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Skinny little bully gets chopped in half by chubby kid.

Guest tompty

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Kids live in their own dimension separate from the authorities.If your kid is getting bullied teach him how to fight. If he lets it go on he'll never forget it. It lives with you forever. Fuck the school system. They have never cared. They just want their checks. Most teachers are burnt out child hating blobs. You are left to take it in your own hands.

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child hating blobs, lol


and super lurker: yeah that's a good one. banging in a confessional booth :wang:


oh! i forgot to mention - my elementary / jr high school (lutheran k-8) taught us all about the golden rule, we went to chapel, we learned all sorts of jesusly things... and we were just as ruthless as the public school kids, if not more. once my entire 6th grade class ganged up in gym and picked on one kid (he was new) - we were playing dodgeball and instead of playing the game correctly, we all just pelted this one kid as hard as we could. even the nice girls were in on it. afterward the entire class got in trouble and, tbh, most of us felt pretty bad about it. gang mentality got the best of us. my point is, teaching kids about compassion failed miserably, even when we were faced with the ultimatum of being nice or burning in hell for all eternity.

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my only response to that and what someone else mentioned in the thread is that those teachings were done in a religious context. i personally feel they would work better in a non religious setting, but who knows

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that was fucked behavior on both sides


do you even have a dicc?

well, the bully DID get what was coming to him, i'm not disagreeing with that, but... i just can't condone such behavior, hand wrapped firmly around balls and all.


the fat kid easily could have pinned his ass against the wall, stared in his beady eyes, an intimidated the shit outta him, or something other than imitating his favorite wrestling move...


see coalbucketpl's posts in the OTHER thread about this...he shares my thoughts exactly...

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eh, children are humans are mammals are territorial.


awepittance: well like you said, who knows... but i'm not going to blame the religious context for my actions.

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Guest AcrossCanyons

this thread has assured me on one fact - oscillik is a poor attempt of a troll and/or a complete moron

ahh, the intellectual speaks


I try my hardest.

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even the nice girls were in on it.

my daughter was picked on by a group of girls last year in 8th grade, and make no mistake, even the nice girls mean serious business. it seems like growing up when boys would have beefs there might be a fight or some name-calling but it seems like adolescent girls are really trying to do psychological damage to each other.

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it just seems very odd to me to not focus on this aspect of development in schools


why don't they teach a class in elementary school on having compassion for your fellow human being? trying to at least put in place a foundation for empathy and understanding at an early age. It seems like this is a very low priority and mostly left to parents



I've actually given this a lot of thought myself, I think it was the one big thing lacking in my pre-Uni education. Not ethics in the sense of "thou shalt not" - which I agree is completely counterproductive when it comes to kids - but a more pragmatic, real-world ethics that basically has to do with how to handle various real-world situations. It seems like that's a huge part of what growing up is all about - learning how to think strategically under pressure, how to communicate effectively and persuasively (more than just "debate"), how to develop a basic understanding of psychology and people with mental illness. I mean just a basic intro to psychology would have been very helpful.


I dunno but I think there's a real gap in the educational system in this regard.

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that was fucked behavior on both sides


do you even have a dicc?

well, the bully DID get what was coming to him, i'm not disagreeing with that, but... i just can't condone such behavior, hand wrapped firmly around balls and all.


the fat kid easily could have pinned his ass against the wall, stared in his beady eyes, an intimidated the shit outta him, or something other than imitating his favorite wrestling move...


see coalbucketpl's posts in the OTHER thread about this...he shares my thoughts exactly...



lol way to stereotype fat kids by thinking they all watch wrestling and then imitate it when they are picked on

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it just seems very odd to me to not focus on this aspect of development in schools


why don't they teach a class in elementary school on having compassion for your fellow human being? trying to at least put in place a foundation for empathy and understanding at an early age. It seems like this is a very low priority and mostly left to parents



I've actually given this a lot of thought myself, I think it was the one big thing lacking in my pre-Uni education. Not ethics in the sense of "thou shalt not" - which I agree is completely counterproductive when it comes to kids - but a more pragmatic, real-world ethics that basically has to do with how to handle various real-world situations. It seems like that's a huge part of what growing up is all about - learning how to think strategically under pressure, how to communicate effectively and persuasively (more than just "debate"), how to develop a basic understanding of psychology and people with mental illness. I mean just a basic intro to psychology would have been very helpful.


