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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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my girlfriend's dog* smells bad and is really old and pants really loud constantly and makes me feel bad for just absolutely hating it. i mean fuck. it's a dog. it doesn't mean to be as awful as it is. but i fucking hate that dog anyways. fucker. just constantly panting and stinking up the room. jesus christ.


*actually her mom's dog and she's not too fond of him either

rude.. poor dog.

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There is an orchestra of dogs that barks every day, all day, into the courtyard of my apartment complex. I should probably just get some chocolate to throw on their balconies. This shit goes on at midnight, at 6am, at noon, all day. The little dogs are the worst, it sounds like ewoks having domestic disputes.

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Guest uptown devil

got yet another $50 street sweeping parking ticket this morning. It happens the fourth Thursday of every month and I've gotten hit with 3 out of the last 4. the street wasn't even dirty goddamnit.

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i just forget that month exists.. i always think "right, it's august.. almost september.. then it'll be november. fuck! it's almost christmas. wait.. no.. there's something before november. oh yeah, october. what the fuck is wrong with me?"


do that every year


this year i thought "hmm it's 2011.. no, it's 2012? 2012? fuck!".. do that once every year too

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Sometimes I transpose important dates in November to February and vice versa (eg, birthdays, not obvious holidays). I have no idea why, except they're kind of temporal antipodes if you think about a calendar linearly and not cyclically, but that's not really even the case, fuck.



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Also I definitely didn't signpost the joke in the Unruly Passenger thread @ post #3 enough, and thus it's a bad joke and I should feel bad and plus it references an awful movie and what the fuck was I thinking and I'm probably on everyone's ignore list now and I am so lonely

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Also I definitely didn't signpost the joke in the Unruly Passenger thread @ post #3 enough, and thus it's a bad joke and I should feel bad and plus it references an awful movie and what the fuck was I thinking and I'm probably on everyone's ignore list now and I am so lonely


it feels really good that i can't see this post bc baph is on my ignore list. really good.

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I supplied £1500 worth of parts to a garage a couple of months ago and their cheque bounced. I've been trying to sort it out since to no avail. Now they've gone into liquidation so no chance of monies. Today I find out that the accountant has told the business owner via email. He didn't know anything about this previously.


So, I'm expecting him to turn up today and shout as loud as he possibly can at me. He does it like he's talking to a child, there's no conversational elements about it at all. It's quite possibly that he'll either sack me or make me redundant. Either way I'll be lucky to have a job at the end of the day.

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The only health insurance I can get is through my school, and it's shit. Insurance companies refuse to cover me. If I break an arm or something I might even have to file for bankruptcy.


the fact that this is a first world problem shows how great America is doing

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Guest disparaissant

yeah im in the same boat. i've been to the ER twice in the last year and have a couple grand in bills from that and just no way to pay it. yay america!

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re: fwp health insurance: yup same here, i was born with a heart condition and now that i'm over 26 no insurance companies will touch me. still waiting to see how this mandatory health insurance shit works out.


gmanyo, at least your school offers insurance, mine doesnt even have a clinic, lol

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I reprogrammed my sat receiver, so all that private owned garbage channels are all on the end of the list. wait this isnt a problem, this WAS a problem muahaha


i think we do need first world successes and achievements thread

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I was supposed to go mountain biking with a friend today, but then he cancelled and moved it to tuesday and now I can't do it on tuesday and we rescheduled for tomorrow but it's supposed to rain tomorrow FUCK.

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Usually my morning piss comes out at an odd angle; it ends up all over the toilet seat in spite of my efforts to aim it. It is one of the most infuriating things I can think of!!!


wait til morning wood subsides?

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Usually my morning piss comes out at an odd angle; it ends up all over the toilet seat in spite of my efforts to aim it. It is one of the most infuriating things I can think of!!!


wait til morning wood subsides?


It is completely subsided at that point and it still happens!

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