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hating people


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have you put me on ignore again or have you wised up?


nah i just can't be bothered atm dude.

and i took you off ignore and won't put you back on again, don't worry ;)


if so, bravo young sirch, we'll make a watmmer of you yet.


Doubtfull. there's not enough hours in my day to become a proper, fully fledged watmmer!

maybe 5-10 years ago...


I respect your pacifism :)

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Guest sirch

I respect your


I respect your pacifism :)


BCM you're fucking dead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *rolls up sleeves* lol


(not really) :sup:

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so yeah, i'd wager that i wind you up rather a lot. in fact i can sense your anger right now, it's building, getting harder to control....any minute now you're going to post something truly dickworthy and it will be hilarious.


lol i really think it's the other way around mate! anyway i'm not really up for an arguement about it.




*sits down at table*


You are both clearly winding each other up an equal amount.


*leaves table*

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the worst person i've ever met is a guy named jason anthony. he was my age and we attended the same university—along with that, he ended up being my roommate in a five-person townhouse in philly during sophmore year.


i'd heard bad stories about him from my friend, leland, who was his roommate in dorms during freshman year, but i had no idea just how true, and honestly, how much worse than the stories he was.


- he never cleaned his dishes. just left them on the stove, in the sink, growing mold.

- he never cleaned his room, the top floor, or any common areas he'd use.

- he listened to godawful music very loudly and religiously watched mtv.

- he's just the scrawny, black version of your average american tool: might as well be snorting weight gain powder, shittalking other guys for no reason, stealing jokes from tv shows and movies.

- he loved a bathing ape and billionaire boys club like it's black gucci or something. he also got a bathing ape logo tattooed on his back. not sure if he ever actually owned real clothing by the company.

- as a fine arts major, he blatantly ripped off a wale mixtape title/theme ("a mixtape about nothing", a seinfeld reference), for his own senior art show, called an art show about nothing. it contained weak realistic pencil sketches of seinfeld characters with racist undertones rooted in michael richards' rant.

- he was a total prick to a gay guy who was staying at the house for a short period of time—oddly enough, that gay roommate told me at one point he got "the look" from jason, which totally reinforced this weird feeling in me that he's closeted/downlow.

- he had a girlfriend, (admittedly very cute, but i could only assume equally awful) who adopted two small kittens. she left them at jason's house, and either because she lived in a different area or because they broke up, stopped coming over, making the kittens his responsibility. he neglected them to death, literally. dirty as FUCK litter, really overwhelming conjunctivitis, malnourished and generally in really poor health. one of the kittens died, which he told me one day in a faux-emotional way, and once that happened i took the other kitten to my parents' place in delaware. they took the kitten to the vet and got medicine, but even after all of that (and a lot of serious care) the other kitten passed away too. jason never said anything about my taking the other kitten—like he didn't even notice.


at the time, i realized: "this is quite seriously the worst, most inhumane, self-centered, moronically cocky person i've ever met. really. the worst person i have ever met. i fucking hate him. i would love for him to get his trachea crushed and his fucking spine broken, vertebrae by vertebrae." but aside from typing that now, i haven't even thought about him since junior year. i just don't have any hatred for him, or anybody else. in his case, he's just an uneducated idiot who has no place in adult society.


so in conclusion, there is no real reason to hate somebody—it take effort for you to exert such anger, and it's not at all worth it towards somebody so ignorant and despicable. maybe it's not their fault that they are so awful. but regardless, even if it is, your hating them won't do anything to help. but yeah, fuck that dude jason.

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oh yeah, and for what it's worth, here's an example of his dumb, totally fucking uncreative, thoughtless rip-off:


walé's mixtape cover




one of his paintings, which he actually sold.


jason's show postcard/flyer design

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there was one person i really hated for a few years.. after i moved i never saw him again, but one night i had a dream that i stabbed him in the face with a broken plate until he died. i mean this was a brutal, graphic, vivid dream. and i woke up feeling purged, beaming with happiness! since then i haven't given him much thought at all.

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that cat story is awful.



freaks me out to because im watching someones cat for another week....he hides in one room...all fucking day....i open the door to let him out during the night but he never does, just hides in a protected corner and hisses at me when i try to get near him...im worried that he might be sick...i looked for signs of vomit or weird poopie in the litter box, but nothing so far....hes been eating and drinking too....




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that cat story is awful.



freaks me out to because im watching someones cat for another week....he hides in one room...all fucking day....i open the door to let him out during the night but he never does, just hides in a protected corner and hisses at me when i try to get near him...im worried that he might be sick...i looked for signs of vomit or weird poopie in the litter box, but nothing so far....hes been eating and drinking too....




well keep the door open when you can, but even then, if cats are freaked out by new surroundings, you can only do so much to get them out of whatever room they're holed up in. honestly, the cat you're taking care of is probably fine. especially if the cat is drinking and eating normally, you shouldn't have anything to worry about—they're just pussies.


oh man that pun :facepalm:

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Interesting question.


