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a weird idea I had about archiving


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great ideas, this really got me thinking! i love that ted talk, the way he focuses on archiving of language. the word maps are incredible, they give you a powerful sense of transcending time.

Transcending time is definitely a major vibe I get when you can get a glimpse into the mind-numbingly huge effect that seeing 'real-time humanity' chatter about. It brings this feeling to me that I can only describe as 'future-nostalgia'-that is, the really visceral and alienating emotion of being entwined in a never-ending present.


Durr...let me rephrase.


If anyone here has been on 4chan, you know that there is always activity, always this flux of anonymous interaction between conscious beings (and a slew of bots). It is like an online Las Vegas casino, there is no night or day, and this crazy superhuman effect emerges, that I would call realtime. People have felt it before the internet...(on insomniac drug binges, at war, etc.) but the natural cycles of human life (sleep-wake-age) asserted themselves in time. Within these huge networked constructs, where the individual is just one piece of a larger being, fundamental aspects of human existence are warped and stretched into bizarre proportions (4chan never sleeps but it's always lookin' to discuss computers, drugs, and porn).


Realtime existence is kind of like a disembodied river of the collective (internet connected) human psyche...and yet the effect of its largeness is strangely unhuman, because of its lack of a physical body. The inhuman qualities come from its conditionally linear format, which contrasts to the rhythmic and cyclical nature of daily life (for me at least). This is not to say that the human loops aren't a part of the internet, and as shown in the TED talk earlier, those natural human feedback loops (in huage scales) actually make up all of the interaction on the internet. Yet, the fact remains that to the computer, everything is being logged as points on the axis of time.


This is where my feeling of future-nostalgia comes in. Now, I obviously don't know what the future will be like, no one does...and in the most pragmatic sense, what happens will happen. But, seeing as the complexity of things still seems to be increasing, I get this sense that if the 'realtime' hivemind already exists now, there is no turning back. Because of this shocking, numbing PRESENTNESS that can be extrapolated from the mass of communication, I have this sense that the nature of time that an unaugmented (by tech) human of our capitalistic society (in which exists the paradox of 'progress' dissonantly being held in the same hand with 'things remaining the same', or in other words, 'the human condition')...is not really set up to handle realtime existence.


I have more to say but I have to collect my thoughts for a moment.

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it has become clear to us now that it is inappropriate to continue speaking on such deep metaphysical themes here at the watmm. to the relief of many of you

this account will cease its spouting and instead concentrate solely on music and general conversation.



formation of a word has occurred - I am thankfuckul you have reached that decision.

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Guest Z_B_Z

it has become clear to us now that it is inappropriate to continue speaking on such deep metaphysical themes here at the watmm. to the relief of many of you

this account will cease its spouting and instead concentrate solely on music and general conversation.


lol i dont believe you.

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I just thought of something: my daily life (and probably yours) is shaped by non-linear time management. We have the ability to reverse amounts of our own 'present tense entropy', in that we can return to states that are less complex. The weekday vs. weekend is a great example of this. On the weekend we can return to a state less complex to relieve the burden the linear format of weekdays have on our consciousness. This is at a sharp contrast to our internet, run by computers on digital clocks, never counting backwards to relieve itself of complexity...and this is where our mind is increasingly going.

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Guest hahathhat

what if it is not possible to truly duplicate everything on the quantum level -- the process of copying destroys the original?


what if you could digitize something, at the process of destroying the item you're digitizing?


would you perform this process on yourself?


this is much better than a troon thread.

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Guest Babar

what if it is not possible to truly duplicate everything on the quantum level -- the process of copying destroys the original?


what if you could digitize something, at the process of destroying the item you're digitizing?


would you perform this process on yourself?


this is much better than a troon thread.


cp + rm = mv

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thx for the <3's


a few months back i mentioned here at watmm the dangers of freezing dimensional reality in present day photograph and film but no one paid me much attention.

do you think that a photograph has no deeper attachment to its image origin?

care to expand on this a bit more? this logic would apply to audio recordings too, no?


troon I think I remember you posting something about how the resolution of the cameras people commonly use these days removes the sentimentality of memory, I guess I associated it in my mind w/ some kind of 'uncanny valley' of perceived memory/reality vs. actual dimensional reality....(hauntology)?


