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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

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I want to stop drinking. It's too fucking unhealthy and I hate hangovers that split my week into sections: FUN VS WORK


I want my whole 7 day week to be a healthy, constant, productive, and friendly one. I don't want it to be segmented off.


I'm tired of drinking on the weekend. I want to be healthy with it, but it seems like that's impossible for me.



I'm finishing this six pack right now, eating some pizza rolls, going to watch an Altman film, and then I'm taking a serious two week break from all shitty chemicals (cigarettes, alcohol, carbs) and I'm going to be sure not to have more than a SMALL dose of caffeine every day. I really want to start living right, and I want to sustain it. I hate feeling like every weekend is a failure, where I have to reboot on Monday. It's depressing.


I've made major progress!!!! YOGA

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do it mang. I fucking feel you.


sometimes school is just so intense I need to eat my feelings, like going and buying a giant tub of rice pudding even after a fetus-sized chipotle burrito and a large latte and a hangover still lingering.



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exactly. all this reading and keeping up the apartment causes the uncontrollable urge.


I thought I could get away with eating hardcore shit at night after class a few times last week.... beer, chipotle, indian food, and BBQ 2 nights... total disappointment. so I'm definitely vowing to "go hard" for a few weeks, no cheating, no bullshit, no whining. just healthy living...

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I'm finishing this six pack right now, eating some pizza rolls, going to watch an Altman film, and then I'm taking a serious two week break from all shitty chemicals (cigarettes, alcohol, carbs) and I'm going to be sure not to have more than a SMALL dose of caffeine every day. I really want to start living right, and I want to sustain it. I hate feeling like every weekend is a failure, where I have to reboot on Monday. It's depressing.

Damn, do I ever hear this. So tired of being a lethargic fatass. I'm almost 30 now, it's getting ridiculous.

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Was reading the new posts on this thread as usual before posting or not posting something myself, and actually started to feel bummed out by it for the first time ever... which is weird because the newly posted FWPs aren't even depressing.

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Now they opened a bottle of wine... That better be some cheap shit, cause if it's one of the two bottles a friend brought me from Rome, I swear to god...

Omg raaaaaaage


it's okay it wasn't one of those 2, my gf moved those out of the liqour cab because she knew I was saving them

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...started to feel bummed out by it for the first time ever...


I mean, I've felt bummed out before, but not merely from reading this thread. I feel pretty good at the moment. FWP: can't think of a new FWP other than not being able to think of a FWP ATM.

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Some dude threw a party on the roof directly above my apartment at 5 am. He rolled up a bunch of speakers and started playing really shit club music.


We confronted him and asked him to turn it off, and he got really douchy and up in my grill and was like "fuck you! You're the asshole!"


So I was like, dude fuck off, you think you're the only one who lives here? Show some respect for everyone else!


And he goes; "You think you're the only one who lives here? I get out of work at 2:30 am! I'm a DJ! I'm doing my job you fuck! You fucking fuck fuck you!" &c.


And I was like, seriously? You're a DJ? You're kind of terrible. Also I'm going to call the cops if you don't stfu.


And he got all angry and shaky and tried to be intimidating and acted like he was going to kick my ass (i was like twice his size and also I was not drunk) and he said "call the cops! I'll call the cops on you!"


And I was like, lol ok. We'll see how that works out. Meanwhile he's backing down the stairs and I had to keep staring at him until he retreated to the next landing.


The first world problem is in the third world I could have just tossed him off the roof and gone back to bed.

Edited by baph
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Man, so now I got like two hours less sleep than I needed and my gf had to deal with that and she needed to be all fresh for an important deposition at her own job.


I fucking hate people. Nobody goddamn thinks of anyone else. It's fucking monday morning for shit's sake. Fuck.


But anyway, today I learned that if you're a DJ in Los Angeles, it's part of your job to throw parties on rooftops of private apartment buildings at 5 am on Monday morning.

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presenting in front of the branch tomorrow. the last one was 2 years ago and bombed horribly. this one will be at least better than that, but how smoothly I can deliver without tripping up over my anxiety is uncertain.


Just picture everyone in their underwear, and if you're behind a podium you can ease tension discreetly by (indicating) without anyone noticing.


What are you presenting? You kin do it!

