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the Artist engages in an argument about the quality of their own music


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sneaks hates me :(



is the general feel of this thread

lol, not true. I don't hate anyone, and I only strongly dislike one person really. If I didn't like most everyone here believe me I wouldn't still be around. Wayyyyy too many cool motherfuckers here.

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let's not turn it into a guessing game, there are sometimes good reasons for not calling someone a son of a bitch on a message board even if someone really feels that way.


Lude Jaw is good

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Is there anything worse than an opinionated artist? Good artists don't defend their music.


this is why i made this thread, is because the opinions on this seem very polarized. On one hand people who are musicians and have gotten trolled themselves understand why it makes sense to jump into a discussion thread, but on another hand it implies heavily that the trolling has 'gotten to' you and that you don't feel confident enough to ignore it. It's a balancing act, but i think at a certain point you just have to let go and not give a shit what people say about you on the net.

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Cale Dooper


Also, electronic musicians aren't supposed to have emotions. When they hear other people mocking their music, they should smirk and scoff at their lack of logical reasoning as to why the music sounds the way it does.

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Guest sirch

as long as there's nothing vindictive or whatever, i think it's just fine.


i agree, but what i find over time there seems to be less differentiating between vindictive/spiteful criticisms and just criticisms. If someone is feeling thin skinned enough on that particular day the word 'Hater' is bound to be thrown out

exactly, and what i would suggest to any artists that make music is that if you're feeling particularly vulnerable, it's probably best to stay away from the internet until you can take it in your stride.


perfect example - the Com Truise comments. who really gives a fuck whether it's hardware or software? or indeed whether it's analogue or digital? the comments made there only really showed that one rather pertinent person obviously does care (maybe i'm reading it wrong).


lol, you lot are insane in the membranes!

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Guest AcrossCanyons

com truise also posted on his last.fm page earlier after somebody said something about him using presets.


i don't know why this stuff bothers you guys. if somebody came into your thread in ylc or you noticed a post in another thread elsewhere bashing you, you would probably defend your shit too, right? if they happen to notice your post on their vast internet travels why wouldn't they be allowed to set you straight?

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Guest AcrossCanyons

I understand that but when you've put so much into something it's natural to feel defensive about it.

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Guest AcrossCanyons

I also get that. I just don't think there's any problem with an artist defending his work. At least not enough to get agitated over it. :shrug:

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but can you actually defend the fact that someone doesn't like what you do or your methods and tools? it's like trying to justify your compulsion to make music/anything. pointless.

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Guest AcrossCanyons

Oh no obviously not, but these points weren't about people just not liking their work. If people don't like your work then sure, suck it up, but if people are attacking your shit without reason then that's different.

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