


i just wanted to say that this is a fucking awesome quote. and i mean that genuinely. eugene can I use this for my sig?


i'm not so sure, what if we get into another explosive political argument with flaming and name calling in the future ? having this quote of mine in your sig as a sign of some kind of admiration might psychologically interfere with the proper conduct of unhinged argument on the internet.

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