I dunno but I think there's a real gap in the educational system in this regard.


Yeah, as far as early education goes, this is probably the most important thing that could be taught yet it seems to be a subject that's almost completely neglected (at least where I went to school, and I'm assuming it's like that most places). Most kids seem to either have a negligible understanding of how their behavior effects others, or they are just deliberately cruel. I like to hope it's mostly due to the lack of understanding that kids act like little bastards, and that situations like these can be averted with the right education. I don't think most people would actively seek to make someone else's life a living hell, though considering the number of personal anecdotes I've heard and experienced to the contrary, I'm sometimes not so sure. It is a very troubling aspect of human nature.

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a lot of what everyones said here is a decent addition to discussion. however, I still stand by the fact that I really think this is an age old problem with an answer that either doesn't exist, or we haven't even come close to finding a real workable solution.

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it just seems very odd to me to not focus on this aspect of development in schools


why don't they teach a class in elementary school on having compassion for your fellow human being? trying to at least put in place a foundation for empathy and understanding at an early age. It seems like this is a very low priority and mostly left to parents



I've actually given this a lot of thought myself, I think it was the one big thing lacking in my pre-Uni education. Not ethics in the sense of "thou shalt not" - which I agree is completely counterproductive when it comes to kids - but a more pragmatic, real-world ethics that basically has to do with how to handle various real-world situations. It seems like that's a huge part of what growing up is all about - learning how to think strategically under pressure, how to communicate effectively and persuasively (more than just "debate"), how to develop a basic understanding of psychology and people with mental illness. I mean just a basic intro to psychology would have been very helpful.


I dunno but I think there's a real gap in the educational system in this regard.


Yeah, as far as early education goes, this is probably the most important thing that could be taught yet it seems to be a subject that's almost completely neglected (at least where I went to school, and I'm assuming it's like that most places). Most kids seem to either have a negligible understanding of how their behavior effects others, or they are just deliberately cruel. I like to hope it's mostly due to the lack of understanding that kids act like little bastards, and that situations like these can be averted with the right education. I don't think most people would actively seek to make someone else's life a living hell, though considering the number of personal anecdotes I've heard and experienced to the contrary, I'm sometimes not so sure. It is a very troubling aspect of human nature.


just to be clear, I didn't mean that in the sense that it would in any way prevent kids from being cruel to each other. As everyone else has said, kids are human and humans are capable of mob behavior, sadism, etc. I'm more talking in terms of a practical sort of ethics or just "life wisdom" that would give kids more life-coping skills and strategies.


The closest my school got to presenting material that was relevant to kids' day-to-day lives was sex ed class.

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Classic short little fucker picking on the big guy.




Happened to me throughout elementary, I wasn't fat, but I was taller than everyone. I just talked to my Dad about this, and he said he's had to deal with short douchebags his whole life.


I applaud the big kid, for showing that you shouldn't fuck with someone who is bigger than you. They won't be that gentle giant forever if you push them too far.


short kid syndrome.

Insecure short kid with an ego problem syndrome, Yes.