I definately have the capacity to hate people. Sometimes I can be a tidal wave of hatred especialy towards politicians and their lies that send young men to die in wars. Or people who torture animals for example.


All in all, in my life I have harboured great misgivings against individuals, but it's only a vitriolic dislike.


It helps that I come from a non-religious, non-political childhood. That always a good thing in my books.

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I hate loads of individuals I know and loads I don't. I hate most aspects of popular culture and many aspects of artistic culture. I hate the stereotypical rich Tory for his complete lack of compassion for fellow beings, I hate the stereotypical working class chav for his obnoxious anti-social behaviour and inability/ unwillingness to better himself, I hate the middle class liberal for his smug self satisfaction.

I've woken up in the night many times from plain unfocused anger, I think I could be getting an ulcer and I'm not particularly happy. Plus the people and things I hate continue regardless, completely unaware.


It's not nice being a hater.

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What about specific people you know personally?


All of you guys sound fairly level-headed, for the most part. Bravo :beer:


I wish I could remove myself from this person that drives me nuts but unfortunately it is someone I have to deal with semi-regularly. Their decisions also continue to have some direct impact on my life, sadly. I'm also pretty sure this person may actively shit-talk me for no good reason.

I guess, after thinking about it, I don't really hate them after all.

They are just a MASSIVE pain in the ass. To some extent, there is actually an amount of platonic love I have for this person. It's hard to explain.


Btw, that story about the kitten killer was pretty bad. I had a roommate like that for a year. It was one of the most miserable years of my life.

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Guest sirch

Btw, that story about the kitten killer was pretty bad. I had a roommate like that for a year. It was one of the most miserable years of my life.


i would've poisoned the bastard himself.


i know the type.


man i FUCKING hate (some) Humans.

people who abuse Animals should be locked up in the same way as people who abuse Humans.

apologies if they already are, i don't know how the legal system works..... and Animals can't exactly tell anybody that some cunt's tried to break their arms for fun.

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Guest sirch

^ i think that's quite naive, but understand what you're saying.


real hate, though... comes out of something that's been a big deal.

something that's effected you, 'one', in a big way. surely?


i don't think it's possible to really hate somebody you don't know personally,

and if you haven't witnessed the things with your own eyes that they've done.


otherwise it's just anger.

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I'm a hater for sure but I try to ignore as much as possible, it's hard though because in real life you can't just skip their posts, in real life these people are the ones who I can't avoid that easily or ideally, not even know of their existence.


Online I dislike some people but I don't care enough to actually hate anyone, I barely even remember the names or events that happened on the forums.

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I go back and forth between hating people with a ferocious, murderous intensity to identifying with, sometimes loving them. I'm weird like that. I'm at the mercy of my roller-coaster ride of thoughts, emotions and ideas.


I can't pin it on something simple, like hating people for things I see in myself. I don't really know myself that well and I'm a different person every few months. Real talk.



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Guest SecondaryCell



We dislike in others that which we know most deeply within ourselves. - Robert Fripp

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Guest abusivegeorge

I have a person I'm trying to figure out if I hate or not.

If I think really hard, I don't think I can say I actually hate anyone I know personally.

In my mind, hate is a very strong thing.


What do you guys think about this subject?

it sounds cliched, but i hated someone and realized i wouldn't be happy until i forgave that person. once i did i felt free. i've since realized to not take things personally. people tend to do shitty things to other people because of inadequacies in their own lives. the strongest feelings usually come from a place of insecurity and fear.


let go of the hate. hate leads to the dark side.




Simply said, but very true.


I'd add the one about identifying oneself through every other human person on the planet, which makes hate get a quite different meaning.


Love it, The things I hate most in others are always character traits in myself, traits that I hate most about myself. Although I hate them, and I hate them in others, I myself hold those very same behaviours, which I think, cancels out hating anyone as I don't hate myself. I really have attempted to kill people in the past though, I hated them at the time but since undergoing some psycholigical change I don't hate them anymore. I also believe it's possble to experience love and hate at the same time, I have been in a relationship were I loved the girl with all my heart, but at the same time resented her more than anybody else in my life.

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Guest abusivegeorge

so if someone rapes my gf I should get in touch with my inner rapist? hmmmm


Ah now you see, that's a whole other level, that's not something we come into contact with on a regular basis. Tat's wholey different, I'd probably kill him.

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