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Exactly man... That little bit of time on the weekends where I can just fuck off and do nothing is SO important to me... we have a small 1BR as well, so unless I hide away in the bedroom (which there isn't much to do in) I'm stuck around everyone. I'm probably gonna be grumpy as fuck tomorrow. Especially if they wake up to pack and leave before I have to wake up and get ready school (and they will), they're kinda loud in the mornings and I have enough trouble staying asleep as it is. Fuck, I'm gonna be miserable and tired as shit tomorrow and it's already starting.


bloody whiners, i have my sister coming for the first week of my holidays, and my mother for the second. They're nice people but yaknow, MY HOLIDAYS. Then again i'm such a nice person that i actually took this time off to coincide with their visits, as for the last few years when they've come down, i've usually been working the whole time.


Also, your g/f's owe you DTHJ's, and send that teenager over, i'm bored.


Now they opened a bottle of wine... That better be some cheap shit, cause if it's one of the two bottles a friend brought me from Rome, I swear to god...


Ok that sucks, sorry bro.


gas mask, smoke bomb,... door chain


and then turn your phone off



I have a key for the flat, maybe I should just steal his CD and replace it with some AFX,

the rephlex bbc radio mix would work for some time... but everything else gets changed after 1 week

* the FUCK!



Get him a cheap laptop to plug into his stereo. Also, tell him to turn it down. He's your brother ffS.


Now they opened a bottle of wine... That better be some cheap shit, cause if it's one of the two bottles a friend brought me from Rome, I swear to god...

Omg raaaaaaage


it's okay it wasn't one of those 2, my gf moved those out of the liqour cab because she knew I was saving them



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presenting in front of the branch tomorrow. the last one was 2 years ago and bombed horribly. this one will be at least better than that, but how smoothly I can deliver without tripping up over my anxiety is uncertain.


Just picture everyone in their underwear, and if you're behind a podium you can ease tension discreetly by (indicating) without anyone noticing.


What are you presenting? You kin do it!


I've never understood the cliché about picturing people in their underwear. How the fuck is thinking about a room full of ugly fuckwits sans the only thing that is keeping you from throwing up in their presence, going to help you focus on your public speaking mission.

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Some dude threw a party on the roof directly above my apartment at 5 am. He rolled up a bunch of speakers and started playing really shit club music.


We confronted him and asked him to turn it off, and he got really douchy and up in my grill and was like "fuck you! You're the asshole!"


So I was like, dude fuck off, you think you're the only one who lives here? Show some respect for everyone else!


And he goes; "You think you're the only one who lives here? I get out of work at 2:30 am! I'm a DJ! I'm doing my job you fuck! You fucking fuck fuck you!" &c.


And I was like, seriously? You're a DJ? You're kind of terrible. Also I'm going to call the cops if you don't stfu.


And he got all angry and shaky and tried to be intimidating and acted like he was going to kick my ass (i was like twice his size and also I was not drunk) and he said "call the cops! I'll call the cops on you!"


And I was like, lol ok. We'll see how that works out. Meanwhile he's backing down the stairs and I had to keep staring at him until he retreated to the next landing.


The first world problem is in the third world I could have just tossed him off the roof and gone back to bed.

Man, so now I got like two hours less sleep than I needed and my gf had to deal with that and she needed to be all fresh for an important deposition at her own job.


I fucking hate people. Nobody goddamn thinks of anyone else. It's fucking monday morning for shit's sake. Fuck.


But anyway, today I learned that if you're a DJ in Los Angeles, it's part of your job to throw parties on rooftops of private apartment buildings at 5 am on Monday morning.


man, what an asshole... sounds like you sorted him out though, nice one.


edit: reads like the cunt doesn't even live there/in your building? jesus..

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Since Bangface I've had trouble sleeping, resting and concentrating. It first started in the car on the way back. Everytime I was falling asleep I would suddenly jolt and wake up. Sort of like what you occasionally get when half asleep and you jolt and wake up. This is all well and good if it would have happened once or twice. It happened about 8 times while in the car, the last two making me swing my arms about. Then that night it was the same sort of thing but only happened a few times, eventually I slept.


The next night I was watching tv and it was like a slow burning in the brain which eventually got stronger until it made me literally make a random noise. Mostly 'aaahh', 'ooo' or something.


Today at work I was sitting down at lunch with my feet up. This damn brain feeling started happening again. Now it feels like my head is stuffed up with something. The closest thing I can compare it to is a head cold with a fuzzy difference.


I'm actually not looking forward to tonight that much. I'm gonna try and get an early night and see how it goes, I'll skip the morning gym again I think.


Has anyone experienced anything similar before?


I presume it's related to things I have done at Bangface, nothing being out of the ordinary for me.

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