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from Kindergarten to about 8th grade, i've had my share of being bullied. I was a small dude back then and didn't react much to being bullied. I've had one dude that bullied me constantly from K to 2nd grade, His name was Ferdinand (i'm not saying his last name incase he's searchable) and he had lots of friends and girls hung out with him all the time. He would always single me out whenever I walked by by mostly shoving me, name calling, and wrestling me down and punching me. I would tell my dad about this and his only response was to be a man and beat the shit out of him (his approach was pretty old school and he was pretty much a raging alcoholic). days, weeks, months, and a couple years went by and it was practically the same thing everyday.


then one day, I snapped. what broke the camels back for me was when I was in the restroom taking a piss and I hear kids laughing and I feel a warm stream hit my back. I turn around and Ferdinand was taking a piss on my back. Other kids laughed and Ferdinand zipped up his pants and walked out... I stayed in the rest room crying and it felt like I was in there forever. Then the crying turned into rage. I burst out of the rest room and went around the playground looking for him. I found him hanging out with his friends and a bunch of girls and I started running towards him. I He saw me coming but it seemed he wasn't prepared for what I was about to do since he was smiling. I was a few feet from him and I guess he was thinking "oh shit he's still coming at me" and I basically jumped and kicked him in the chest knocking him down. He ended up on his belly and I stradled his back and just started punching the back of his head and manually turning his head and wail on his nose. I didn't remember anything else that day since my focus was on him. I do remember probably being punched by another kid, but i was practically unphased by it and just kept going. i was then taken by one of the adults on the playground to the principals office. It turned out that I broke the kids nose. needless to say, I never saw him again since I was expelled from that school and sent to a catholic school.


At that young age is when I found out I was able to inflict damage and I knew it was wrong. an older cousin of mine after that taught me some self defense moves so I won't have to break someones face unless necessary. Basically he taught me how to restrain myself if I'm ever in that situation again which did happen a couple of times more but I was more street wise by then and most of the times the situations defused when they realized I wasn't messin' around.


So basically, I've probably had about 4 different bullies all my life. One I broke his nose, never saw him again. and the rest didn't last long since I defended myself. Nothing ever escalated with those guys. What I learned from these experiences was control and restraint since the first bully.

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Guest Ranky Redlof

getting picked on has more to do with being a weirdo then being tall or short

assburgers seem to be very vulnerable

it kinda comes from both sides also

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how is it mutli-leveled ? Online bullying? Im old, so i dont know...I wish i beat my bullies up in school. It does bother you forever


I agree, there a lot of people who never got what they deserved, and this is a single instant where it actually happens, hence why we all rally around it. That doesn't mean everything is ok. I can remember bullies now, and I wasn't even the victim very many times, it was usually friends and peers of mine. Kids can be cruel, and often feel guilt for not stepping in more often (in verbal harassment, I rarely saw fights that weren't simply two morons fighting over a chick or some bullshit). Some bullies are insecure or possibly neglected kids, some are just straight up assholes who will always be that way (and likely run into legal trouble later). Then there's really motives like racism, straight up psychopathic issues, extreme peer pressure in different forms (i.e. gangs), online bullying, the gossipy harassment and bullshit that girls tend to engage in...


...remember a few years ago a girl committed suicide because her classmate, posing as a boy online, started a romantic relationship then trashed her verbally online. The classmate's mother helped her. That's way beyond what most of us grow up experiencing or witnessing in regards to "bullies." Or that girl from Ireland who was harassed on multiple occasions before committing suicide. And this too. Odds are that most of us won't have to deal with the worst, but it can happen to anyone, It's definitely one of my top concerns when I do think of becoming a parent. :sad:

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getting picked on has more to do with being a weirdo then being tall or short

assburgers seem to be very vulnerable

it kinda comes from both sides also

Eh, aspergers alone won't get you picked on. It needs to be paired with something else. Fat aspergers kid. Tall aspergers kid. Aspergers kid with super high voice. Those kids are fucked.

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my only response to that and what someone else mentioned in the thread is that those teachings were done in a religious context. i personally feel they would work better in a non religious setting, but who knows


I feel bad for plugging the "golden rule" earlier and not really saying anything else. It was kind of cop out, but the reason it came to mind it because it's a pretty basic concept for young children, it's not dependent on a religious morality basis (but religious nuts can and will get behind it if they want). I remember agreeing with my friend that it was a great basic concept that all classrooms could apply, and we are very different thinking people (he's all about black and white explanation and I'm all about exploring the gray area), so there you go.