I think that I see the resolution of present day archives as an essentially nonhuman process that, in the past has seemed beneficial for a while due to its function as a preservation of knowledge and culture...but now is becoming more of an automatic thing (its hard for me to think of what to call it)—it's (it being the capturing of reality thru video and the internet) digging its way into our brains, our thought processes, replacing what was subjective experience w/ this big hivemind-ish objective thing!



You might want to glance at this. I can't find the podcast/video of it (ironically I suppose) but it was really interesting SXSW panel I luckily was assigned to run (I worked as a volunteer) that hit on trends emerging from the existence of youtube and digital archiving in general, including "micro-genres" of content and subcultures, homemade flamethrower hobbyists were their example. They discussed server space and ownership of such (few more details in this link), the idea that memories and "lost knowledge" would no longer occur, and what they entailed etc. It more of the level of memes and social/cultural changes more than really insane time and dimensional implications discussed in this thread, but it was quite interesting nonetheless.

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thx for the <3's


a few months back i mentioned here at watmm the dangers of freezing dimensional reality in present day photograph and film but no one paid me much attention.

do you think that a photograph has no deeper attachment to its image origin?

care to expand on this a bit more? this logic would apply to audio recordings too, no?


troon I think I remember you posting something about how the resolution of the cameras people commonly use these days removes the sentimentality of memory, I guess I associated it in my mind w/ some kind of 'uncanny valley' of perceived memory/reality vs. actual dimensional reality....(hauntology)?


I think that I see the resolution of present day archives as an essentially nonhuman process that, in the past has seemed beneficial for a while due to its function as a preservation of knowledge and culture...but now is becoming more of an automatic thing (its hard for me to think of what to call it)—it's (it being the capturing of reality thru video and the internet) digging its way into our brains, our thought processes, replacing what was subjective experience w/ this big hivemind-ish objective thing!



You might want to glance at this. I can't find the podcast/video of it (ironically I suppose) but it was really interesting SXSW panel I luckily was assigned to run (I worked as a volunteer) that hit on trends emerging from the existence of youtube and digital archiving in general, including "micro-genres" of content and subcultures, homemade flamethrower hobbyists were their example. They discussed server space and ownership of such (few more details in this link), the idea that memories and "lost knowledge" would no longer occur, and what they entailed etc. It more of the level of memes and social/cultural changes more than really insane time and dimensional implications discussed in this thread, but it was quite interesting nonetheless.


that is interesting. It is similar to the idea that really spurred the creation of this thread...which was a thought process like this:

-hmmm...what have been some important recent events that I would remember abou 2011.

-oh yeah, the various revolutions in the middle east

-when I'm older I could essentially go back and look at everyone's facebook pages and see how the world was reacting

-wait a sec, that is fucking crazy

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  • 8 years later...

You should follow suit. You don't have the substance to be posting as much as you do. And you need to leave Maryland. By your own admission your existence is grim, shovelling horseshit 10 hours a day. Find a country to travel to and leave forever, India was a good suggestion. But you won't go because you're a dreamer with zero funds available. 

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The closest you will get to anyone doing this right now is probably intelligence agencies or trading firms.  It's really gross.  Trading firms for instance use satellite imagery to track car densities in the parking lots of retailers, and other spying methods, to model the entire world economy to guide their algorithms and trading strategies.

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Understanding vehicle densities in retail parking lots, truly ominous. Sounds terrible, those capitalist firms doing what's efficient for the overall benefit of society. Liberal economics should halt immediately. 

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