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it just seems very odd to me to not focus on this aspect of development in schools


why don't they teach a class in elementary school on having compassion for your fellow human being? trying to at least put in place a foundation for empathy and understanding at an early age. It seems like this is a very low priority and mostly left to parents



I've actually given this a lot of thought myself, I think it was the one big thing lacking in my pre-Uni education. Not ethics in the sense of "thou shalt not" - which I agree is completely counterproductive when it comes to kids - but a more pragmatic, real-world ethics that basically has to do with how to handle various real-world situations. It seems like that's a huge part of what growing up is all about - learning how to think strategically under pressure, how to communicate effectively and persuasively (more than just "debate"), how to develop a basic understanding of psychology and people with mental illness. I mean just a basic intro to psychology would have been very helpful.


I dunno but I think there's a real gap in the educational system in this regard.


Yeah, as far as early education goes, this is probably the most important thing that could be taught yet it seems to be a subject that's almost completely neglected (at least where I went to school, and I'm assuming it's like that most places). Most kids seem to either have a negligible understanding of how their behavior effects others, or they are just deliberately cruel. I like to hope it's mostly due to the lack of understanding that kids act like little bastards, and that situations like these can be averted with the right education. I don't think most people would actively seek to make someone else's life a living hell, though considering the number of personal anecdotes I've heard and experienced to the contrary, I'm sometimes not so sure. It is a very troubling aspect of human nature.


just to be clear, I didn't mean that in the sense that it would in any way prevent kids from being cruel to each other. As everyone else has said, kids are human and humans are capable of mob behavior, sadism, etc. I'm more talking in terms of a practical sort of ethics or just "life wisdom" that would give kids more life-coping skills and strategies.


The closest my school got to presenting material that was relevant to kids' day-to-day lives was sex ed class.


I suppose my acknowledgment was more directed at Awepittance's point about teaching the foundations of empathy, which your idea about teaching pragmatic ethics would tie into. It wouldn't necessarily curb the impulse within kids to be cruel, but it could at least start kids thinking more about the effects of their actions on others, etc. Most of the time with kids it's a case of "hey, everyone else is picking on ___ so I better do the same so as to not be left out", but if topics like bullying are brought up as a serious point of discussion at an early age it may encourage more kids to at least start thinking critically about the shitty actions of their peers rather than blindly following them in kind. I mean, instilling critical thought in kids isn't exactly the easiest task in the world, but with enough focus on it I think a difference could be make in how people interact with one another from childhood into adolescence. Maybe that's a bit on the idealistic side, but it seems like a good place to start.

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then one day, I snapped. what broke the camels back for me was when I was in the restroom taking a piss and I hear kids laughing and I feel a warm stream hit my back. I turn around and Ferdinand was taking a piss on my back. Other kids laughed and Ferdinand zipped up his pants and walked out... I stayed in the rest room crying and it felt like I was in there forever. Then the crying turned into rage. I burst out of the rest room and went around the playground looking for him. I found him hanging out with his friends and a bunch of girls and I started running towards him. I He saw me coming but it seemed he wasn't prepared for what I was about to do since he was smiling. I was a few feet from him and I guess he was thinking "oh shit he's still coming at me" and I basically jumped and kicked him in the chest knocking him down. He ended up on his belly and I stradled his back and just started punching the back of his head and manually turning his head and wail on his nose. I didn't remember anything else that day since my focus was on him. I do remember probably being punched by another kid, but i was practically unphased by it and just kept going. i was then taken by one of the adults on the playground to the principals office. It turned out that I broke the kids nose. needless to say, I never saw him again since I was expelled from that school and sent to a catholic school.


i can totally say i feel for you. you're bringing back memories of the genuinely creepy shit that happens in school. i remember snapping once too on a creepy dude except i did not get expelled. ah memories.

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